SWAG SEKINAH: i met swag P through my niece Swag Cynthia in Benin,so one night i called  Swag p to help me pray for my hubbys political appointment which he has been expecting she didn't say anything she just said oya start dancing that I should dance very well which I did and immediately Depression left me and i was light and i knew something had occurred in the Spiritual.i began to keep in touch with Swag p,i will call almost five days before i can talk with her but i didn't give up i kept pressing in and we kept praying happiness was filled in my life,God had restored joy and happiness i understood Greatness is for me and my husband.

my best friend that I could vouch for come rain come sunshine gave me a shocker after telling her my relationship with a pastor which is Swagp and how we have been praying.she went behind me to tell my hubby that I was going to  church because I use to hide to church for prayers because we are Muslims and all kinds of lies against me that i was fornicating with a pastor which am always chatting with,and that's suppose to be Swagp which she knew it was a woman but why i was surprised one night my hubby came home he said he is giving me seven days to pack out of his house that he heard that am now going to church and the things I said confidently about him to my suppose best  friend,you know when ladies talk and seek advise my own went to say it all,so he said seven days i should pack out or he will give me court letter thought he was joking. Confronted that my friend because she was the only friend who knew I go to church that since I was accusing her for what she didn't say now she will go to my hubby to discuss with him that me am asking her why she wants to break my home because have been leaning on her about issues and my ex best friend looked at me and mocked me and said if she has my home instead of her to stay in my kind of house she will rather remain in her mum house and I told her, have been so saved with Amazing Grace and my God Will disgrace her,  The next day my hubby truly served me a court letter omg i was too broken,confused a divorce letter in my hand accusing me of all sorts i snapped it and sent it to Swag p and later I called swag P she said your hubby served you a court letter for something you no nothing about shea, ok her God will serve him a letter too and am like Swag p letter is in my hand oh and she said shea its seven days now wait watch my God,and said she gives him seven days too to love me like never before that  i should be patient and pray at this time I was running out of patience my blood pressure began to rise after some days I called swag P she said let's both embark on three days dry fasting fast that no marriage breaks beacuse of JESUS OH the Enemy has built a house in my hubbys head hahaha dont know what that meant o its funny now as i type that I should let her know when I wish to start I asked her if I can take my drugs and fruits because ha three days dry cant o  she said yes it was okay the day we started the fasting my customer from Lagos called me and said madam send your truck let's load  rice after selling return our money I was surprised because it was never possible weeks back was looking for were my rice money went to and how i can order to sell there was no money and i didn't tell my supplier oh he just made that call I called swag P again she said this is the beginning of greater things to come my way more testimonies are coming,but i thanked God still with a burden my marriage,by this time my husband sent every of my relatives out of the house, my helps and drivers, when i greet doesn't answer and wouldn't eat my food,i would cry my little kids will be wondering all in my heart how can my best friend do this to my marriage i called Swag p o by this time i knew Swag p was tired of my fears and she shouted keep greeting ooo and keep cooking and told me the wicked king in her bible ended up being nice to the woman so please shes not afraid am going no were i said but every time he says you still in the house i will throw out your things,hmm swag p said God too will throw hes own that i should live her lets concentrate on the fast and unless God de sleep my marriage will be terminated but as long as God is not sleeping and Hes sent her to tell me lets embark on a fast i should watch GOD, i said OK and was wondering which kine pastor be this straight straight straight no petting me small but i obeyed. people oh on the last day my hubby who was not eating in the house not answering my greetings for a long time gave the woman staying with us money to cook for him and later that night he came back home I greeted him and he answered huh huh *fainted* and we settled and talked i almost touched my hubbys neck because it was like he saw an angel on hes way home truly he did,and in my very before he was laughing and gisting with me like nothing happened as i speak till today we have not talked about the issue or the letter like nothing happened or like God wiped out every memory of the incident,i was scared oh called Swag p told her all but hes not talked about anything if i should and she screamed no oooo don't forget it,its swallowed up and its past and affliction wont repeat itself ,the enemies divorce letter is burnt with Holy Ghost Fire,like my marriage is still and greater joy restored and peace like a river before the issue,Every one has been put to shame,my blood pressure restored,business restored and in speed, I thank God for my marriage restoration and I thank swag P for her prayers,words of wisdom and encouragement it can only be God, pleaseeeeeeeeee beware of friends my marriage was almost ruined by the one we play and eat together,share life and experiences i have learnt and hope you learn too,guess marriage issues are normal sometimes and i don't think man can be of help just God and a spiritual friend,i almost lost my marriage and my kids but DIVORCE letter became LOVE letter all to the Glory of God and Swagp i have seen Gods hands through your hands,you are a wonderful woman God blesssss youuu and finally all praise to God and Glory to Him....drawing my cottons here want to go cook for my husband hahahahahahahaha, devil you must be stupid my God pass you.


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