Am SWAG P, you surprise am up here on the blog yeaaaa some will say finally she has a testimony but That's wrong, theres no Sunday after every gathering I don’t have a testimony before the next Sunday. I tend not to blog them because I will take all the space since God does it all the time in my life so all I do is share it live with the swag sisters…
But guess what? I want to share this shocking testimony with the world so you understand why God gave the ministry the name SWAG (saved with Amazing Grace) because apart from me always confessing the name like have been saved with Amazing grace, I didn’t know that I will witness the manifestation in that Name SWAG.
It all began when my step brother lost he’s wife on the 3rd of April in Lagos after a strange illness while I was on my way to Ota bro gave me a call to tell me which immediately i heard Gina wont survive, I kept praying in Ota and that voice kept coming I had to tell the family what I was hearing while I prayed and truly she passed on… Gina may your soul Rest in Perfect Peace.
Now my only worry was we will have to travel to the village which I dread so much, I have been to my village just once in 2008 and guess what it was for same Gina’s traditional marriage with my brother wow such an irony once went there to celebrate with her and now am to go there and bury her what a mystery but then HES still God………so After a week she was to be buried and I informed my family that I hear the Spirit so loud saying I should not go, Everyone thought I had started my talk again and since the hearing was for me, my family are aware I don’t like to go to the village so they were thinking am saying all this to stay back but who are you to lie against the Holy Spirit..I never talk until He asks me to, but I didn't stop to tell them what the Holy Spirit kept saying and saying, then my dad sent a message and said in he’s own Words*Judith and Blessing MUST come*when I heard it I said MUST okay am not going, my lil bro called him and said why must he say MUST, but he repeated it and said he’s instructed and that’s final, but I said I swag p will go nowhere I know the voice saying I should not go, Aunties called and said is it because he’s my step bro I don’t want to attend I said no I hear the Holy Spirit well, and they go huh they don’t understand, but truly how will they understand when not everyone believes the Holy Spirit speaks to He’s own na ,my kid sister called me all the way from England o and said she hears a voice saying we should all not go then she said swag p(won’t call the name she called me hahaha )I don’t want to lose you oh I got mad at her and said she should not bother me please nothing can happen to me and yes nothing .my mummy left last week Thursday we were to go together I said am not going so she left me and arrived safely, thanks be to God for that. I was so happy and glad until my sister told me she’s living on Friday and I said ok safe trip me no de go, but as soon as she dropped the call I said ha I can’t allow Judith go alone to that village oh I need to follow her and go and be doing fireeeee fireeee that was only my worry I had no choice and parked my things for Friday,Friday came and we Embarked on the journey, again I heard the Holy Spirit saying since you decided to go and I said please can’t let my sister go alone and He said okay then you will be on a Fast until you get to that village I said haaaa please but He said you MUST and I obeyed so I stayed on a fast, praying and speaking in tongues all through in short the only time I was not speaking was when I sleep off but as soon as I wake I continue until we got to CROSSRIVER…and immediately see rushing to eat then I heard the Holy Spirit say now when you are going back don’t Enter a particular transit car I heard the name and immediately told my sister she just looked at me and I could see in her eyes she saying oooo not again have started to hear things, I repeated it up to ten times o but she just kept staring at me and He said again give no Money out until you live, that warning was Great o because left to me I would have especially to the old women, so guess what we arrived just to let you know I was warned about my money, as we arrived and changed, some lady came to me and said I give her money she wanted to fill the drums with water for cooking huh huh why was it me, dad ,mum, sis and other people were there but na me she see Holy Ghost fireeeeee, before I will answer my mama answer for me say I no get and non of her pikin get, that next time the woman should ask her o, so mum settled that …on Saturday after the burial some men came to me to bring some money as it is a tradition when one dies,the family contributes don’t know guess for palm wine and all, I told them una no see my father outside or my sister why me, they said nothing, na me they wan ask I said okay I don’t have they pressed and pressed on it I almost gave in but I stood my ground that the God who is Greater don warn me, and my money won’t be used for all this traditional beliefs and they left but at night came back again until I shouted please make una live me. my friends Sunday came I said me am not sleeping in this village tonight that I must go, my sister