My name is swag Oke(warri). I became a swag sista thru my sister( Snowy). Jst before May ended, I discovered I was pregnant. I was ecstatic becos ds was small me that doctors told I couldn't get pregnant without having a surgery. But my God proved them wrong. Barely 2months after our wedding I became pregnant and last year May God blessed us with a lovely son. Na so I dey oh before I say jack another one enter(our son jst turned one).    Then 2days before d d swag sisters meeting in benin last month, I went for a scan. The report started that there was a foetus in the womb but there was no cardiac activity. This means in medical language that there ws no life in the baby the baby was dead I refused on and couldn't wait for the meeting in 2days time. I came to d meeting dat day with a burden in my heart, I told God it was either He settled me or He settled me. I intended to see u after d meeting and pour my heart to u but then to see how God works as if you knew you asked me to hug all d expectant mothers and @ dat moment my faith took over because you saw me pregnant and that's to say my baby is alive to transfer to those waiting for children as the meeting was going on.,I proposed in my heart that d blood must speak for me and so I returned to warri on a mission ..i had dropped my mystery seed with faith that my baby comes alive so it stood as a seal for me with God.. I took the blood with them and started speaking life to my baby..swag p when you sprinkled the blood you said anything dead come Alive now ..that was for me I grabbed and claimed it I was too happy that day going home,When u declared the 5days of throwing back arrows I did it with judiciously, telling God that it was finally my turn to testify,yesterday I went for another scan with d confidence of a swag and swag ps declaration from above that everything dead come alive..and the same scan confirmed that my baby is alive and well hmmm come and see shock for the whole doctors eyes ... I return all the praise to God who confirmed the words of this servant. Thank you swag p for been an instrument in d Hand of God. Your words boosted my faith and gave me confidence,may God increase ur ministry. \=D/ *music* this kind God oh, I never see Your type oh, this kind God oh blessed be Your Holy name...lord indeed you are not a robber ..my mystery seed answered for me ..am a proud awaiting mum to give birth to my baby.


  1. Amen. God is good

  2. Na wa oh!!!This kain God oh, I never see Him type oh. Blessed be your Holy name Lord. Thank You Lord for this testimony .Swag Oke , I thank God for this great thing He has done for you. You will give birth to your child when the time is due in Jesus name. Amen. God will preserve the life of your child in Jesus name. Amen. Because God has done this for you, I believe He will do for me that which concerns me in Jesus name. Amen. Swag shirlee.

  3. This God na wa! *dancing* I key into this testimony. Glory be to God

  4. He's an awesome wonder!!! Goose bumps ohhh, Chei, Cheii... It's made permanent, and you shall keep testifying. "everything dead is truly coming back to life" in Jesus name, AMEN!

  5. Praiseeeeeeeeeeeee Master Jesus!!!!you will continue to testify in Jesus Name Amen,i am next to testify on this blog ooooooo

  6. God is great, i bless the name of the lord for this great testimony. may his adorable name be praised

  7. God is indeed great, may his name b praised.

  8. He is the unchangeable changer. And will perfect what he started in ur life. Thank u Jesus. Swag Gloria

  9. U b God u no b man ooooo... Man said dere was no cardiac activity in the womb, buh u brought life to it.. Man every dead thing in me come to life n May every sickness n disease in me dry up this day in d name of Jesus. .Amen.. I join u in celebrating ooo Swag Oke..

  10. I tap into this belle testimony. I don shift to preggy mama by faith.

  11. Thank u Jesus!!!!

  12. God is good, I rejoice with you, rejoicing will not seize in ur home oooo u shall keep dancing and I believe God that this is my month to dance too. I never knew you will honour us this way. Thank you God. And God bless u swag p. may God's will continually be done in ur life .

  13. Every thing dead in my life and that of my wife must come out alive. .. IJN... I tapped from your blessing. ... He is a covenant keeping God. Swag Morris

  14. Kaptain Destiny3 July 2014 at 18:17

    Who God Gives Life; No Doctor Can Say Otherwise, You Shall Give Birth At The Due Time IJN ....Testimonies Shall Not Cease From Your Household ....May God Continue To Strengthen Swag P And Grant The Petitions Of Her Heart .....All Praise And Adoration To HIM Who Has Always Made It Possible......Baba God Too Much

  15. When I read your comments! Firstly I tell God.. Lord exactly as they have asked do for them, then I imagine you all dancing to this testimony and I become so sure that it is settled. For those that need babies, I personally is Holding God on this and He's told me, Swag p I will do it for my Name to be Glorified. Now also I stand as a vessel that for the rest and you all dancing now that 7days from today, you will dance with your testimony and be found on the Blog.. and I send back all negative arrows on your behalf.. it's settled and Done. God bless You all

  16. When I read your comments! Firstly I tell God.. Lord exactly as they have asked do for them, then I imagine you all dancing to this testimony and I become so sure that it is settled. For those that need babies, I personally is Holding God on this and He's told me, Swag p I will do it for my Name to be Glorified. Now also I stand as a vessel that for the rest and you all dancing now that 7days from today, you will dance with your testimony and be found on the Blog.. and I send back all negative arrows on your behalf.. it's settled and Done. God bless You all

    1. I Receive This Prophesy Wholeheartedly; It Is Settled IJN

  17. Swag P , I receive all you have decreed in Jesus name. Amen. I am dancing as I type this and I believe it is settled for me and other Swag Sisters in Jesus name. Amen

  18. @swag P, Amen!! I receive double *wink* what God has decreed through you. *dancing* 7days hahaha! It is done already. Swag Favour

  19. I am a witness ooo, I saw her hug all the expectant mum's God I bless you for this testimony, swag P even joked and said I said hug o, don't come and steal her baby, God is indeed awesome


  20. We bless God for this testimony.

  21. Ok this one brought goose bumps on me oh. God na so so wonder you dey do. Why we no go do shakara when we have a you oh God as our Father. May you be blessed forever.

  22. pweetie_Swag Dimi4 July 2014 at 08:23

    Everybody lukuluku c wat d Lord has done, see wat d Lord has done for us, c wat d Lord has done for us. Dependable dependable God, reliable reliable God. Ese o Baba

  23. Chei!! I'm dancing with u oo....our God is indeed a faithful God....congratulations dear, I also tap into ur testimony, me self go dance my own dance sooner than later, in Jesus name, Amen! Swag Pamela.

  24. None is greater than Jehovah Lord divine, there is no one greater than Jehovah Lord divine. Excellent Jehovah marvellous Jehovah. What a mighty God we serve. I rejoice with you. Choiiiii God is aweeeeeesome

  25. I receive this prophesy swag p oooo in Jesus name I will dance to the blog with my testimonies

  26. Amen!!!!!! Lord I believe and i receive

  27. God is 2 much am so happy for u my Sista dis is God at work!

  28. A Great and Mighty God at work. Awesome!!!!!!!!!

  29. I tap into this prophesy too 7days from now I shall share my testimony too in Jesus name. amen


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