My God will make a way where there seems to be no way..., He will make a way for us ,He will be there for us always......
Chaii swag sistas you can never serve God, and your joy will be taken away from you MBAA Lai lai. Last week saturday on the 22nd to be precise around 12:45 noon,we received a text massage from my NYSC coordinator asking everyone to report to zonal office for headcount, by 1pm on same 22nd and 23rd of august. The notification was not just for abuja but the whole federation at large. Immediately my sista, mrs lawal came to pick me and Rachael and we went to our zonal office zone 3, Hmmmmmm when we got there the crowd was massive, my sistas we had to push through but to no avail, only swag Rachael was able to sign, leaving me, mrs lawal and swag doris. The next day Sunday was the last day for the headcount, my dear sistas same time with our abuja tour 1pm. We got to the ground for the tour, dropped our bags and left for the zonal office again, we met doris there. When we got there the crowd was twice the one we saw on saturday and the inspectors where not yet around , I turned, looked at mrs lawal and swag doris and said i will rather miss this head count that miss to go for the swag meeting and praise God oh,so we all agreed to leave for the ground saying whether the devil likes it or not we are leaving for our tour because we believed so much in the praise and dance and swag p's declarations that will happen there oh than under this sun. chaiiii na so we run go back oh, we danced danced danced and danced like never before danced again at night for thanksgiving as was instructed we do when we get home .swag sistas if you missed this last tour kie speechless.
 Make unna no vex I never finish heheheheheh. The next day Monday my beloved sistas the three of us decided to go and try our luck, on reaching zone 3, we met lots of people who cloud not sign for the headcount just like us, and we were told that it has ended and all the list were compiled and taken to the main zonal office zone 5. So we left for zone 5 again for another try your luck, this time we got the shock of our lives, we thought since we know the NYSC coordinator he will understand when we explain, my dear people of God never you put your hope in man or never it doesnt work. well as i was saying we met him and instead he walked us out  saying, Even if he knows us, we should never violate his orders hmmmm, we thought he was joking oh until he repeated it, and so we left, we acted as if nothing was bothering us because we know who we are and who our God is oh. We were to sure after sunday ministration we wont have issues.swagP always say,you cant do Gods own and live your own and He wont fight for you,well with all this understanding  Omo na so we buy bolee and roasted yam begin the eat the laugh devil oh. People of God ,remember swagP said to us that men will not sleep or rest until we are favored ok now see what the God of swag did....same Monday we were walked out from the office by the cordinator, we reminded God about all Hes promises and the reason we couldnt do this head count ,well we finally went home to sleep. God made the coordinator not to sleep oooo....the man came by himself to the house and asked us to write our names and fct code numbers ooo chaiii,you people dont get what people were running to go and line up,God brought the king to our door step hahahahah our God is good, and with stressfree we wrote our names...swag sistas see devil doesnt rest,he will keep trying all hes best to make God a robber but he nor reach oh. Unfortunately he misplaced the list but because our God is never asleep until our problems are been solved, he called back nd said Josephine call your sisters resend the details again I lost the previous one and so I did. Dearly beloved swags To the Glory of God and to the shame of the devil we were also counted. This can only be God our saviour and to the declarations of our mama swag p, God bless you more and more and continue 2 bless you and this great ministry we love you lord, we love you swag P. God bless us all amen. More testimonies loading chaiiiiiii this kind God oh I never see your type oooooo. THANK YOU JESUSSSSSSSSSSSSS.


  1. Jehovah,the God dat always break protocols,father 2day break protocols 4 my sake...i connect to this testimony..

  2. It can only only be God and God alone. God will continue to suprise us in Jesus Mighty Name! I tap into this testimony in Jesus Mighty Name!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank u Jehovah, only u can do this. My God will also trouble ppl dt matter for my miracle in Jesus name

  5. Wow...jehova overdo, thank you for this testimony.

  6. Wow dis can only b God,i key into dis testimony,tnk u jesus!

  7. May the name of our God be praised..Amen

  8. It can only be God...swag sisters God is on our side...forget man focus on God...he is on our side..he alone makes a way when there seems to be none..I praise God for this testimony..

  9. May the name of our God be praised..Amen

  10. Wow! truly the kings will serve us. We cannot do God's work nd he will nt do ours. thank God for you guys

  11. God is always turning things round in our favour! Ever present help !

  12. Our God is never asleep thank you Jesus

  13. God would always take care of his own! Thank you Lord for your divine favour on us Swag Sistas Ministry.

  14. I connect for divine favour from Kings n great men n helpers from every corner to come to my aid ijn!

  15. I connect for divine favour from Kings n great men n helpers from every corner to come to my aid ijn!

  16. God would always take care of his own! Thank you Lord for your divine favour on us Swag Sistas Ministry.

  17. Glory be to God! He is always glorifying his name

  18. Congrats sisters. His principle is clear- seek ye first d kingdom of God. Our God no be robber @ all. Thank you Jesus.

  19. Thank u lord for his favour

  20. Thank u lord for his favour

  21. It can only be God ooooooooooooooooooooooo

  22. I Love u lord, only you can do this

  23. Nothing is too hard for God to do. He's ever faithful.

  24. Seek yea first d kingdom of God( the thing of God) and evry other things including d head count, miracle job, husband, wife, babies, brktru, favour, etc will be added unto you. God can not. Lie. Congrats my siters

  25. I Love u lord, only you can do this

  26. Awesome God!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Na so because we are swag sister. God favors is all . Thank you Jesus. You are God alone .

  28. Remarkable, fantamaglorious God. Baba let protocols be broken for my sake IJN.

  29. Thank you our wonder working Jehovah.

  30. God is faithful. Always doing good. Thank you Jesus

  31. Awesome God.You're so good to us.Thank you.

  32. I feel like shouting.....praise God. Favour all over.

  33. I see your dance and I know God is at work. Thank you Jesus for your word is life.

  34. We serve the God of favour. Praise God!!!

  35. This is serious favour... Ah ah God is too much.

  36. Same God,thank you Jesus..God u alone knws my my desire let the reverse be the caseAmen

  37. Hallelujah to Jehovah jump protocol

  38. To God alone be the Glory. I am next to testify

  39. Thank God for His amazing grace.

  40. He hangs the Earth on nothing but at the strength of his Word...

  41. lol,.this is so funny but that's our God,. he turns our mourning's to joy and gladness.

  42. Who is greater than Jehovah lord divine ooo?Dere is no1 greater than Jehovah Lord divine,he is Excellent Jehovah, Marvelous Jehovah, there is no1 greater dan Jehovah lord divine.

  43. Waooo.. GOD WE THANK YOU, youv never put is to shame.. Your too Good your mercy of forever

  44. God does not disappoint his own o. Thank you Lord

  45. As swag sistas, protocol must be broken for our sake.

  46. Praise Master Jesus. I key into this testimony. The "King" must call me.


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