Everybody come let us praise the Lord, ord is good to me,Hes kind to me I will praise his name for evermore.

Good day swag p,swag sistas and brodass , truly this God we know has been good to me and my family. on the 16 of August,i was sleeping when the devil do e own o, my Dad who ridiculously left the house on a Sunday morning saying he was travelling to Bayelsa to check out a job Hmmm, we were surprised but he left. Two hours later my mum got a call from my Dad when she picked it was a ladies voice saying "the owner of this phone had an accident and hes unconcious " .where is he? She said UPTH just a stone throw from the house. I immediately called swag P she declared there shall be NO LOSS and we prayed .When we got there I almost couldn't recognise my Dad ooo,his head was swollen twice it's size and unconcious, covered in blood. who brought him?no idea ,were did it happen? no idea, when did it happen? his folder recorded just 30 mins after he left the house.

We met someone there who was called to come and help identify him but the man didn't recognise him but instructed treatment commence brought drip and other things to stabilise him ,God bless that man! He didn't know who he was helping! Oya we had to do test,scan,x ray we started looking for were to do scan on a Sunday! We started moving from hospital to hospital looking for were to do the scan finally we found,did the scan but couldn't get the results we went back to upth the doctor started shouting at us that he won't attend to us without the results . This was like 8pm now so we went back to get the results which was not yet interpreted. When we returned doctor had gone! I called swag p and told her she said NO LOSSS. swag sistas, his chances of making it through the night without medication was very slim but my God did it for us before the Doctor came his swollen head had reduced. Psalm 91 slept on my lips all through the night and swag p gave me hope chai mama God bless you a million times for me. Mama said I should reject anything the Doctor says in their front that I don't like and it worked!

 First they said severe brain contusions I was like ehh! I reject it loudly lol,they said multiple fracture I shouted I reject it too, they said he'll be dumb everything they said I rejected and i can imagine the doctors thoughts lol.

 Swag p declared 3days mid night prayers infact she will call me at midnight and we will pray together,after that she declared 3 nights of praise! Sistas do you know at the end of the praise I and my sister finished by 4am by 6am my mum called that my Dad had started talking hallelujah! Although he couldn't remember anything, his English self no dey dictionary lol.

Week 2,orthopaedic doctors came to start work sistas only to say the broken bones weren't broken any more oh with shock for their face! This were bones that even nurses confirmed broken . The second rib that was broken healed, all the multiple fractures disappeared hallelujah!even my family we still de amazed.There was improvement o but suddenly story change again he almost went dumb again this time I said my God is already aware of this situation I didn't even disturb swag p again see mind lol,after some days he started coming up. swag sistas, that faithful sunday Uniport students carry wahala enter hospital vandalised a lot of things, Doctors ran away no light, no Doctor ,no water ,Hmmm even the nurses removed their machines.we were there for days he was even improving finally we left the hospital. Ever since then my Dad has improved tremendously his speech is back full time,he can remember my name and that of every other persons around, but he can't remember how,where or when the accident happen we don't even want to know. Due to the accident he could hardly pronounce words or even express himself well but now my big grammar British speaking Dad is back with no scratch. Thank you Jesus, mama God bless you. Thank you swag sistas Port harcourt your prayers were answered. I pray the God that answered my prayers will answer each and every member of this ministry. I know the miracle healings that took place in my dad life via the various mysteries instructed for us to do and God showed up,this would have made those nurses and doctors give their life to JESUS, am too sure. My dad is alive,indeed there was NO LOSS as declared. I and my family have come to say THANK YOU FATHER FOR EVERYTHING AND ALL GLORY BELONGS TO YOU.
God bless this ministry .
Swag mandy (porthacourt)



  1. Hallelujah.. the Lord is indeed faithful. Thank you Jesus. Swag Maureen.

  2. Praise God ,wow thank God for healing your dad.

  3. O Lord we thank You. Yes Lord it can only be you! We are grateful Lord.

  4. God of possibilities. It can only be God and God alone.

  5. Glory to God in the highest. His healing shall be permanent, the Devil has failed. There shall be no loss in Jesus name amen.

