MY GOD is good ooooooh!!!

SWAG INIKPI: I Got the Job ohh Swagalicious you and this your God ehhh.The interview I went for yesterday, I got the Job oooooo. This is barely a month that A irtel, my former place of work sh u t down operations in Lagos. I told you about the interview and you said ''go and return with that job on the spot'' and I did. Before you told me that I will not look for a job, that the job will just come, I believed God. Choiiiii, God is too much ooooo. Thank you Swag P, you are truly chosen. I am still expecting my second testimony(winks).....He promised m e double portion, so I am expecting it. This my next level is too much ooooo. This God of speed, I cannot thank you enough. Next levels all zaaaaa wayyyy. This midnight praise fire is still going on, I cannot thank God enough, God bless you more. I glorify God . THE BLIND CAN SEE: A TESTIMONY ON BEHALF OF MY FRIEND: Swag P, I sent you a chat about a girl that had cancer of the bone marrow out of ...