SWAG BUKKY: I will like to start by appreciating God, for Hes always made me believe that I am special and He always has greater plans for me. My mum has been worried about us (my siblings) getting married , Feb 2011 I was engaged to someone but we had difficulties proceeding with the wedding plans due to religious differences, people kept saying to me to leave this guy because he had a temper and he seemed like he would beat me in future, I still held on, my mum refused, aunties, uncles, priests and pastors all told me to leave him that God had better plans for me, I couldn't become a Muslim, but I was scared that I may not find anyone better because it was like my last hope no one was proposing. finally in July that same year, he hit me and as soon as he beat me(see the slaps ) I just went on my knees in his living room and was crying saying "Thank you Lord" I was happy we weren't yet married and i left hes house that was the last time we saw, it was a horrible period for me, knowing that I had broken my engagement, I was so alone. Then I met someone else in may 2012. By this time my ex had married another person and she was even pregnant, someone sent me the picture, I broke down. But loved ones consoled me. i had a guy but was just more of a friend, never spoke about marriage and there was another who was speaking already*confused*. I met swag p no have known swag p since jss1 we went to same secondary school,swag p i remember you fati bum bum on low cut but cute hahaha,so on this issue i told her and she said send me the both pictures when i did she said the spirit said your suppose friend is your husband not the one proposing and i said swag p this one you choose o hes not even talking about engagement talkless of he wants to marry me,i remember swag p you said God never lies,since that day swag p did not let me rest,she kept saying, "Bukky, where is your Ring" she will ping me from no were bukky the ring,i need to blog this testimony and shame everyone who laughed at you over your ex it was almost choking me,even my mum wasn't disturbing me to be married like this,I always say I don't have one yet,and you will say why?huh and i will say don't know oooo,then one day she asked to bring my request (which was to be taking to Benin) I did and she said "Your ring is on the Way" that April wont pass me by...she advice me to always know that I have value and she sees greatness in me and close my legs for PURITY PAYZ i obeyed,after that meeting in southern fries hmmm i got myself back and realized i was greater than how i saw myself and believed no man can stop my marital Destiny naaaa, she asked me to pray some prayers at night and I did. hmm, low and behold last month before you went to OTA,i gave you another request again and you said bukky i cant go to Ota and come back without you being  Engaged o and i should not joke with you hahaha i said AMEN,you came back few days ago and i saw your status that God has touched your tongue with more fire which can set Ablaze the thickest Evil forest and i said God swag p has returned and she said when you speak through her it never goes Void. in short i was even scared of swag p pinging and asking because she always tell me things that makes me wanna jump out of a window so i was at a corner ,yes Swag p were are you*shaking my waist* GUESS WHAT? I got engaged this morning,this Monday morning being 8th of April. I couldn't believe this the same Friend you said was my husband God had shown you haaaa,God gave me a man that loves and adores me,a man after his own heart. I cannot express how thankful I am because I prayed to God for a husband, but he gave me a husband, a friend and a brother,my Request didn't go void .God i give only you the Glory,Swag p i want to thank you not just that but knowing you just one pastor who crave for all the swag who is due to be married to testify so Desperately,i cant believe my eyes,my mummy cant stop dancing,my siblings so happy,being a swag no regret at alllll............crying ,I pray the same will happen to every single lady seeking to settle. love you Swag p.MY WEDDING IS THIS YR .....2013 YEPPI AMEN.


  1. Wow wow wow! Me can't wait to testify ooo, I tap frm u jare. God is great.

  2. Amaka receive it fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

  3. Thank God 4 u swag sista my own case wil be like us ooooooooo,dis can only be God.

  4. settled for uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

  5. Am happy 4 u sister and I connect with ur testimony.mine is on d way In jesus name

  6. Wow.happy for her.I tap into it o.

  7. WOOW powerful testimony God is good


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