  6. Halleluyiah to the king of kings. He will never deliver us to the will of our adversaries

  7. Amen....The great healer showed up. Praise be to God. Whose report shall we believe? Ezebube receive all the glory!!

  8. Thank you Jesus!there. Shall. Be no loss in my family Amen

  9. Praise the lord...... Thank you God

  10. God of signs and wonders!!!!! Hallelujah!!!! Baba you too much oooooooo!!!!!!!! There's none like you Lord!!!!

  11. Our. God is the greatest physician. He healss and operates without stiches. Congrats to u sister. Surely there shall not be any Loss

  12. God is faithful , I tap to this testimony

  13. To God alone be thy glory for this testimony..thank you Jesus.

  14. Alleluia, God we thank you. We are covered by his feathers. Wow.

  15. Glory!!! Hallelujah! Father I thank you for the speedy healing. Praise God!

  16. Yes ooo,there shall be no loss for any swag sisters...thank God for your family sister.

  17. Praise God. Marvellous Jehovah

  18. Thank you Jesus for healing your son may your name alone be praised. Jesus the miracle worker

  19. Praise the miracle working God. . May his name be praised. .

  20. The devil is a complete fool...thank you God for sparing this swag sister's dad's life..praise your name forever. I pray for God's protection and guidance over my life and those of my family in Jesus name amen

  21. Awesome God. Thank God for the healing and restoration. May his name always be praised, adored and glorified.

  22. Yayyyy, Thank you Lord Jesus,there shall be no loss. His healing is permanent in Jesus Name

  23. Awesome Father in Heaven, thank you alot for everything.

  24. Haaaaa Baba GOD you too much,yes there shall be no loss in swag ministry IN JESUS NAME

  25. This kind God I never see he kind oooo. Thank you jesus you are great.... permanent miracle.

  26. We serve an amazing God. Our healer and restorer. We bless Your name O Lord for this miraculous testimony.

  27. Glory glory glory, our God is too faithful to fail, what a marvellous God, am so grateful to be a swag

  28. Thank you Jesus. There shall be no loss,his health is sure

  29. All glory to Jesus

  30. Praise the LORD alleluyah. What a mighty God we serve.

  31. Thank You Jesus. I LOVE THIS TESTIMONY.

  32. Praise the Lord. God is ever faithful. He said He's God and he changeth not so therefore we are not consumed. Thank You Lord for your healing. There shall be no LOSS in Jesus name, Amen. - Swag Winnie

  33. To God Be THE glory. Awesomely awesome God

  34. Hallelujah!!!! God I praise your holy name

  35. Thank God for your dad's life swag sis,because u and ur household dwell in the secret place of the most high,u will continually abide under the shadow of the almighty. Settled!

  36. Praiseeeeeeeeee the Lord. All glory be to Him alone. Thank God for your dad. There shall be no loss Amen.

  37. Awesome God!!!!

  38. God be praised forever,tnk u mighty God...

  39. Wow praise God bcos him alone can do this I am happy 4 u

  40. Your dad is the apple of God's eye . His healing is permanent. Awesome is He

  41. Precious King and saviour, thank you for this miracle and I know its permanent and I connect deeply for Healing upon my house hold in Jesus mighty name amen.

  42. Thank you Father, indeed there is none like you Baba.

  43. Thank you lord for your protection are so wonderful

  44. Thank you Jesus for you are the great physician.

  45. God is the best physician. He is always faithful

  46. God is the best physician. He is always faithful

  47. Lord I bless your name for your healing and miracles on this sisters dad and family. Thank you Jesus. God you are awesome. Dancing Come and see ooooo💃🏻.

  48. God is a miracle worker who does what he says he will do!
    Hallelujah!!! His healing is permanent in Jesus name. Amen

  49. There shall be no loss indeed, cos we serve a faithful God, who will never leave us. We shall live to testify of the Lord's goodness in the land of the living.

  50. Wonder workin jehovah! I bless u for ur works no 1 can comprehend. Thank u Jesus christ

  51. Thank God for his healing.his glory shall always be our defense

  52. God, you r so good, blessed be your name. Thank you Abba father for your healing


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