SWAG KIKE: Swag p help me praise God o he has shown himself again o........last night around 10pm I pinged swag p and told her my cousin was past her due date for delivery and now shes not having any contractions and d baby's head was already upside down...... I was so worried because the pregnancy didn't stress her at all but why was labor not coming...... swag p hmmm in her ping calmly told me before 24hrs the baby would be delivered and mother will be alive....in her words mother alive ..baby arrive and alive in 24hrs then she told me to praise and dance until 3am and I said ok..... by 1am I got up to praise and sincerely I couldn't even praise because I was so down and worried I was just playing music and praying in my heart for God to come and prove Hes word from Hes vessel Swagp true o because baby has over stayed o and no labor still... After a while I picked up my bible and read throughg the birth of Moses before I slept off...... lo and behold the GOD of Swag came through o...... my cousin put to bed weda labor or no labor it was defeated by prophesy around 1pm today healthy and strong.....in less than 24hrs as swag p declared o using the name of JESUS...... tarararara this God too much o..... Thank u JESUS...... may God bless u swag p and grant u heaven's best in Jesus name...i give God all the Glory o . amen.
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