SWAG ELA's: God has indeed been faithful. Finished my masters in October 2012 , and returned to Nigeria hopeful. I was so sure that a job would come. Little did I know that God had his great plans and was preparing to stand me out and motivate others around me. So my search for a job began! All through my masters I maintained a cordial relationship with God. Days ran into weeks and weeks in months, no job came, all my school mates at master’s level had jobs and my worries grew deeper, I attended job interviews, exhausted all the connections I had, and so I began to pray! I began to search deeper for God. My cousin (Unwada Ogar) introduced me to Swag sisters sometime in August 2013, and after it seemed like I had prayed every prayer I knew how to, I decided to attend fellowship with her one faithful Thursday evening. I was sooo depressed, I had cried out to God and it felt like the heavens weren't in my favor that was my first day and i can remember swag p asked you why have you been crying day and night because of job and i was so sure my cousin never told her about me immediately i knew God has seen me today o. After the fellowship on Thursday I came out and everyone prayed for me. I went back home having hope, and close to God. Then some three weeks back, I attended fellowship on a Thursday. Swag P just got back from Benin/ Lagos, and wasn't feeling too well. After fellowship I dropped her at home. While on our way she had to buy drugs, but the money she had at hand wasn't complete, so i to complete it fast o , she refused and I insisted, then she said she’ll borrow and give me back i agreed so she allows me add me my own i needed to connect anyhow, on reaching home she couldn’t come down from the car, she was weak and I had to help her into her house, We prayed together in her room, and she prayed for me saying as I had brought her home and come into her room God would bless me, tried to give me back the money i shouted No please swag p you didn’t know i was ready to ask God for my blessings to that seed. swag p you prayed for me, Whatever I wanted God would grant, she also asked that I sprinkle water which I got from a bowl in her bathroom around her room and on her saying the Blood Of Jesus as a sprinkled kie swag p you could hardly talk, I did that. While I sat with her it was about past 8pm now i was not bothered because something must happen, she said I should go into her bathroom and wash my face which i did and she said every veil covering any man or woman to favor me has been pulled away, swag p i remember your voice so low but you kept prophesying, she prayed with me. On reaching home that evening I felt relieved, Swag P asked that I sprinkle water around my room, I did that on getting home. She also prophesied saying whatever it is I was trusting God for would be granted by the end of October. The Sunday after wards was the blood of sprinkling, it was my first at blood of sprinkling, I noticed that as Swag p announced it, all the other swags present were excited, and I said to her what's this about, she said Don’t miss it. She asked that I brought the ribena on Sunday, while she was praying she said mention one thing you want God to do for you before the next time we meet, so I said by the next time I saw her, I wanted to be in my next level and my job. All I had in mind was a good job. A week afterwards; I had been going to see an Uncle of mine who was helping me out with the job search for several weeks. On that faithful Tuesday evening, after my uncle had left the office, I met with one of the contacts he had been , wanting to introduce me to. I told him my uncle had been trying to see him, and that I wanted a job, he said that he just closed employment that day and there was nothing he could do, that I should blame my uncle, who should have left him a note. Within me I kept saying, nothing is impossible with God oh am a swag and i have washed my face and partook of the Blood of Sprinkling, and while I was still chatting with the man he said, have been trying to see what I can tell the Board on your behalf, everything has left my power and I can't help you again. However he agreed that I should meet with him in his office the following day with my cv. On getting home, I prayed and told God to turn the man's heart in my favor that Swag p had said when next she sees me i will have that job that she doesn’t speak if she doesn’t hear so i knew this was it, the following day as I got to his office, he said he was restless all through, and I was the first matter, he attended to, he said he had forwarded my name and I would be posted to Calabar. He also said he doesn't know why he is helping me, because he had met with my uncle just once, and didn't know him, sir my face has been washed oh by faith i said it in my mind so you must favor me without knowing why, Swag p told me in October i will get a job and this is October few days for it to End , God will prove He’s word. As I left his office I was excited, but then again the thought of relocating troubled me. So I cried out to God again and said, Lord I thank you for this offer, I want to remain in Abuja, but let your will be done not mine. Later that evening I got a call from the man saying, he had two options for me in Abuja and one in calabar, so I made my choice for a branch in Abuja. On Thursday evening I got a call from the man asking me to come, on reaching there, he had a brown envelop, which he flung at me, my employment letter was contained inside, so I went on my knees thanking the man. And went straight to Church to praise God and ran to swag sistas to testify and tell swag p indeed the next time i saw your face my job was in my hands a parastatal hmmmm this is God. God is indeed faithful. He answered me when I least expected. When it seems like you have prayed every prayer that you know how to pray, leave everything to God and trust that he is working in ways u least expect. i believed in the ground and it answered for me ..it takes faith and believing, am always excited about Thursdays and Sundays for i know God is there, am to happy omg, Swagp God bless you for your encouragement because before i met you depression had taken over but God used you to help me. Am so happy like God it can only be You, all Glory goes to You ...i will worship YOU forever and Swagp God will favor you. Thank You Jesus i have a good job in same month of October..................................yepppii    SWAG PS PIN 25B00B63.


  1. Thank you God. Father lord your word came fort for her as declared.. Father your vessel has also declared that I will testify by Sunday on this my employment. Father I key into this testimony for my own employment letter to come before Sunday Aaaaamen. Lord I apply for ur help. Aaamen.


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