My name is swag simisola. I finished my exams in December 2014, and the period before convocation / nysc, I even started attending classes for a professional course, when it was time to go for service my name wasn't on the graduating list, they said I was owing 2 courses, I told swag p about it then, she asked me to do some night prayers then but unfortunately I slept off, I told her about it and she told me I wasn't serious, that's how this thing went on and on, my family members were always so bothered about it, infact my mother refused to travel because school didn't graduate me, I missed 2 batches. Infact, the issues have been affecting the job I currently have because I always have to keep taking excuse to go to school and check on what is happening so much that people in my office even started to look at me as one unserious person and as if that wasn't bad enough, my course adviser already told my parents that I was going to miss this one too. The other lect...