Swag p I am back with a loud bangggggggggg. Indeed my God is BIG and he does BIG things. I don't even know where to start because I am too excited right now. God has embarrassed me from all corners and I am astounded. From the mystery basket I picked Habbakuk 1:5 which says 'Look among the nations and watch - be utterly astounded!, for I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you'. Indeed it has come to pass. My fellow sisters I resigned from my last job in September just months to my wedding due to undue stress,.everyone thought I was mad. At some point I began to doubt my mental health. Oct,Nov, Dec passed not even a mistaken interview invite. I continued this new year. Finally I got a lead for a Federal government job and was asked to apply for a position using a link which I did. During the lagos tour I came out and testified,.2weeks later I got an email that I was to be recommended for a different role later in the year. I was ...