said she too she must resume work and my mum said nope she won’t travel on a Sunday and I said even if its canoe I will go oooo am not waiting because the family is to all drive back Monday, So I won the argument and mum decided to come with I and sis, obi drove us to the park, obi is step bros close friend and since my brother was still weak obi was to drive and he did, can you remember that I said Holy Spirit told me not to Enter a particular transit but guess what that was where obi drove us to. We got there and met a very big bus but we refused to Enter and said we will enter the Smaller one so we waited we finally entered. when the driver came mum said hmmm Judith are sure this guy can take us to Abuja, I just waved at it then I heard the Holy Spirit say fast again and I said na mum is here na she has prayed and am covered so I refused to fast, when the journey began make una come see speed, not twice mum said why you speeding, but my cousin who was with us said my mum was confusing the driver she should stop panicking, so my mum fired prayers until we reached makurdi, the driver stopped to drop those going to makurdi and three people got in, something said oya swag p pray but mum began praying again and I said to myself okay mum don pray no need, but did I mention before we got to makurdi I had done praise and worship like with my tab using an earpiece you know when you sing with your earpiece you won’t know if its loud so I guess to some I was disturbing because when it’s too loud my mum taps me but I won’t reduce the voice, so back to what I was saying I didn’t pray because I felt mum had and I ate remember I was too fast. So we passed river Benue Bridge and mum who was praying that long had just finished,opened her eyes and asked if we had pass the Bridge I said yep and we began to gist but this time I heard it so loud SWAG P PRAY, immediately I kept all gadgets in my bag and took out a prayer book titled PRAYER FOR WAR FARE …..hmmm that was it as I opened the book to pray the next thing I looked up the driver had lost control, the car began to swave by itself very fast and the next thing everyone was shouting Jesus Jesus, at that moment I opened my eye so wide and said this eye won’t close oh never, my sister had fainted, I refused to close my eyes haaaaa naaaa even when the car began to somersault, inside me all I was saying is Devil you lie oh swag p you not dying to anywhere oh, then I said God when I went to the village I won souls for you, trust na I wouldn’t mind having villiage swag sistas but well I saw more than twenty university of calarbar girls who came for Gina’s burial so when they gathered and was crying I entered their mist and changed the atmosphere to Evangelism I began to tell them about Jesus and how they should understand their friend has gone but the question is what next for us, there’s nothing but to follow Jesus and close their legs, I did alter call and for that moment they viewed swag sistas pictures and said swag p you must come to calabar, that was it swag sistas calabar in existence praise God….now let’s go back the car is still somersaulting while you were reading what I did with the uni cal swags ,so that was what I was reminding God in my heart I won souls Jesus, remember that if I die how will you rejoice over one soul because that’s all I do for you ,but guess what while people were shouting Jesus, that was going on in my mind but outside I was shouting MY MUM WILL NOT DIE, because I believed I have shouted Jesus so much that without saying the Name Hes there with me, bishop oyedepo said ,you shout Jesus, oya Jesus what? Jesus good morning or Jesus thank you, what are you saying just shouting Jesus, He said confess what you want and what I wanted was GOD MY MOTHER WILL NOT DIE, couldn’t count the amount of times it did tumble but guess at ten I was out of count and into the middle of a bush and I saw the car heading towards a thick tree and omg it was going to hit through my side and mum was sitting close to me….okay did I forget to tell you when we got to markudi mum sat by where I was sitting and I told her no way I wanted my sit back and when she shifted I said oya sit there and she refused and said sit on your own sit hmmm so I did..as the car was heading for the tree I quickly turned my back to the window so that whatever will hit me won’t touch mum so it’s better my back takes all the hit and GBAM that was it by my side the car was upside down it had stopped. I shockingly ran out thru the broken windows, looked up saw the driving running so fast into the bush imagine, just I swag p was out from the car, fastttttt I ran back to the car shouting my mum won’t die. I bent down dragged her out of the car through the same window, carried her to the road then ran for my sister, cousin, then the rest, ran back carried all our hand bags, dropped it and started shouting for help, people came turned the car since it landed upside down and brought out those I couldn’t get out, I saw blood all around, sister was bleeding, mum was crying her hand and me nothing yet. I remembered haaa I need this pictures for my testimony, opened my bag Galaxy wasn’t broken sharply I began to take pictures and as I was doing that