Hello sister! Well, it is an amazing story (God really surprised me with this one, and I am not easily surprised! smile emoticon This would be better in email format but lets try it. To be honest, in order to understand my marriage testimony, you would have to understand my past/history ... if that is something you would like to hear by all means, let me know smile emoticon . I was single pretty much for about 5 years - long hard desert filled years. Alot of pruning. Alot of tears. Alot of fear and doubt that didn't seem like it would end. Was I doing something wrong? Was I cursed? Any ways, lets fast forward a bit. I got saved in a church in Chicago and at one point God had told me he would take me out of that church. I did not expect what he planned next. I spent a good amount of those 5 years travelling to many places in the US. My favourite among those places was and remains Florida. I began to desire moving there. Soon after, the Lord led me to a Pastor t...