SWAG SUE(lagos): Swag p d lord has done it in my family and I . one major issue i had was My brother he has been looking for a job sinceeeeee hmmmm and he had to move in with me in lagos from asaba. I got in touch with a lot of people and distributed his CV's and the waiting process started. My brother was always unhappy and depressed at the end of every month when he fails to get a call. So january this year I introduced him to swag p and the light began to shine. you instructed him to pray and in a little while a man that had previously promised to help started showing up and following up. He went for an interview and was told they needed an Administrative assistant but God showed up because he had done 2wks of praise as you instructed him,come and see my elder bro every night 12am-2am all dressed up like hes going to church dancing after the 2weeks swagp he was called back to same company,The md of the company not only promised to create a position in a diff unit and also paid for him to do a 2wks Microsoft training which he concluded last wk. He sent a text to d MD to say he had concluded on Tuesday and got no response. Just yesterday he called you swag p and you told him to evangelize for a week and he called me to say he dint know how to do it but I encouraged him. Just today the second day,you said he should evangelize again and when hes done he should send a text to the man again which he did. To God be the glory  immediately after he was done today being last day of February 2014 the Md not only responded to d txt, he asked him to come for a meeting. As I type this swag ppppp oooooooo,they are drafting his offer letter to resume on Monday. His shift came just as you said. Thank u swag p. I bless the name of the Lord. i believed in your ministry and needed a shift in my family i stood and sowed my first fruit on this ground,swag p i sowed that seed shaking because it was the beginning of the year but i knew my God will keep me , oh how i remembered you called me up and said before i set my eyes on you for the first time in march my house hold will experience blessings , my brother will get a job ad he will bless me that my seed will speak for me ,i believed it then gave me an assignment to co-ordinate the lagos swag,i knew i had to also serve God,didnt care if i was a banker and no time ,i knew you dont serve God and miss it. Swag p ,my brother cant stop the joy ,even from the money he was given to start the micro soft he asked me to plant the tithe in Swag Sistas and today non went void, even before your arrival my mystery seed is already speaking for one request has been Done. oh how am so happy ,you all not understand when your blood will tell you he will kill himself thats how frustrated and depressed he was before he became swag ps spiritual son,God showed up, a job in a great company that shows me that my brother will be a blesssing to the family..he didnt just evangelize but shared noodles and stuffs to the people he spoke to and i was shocked .my God showed up for francis ,even when my Aunty called and told me one pastor said francis can never get a job unless he marry and after marriage he will stay five months before the job will come ,when i told you swag p ,you said so na marriage go break joblessness,how him go take do the marriage wei he no get money and wetin him and he wife go eat during the five month,you laughed so loud ehn and said the pastor for show my aunty for bible and said to me  SUSAN FIRST WEEK OF MARCH YOUR BROTHER WILL START WORK AND WHEN HE DOES CALL YOUR AUNTY MAKE E TELL THAT PASTOR SAY HE DONE GET WORK WITOUT MARRIAGE AND HE SHOULD FEAR GOD hahaha and truely first week of march bro is starting workin,lets be careful of hearing negative things from some kine people there are lies ,i choose to ask myself whats God word saying on this issue o . swag p let God honor your word..let God give to you all you dream off, my Gods ministry He gave you,grow from strength to strength and finally i say LET ONLY GODS NAME BE PRAISED.
gbogbo biggz  boyz the latest employer hahaha francis my brother


  1. He is God.... Morris Okpidi

  2. Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Astonished, Wat A Testimony....I Think I See My Situation Similar To That Of Francis In This Awesome Testimony.....I Tap Into Your Breakthrough *speechless*


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