SWAG UNWADA: hmmmm Swag p this is indeed to beautiful to share well that's my name up there Unwada a. bonified Swag became a Swag this year 2013 when Swag p had a dream about me,we had never spoken or come close she didn't even know my name but in the dream my name was said,so she began to ask and look for me because she had seen me in some office and began to ask if am unwada then when it was confirmed yes,her pin was given to me and she told me the Dream omg it was exactly what was happening around me choiiii i knew God has sent her to me so i glued myself there o,came to that ground with a growth looking thing on my neck were doctors were telling their enemies it could be cancer after the test i ran to the ground oh how i cried that day and Swag p gathered the whole Swag sisters round me that day on the ground to pray for me,then she blessed a bottle of water gave me to drink decreed and declared that we will disgrace the doctors report and yeppi we did went back for test nothing was found cant even find the growth...this made me more than glued to that ground,Thursday and Sunday are days i always look forward as we come together to pray.Apart from my concern i had a major issue about my Cousin who has been married for nine years like 9 good years hmmm imagine how wicked the devil can be but i stood oh that on this ground she must testify.One great Sunday swag p said she wanted to pray for women looking for a Child i came out oh and she asked unwada you de look for pikin and i said no am standing for someone then she got water added salt to it standing on this scripture 2kings2:20-21 that was our Salt Mystery day so i drank for my Cousin and she said it was done that this year 2013 no swag sista or relations will be barren i kept believing and we kept hoping,i knew if He did it on that ground for swag Adah after 4years shes carrying twins now,swag ojochenemi after 2years then my Cousin own is a done deal,i kept standing for her Swag p you said before Second quarter i believed oh,but as time went on i saw flourishing in my business even until last Sunday debts were being paid to me as i was on the ground from people far and near,last week swag p you said Divine favour for 2 swags i claimed it oh on my way to lagos to Abuja on my way i saw Favour to the hotel room i didn't spend my penny it was too shocking because knowing i was amongg the two God said will find divine favour before the week runs out God has been so great. Well back to my main purpose of this testimony did i tell you have been standing on that ground for my Cousin cheiii even still June 30th last day on the ground Swag p you said no one should give up that God comes at the End while we worship i knew it was done right left and center i was waiting,Swagzzzzz oooo were are you all i got a call from my Cousin that SHES PREGNANT after 9 years of delay,shame and torment the enemy was showing to himself shes pregnant as i speak na abroad things hahhahahaha,were do i start this testimony from or were to i dance from..God came yes GOD CAME,the mystery of the Salt i had so much faith haaaaa this is too much for me,should i dance for you Jesus or do i sing,do i roll how do i express this joy haaaaaaa God 9yrs God you broke it ,Yes just You did it on that Ground...Swag p your prayers didn't go void,you knew God will come even on the last date of the month,you said we will hear good news yes i did hear the bested news in the whole wide word what more can i say......the God of Swag your word did not fail,You told your vessel 2013,before second quarter Ends we will sing, for no woman will be barren on the ground or near us YES YES YES YEPPI mine has been answered,being a SWAG(saved with amazing grace) has put dancing shoes on my feet.Swag p God bless you soooooo much and all you desire He will give to you and Finally i say God how after 9yrs of my cousin being barren You showed up even when it was i who drank the Salt Water it wasn't a barrier it travelled to her own womb oh BaBa there nothing impossible with You all we need is Faith.Thank you so much God all Glory belongs to You haaaa 9yrs barennss broken still shocking me thats why i keep repeating it hahahahaa,i will for Ever say YOU ARE A GREAT GOD. Swag ps new pin 25b00b63


  1. Hallelujah...... OMG Thnk u God.....dis is exactly my heart cry....i tap from it.... Amen! Amen!! Amen!!! Thnk u God for dis miracle. Swag.P God bless u...

  2. melody it is settled for you am blogging you nextttttttttttttttttttttttt in Jesus Name Amen

  3. O'Lord i am next online ooooo am also a waiting swag ooooo God's miracle is no respecter of location i receive mine by fireeeee Amen! God bless u more swagp. Inikpi Achoba.

    1. Swag inikpi if i dont blog your testimony this 2013 ...........which i will and this case is SETTLED in Jesus Name......

  4. Too many testimonies,amazing works of God. I am glad to know this forum of swags. Swag P,I will see u soon. Glory to God and may d annointing in u never run dry.


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