Well am back again but this time on behalf of my fiance. The very day i came to show swagp my ring ,I came with my fiance and she asked him ,whats your greatest desire ,and with tears in hes eyes he said, I have not seen my two kids for 5years,my two girls. I have tried all i can but no way,if only i can see them.
Swagp screamed out and prophesy that every stumbbling block standing on hes way for 5years to see hes kids she curse them in the name of Jesus. Friends,this prayer was done outside a shop and we screamed Amen.
Pastor declared that before 2015 ends that God will surprise us and as a swag sista,I believed so much for him and she instructed us to find and church and start going and seeking God,which we did.
Omg omg, just yesterday 23rd of december ,my fiance received a mail and when he opened it, was a card from hes girls,the younger one is 5yrs now. We were so shocked that we packed our bags and ran to their city and for the firsr time in 5years the stumbbling block was no more there and he saw hes kids . They were so happy and excited,this are kids who tell their dad ,we hate you,we dont want to se you because discord has been sown in their hearts for 5years and God told swagP that day, that the hatred will turn to Love and yes it did...so much tears in our eyes yesterday omg.
We didnt care the time we had to run to meet pastor at about past 10pm,woke her with a big hug ,drag her to the sitting room and boom we gave her the cards. Her joy was filled with tears with alot of shouts that i felt wow such a deep heart for people .
God answered us, our giving was seen by God and we are proud to say we found peace knowing God and being a swag.
God bless you swagP...and dont forget my wedding was fixed on your birthday june11th so dont miss it lol, thats how much we aporeciate you swagP and Gods ministry.
Swag Natalie(England)
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I'm so happy for you...everything taken away from my life shall be restored before the end of this year in Jesus name amen
ReplyDeleteThank you Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteglory to God!!!the love between his daughters and he will wax strong.stay blessed sister
ReplyDeleteWoww!woww!!wowww!!!.Ever faithful God has done the impossibility again. Thank you LORD. I am next to tesify IJN
ReplyDeleteGlory be to the most high
ReplyDeleteOoo goodness mw. . God be praised. . Thank you Jesus for restoration. .
ReplyDeleteTo you oh lord be all the glory,honour and adoration! Amen!
ReplyDeleteHa! Thank you Jesus!
ReplyDeleteTo God b d Glory
ReplyDeletePraise God
ReplyDeleteOur God is alive. Congrats swagg sis. It must Happen for I and my family 2015. Amen!
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Praise the lord!!! He is a wonderful God!! I thank God for this great testimony. This called exceeding joy
ReplyDeleteRestoration! This can only be God. I key into this testimony, that every stumbling block on my way to getting back all that was stolen is cursed now in Jesus name amen!
ReplyDeleteRestoration! This can only be God. I key into this testimony, that every stumbling block on my way to getting back all that was stolen is cursed now in Jesus name amen!
ReplyDeleteWow, Swag P declared it and as she landed, there, all obstacles had to give way. Can any power stand the ark of God in a city or nation? Congratulations to you both.
ReplyDeleteThank God for restoration
ReplyDeleteGlory to God. Happy for you both
ReplyDeleteGlory to God. Happy for you both
ReplyDeleteJehova Super do, the restorer of all. Thank you Father for this testimony.
ReplyDeleteWhao!!!what a wonderful God we serve!father we give you all the glory,may your name be praised forever more!
ReplyDeleteAwesome God he makes all things beautiful in its time. Congrats my sister
ReplyDeleteNothing is too difficult for our God. Restorer,dependable and reliable God,we bless u for this. I am next in line in Jesus name. Swag sue
ReplyDeletePraise God
ReplyDeleteCommitment to Gods work pays a lot. Congratulations. Thank you Jesus.
ReplyDeleteGlory be to God for He alone restores hundred folds, I'm restored in Jesus name Amen.
ReplyDeleteGlory be to God for He alone restores hundred folds, I'm restored in Jesus name Amen.
ReplyDeleteGod be praised
ReplyDeleteGod be praised
ReplyDeletePraise the living Jesus!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJEhovah over do dis God is too much ooooo i tap into the testimony
ReplyDeleteThank you FATHER,congrats my dear swag sister.
ReplyDeleteWhen God begins to restore the years the Locust & Caterpillars have taken, he will more than replenish it. Thank God for this testimony. It shall be my turn IJN.