some guys were murmuring…* she been de inside na the other said no oh so I helped them out and said yes I was inside and they said am so lucky oh but I said nope AM NOT LUCKY AM JUST BLESSED* and am SWAG P death nor reach nor even reach my family when I was done snapping the pains began couldn’t move my left hand then a senior officer of Road Safety Commission was passing by and said please am on my way to Abuja and I can only help three people to Abuja and he looked at me and said were you involved I said yes and he said okay I will carry you me that was standing and looking better than the rest, then I said please my mum and my sister then he said okay, My cousin didn’t mind she was concern about mums cry for pains so we left her behind someone carried her to makurdi medical were she got her stitches done, so the driver came helped mum and sis into the car and off we left this accident happened like 2:30pm,mum was in pain, sister was in pain and I was in pain but the shock of everything kept lingering then I heard the Holy Spirit say SWAG P you can’t die someone needs to be blessed on that ground on Sunday and for your sake non of your family will die, but next time don’t disobey me when I say don’t enter were I don’t want you to and I smiled and said Thank you God, we got to Abuja at 8:30pm straight to the hospital Emergency ward, mum couldn’t walk so the doctors did quick x-ray for us all, when the result came mum had cracked her ribs in three places, sister nothing just the bruises and me a little bit of my neck bone shifted.mum was Admitted but I and sis went back home at 2am and got back very early to the hospital and I was told I need to wear the hard neck clogs for a month and sister the soft one for two weeks and I rejected it back oh how do I pose with that on my neck and guess the doc will wonder what I just said and I looked at him and said am a pastor and this won't work he went huh you are a pastor I said yes forget the swag its SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE, as I type have refused to wear the clogs, sister wants it but me I have my Anointing oil and each day the neck pain reduces and Dad thinks am not normal at that and am so normal….still at the hospital I decided to blog this with all strength……..all I want to say is it can only be God, the God who saved me and my family. God thought of the ministry SWAG and all He said angels run down and make sure no one dies. Am too happy to be alive, my sister and my mummy and never will I try to compromise the instructions from the Holy Spirit for any one not even my blood, He saved me because He has placed a ministry in my hands which must come to the point just as Paul said he had finished the race, it wasn’t time for me to say so, ehn ehn remember I was confessing what I wanted and truly my mum didn’t die He heard my prayers in the mist of Danger. How do I praise my God, I had swag rose birthday to catch up with and wanted to surprise her on Monday but there I was I couldn't Even type a happy birthday I know she must have judge me but I wished she wondered why and gave me a call, swag odufa who called my line all the way from usa because she had not seen the devotion which is very unusual, my brother spoke to her and he told me when I woke up, swag Juliet my PA from Benin kept checking on me for I told her the same day it happened since daily its her habit to always check on me and she asked all Benin swags to pray almost all the Benin swags began to call my line and sent pings which I couldn't open to read because for them it was unusual for her to just send a bc for them to pray for me. swag obeyi asked swag Juliet why my dp had not changed etc , some swag brothers did ping up to find out and kept calling but i couldn't pick…….but where are the Abuja swags who didn't notice my dp had not changed, there was no devotions and didn't wonder if I was fine,guess i have those who re bc my devotions and didn't wonder,so many say Amen to my devotion and in five days that had not said Amen and couldnt check what was wrong,well Even Jesus fed 5000 people and they still turned back hahahaaha who am i to be sad am so Happy….but guess what I am fine I survived, sister and mum did survive …….Thank you again oh God indeed all my family HAVE BEEN SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE.
Have decided to have a thanks giving moment on Sunday on that ground, and with anger filled in me to pray out Every house hold wicked person around our destiny, my God has promised He will put a Testimony in Every swags mouth, so we will be eating and drinking with joy and thanking God…….i hear the spirit He say Swag p I have five people to Bless on Sunday that even them wont be able to come out of the Blessings, Benin swags don't worry we will do the same when I come, Even if it means me running from the Hospital to be on that ground I will,the five swags God talked about must be Blessed….its my thanks Giving Moment,well i will have been shocked how possible it is when you carry your bible,and God uses you to break issues around peoples lives and the devil wont be annoyed and try to attack you not possible but guess what devil you are in bigger Trouble ………God i just thank you and Love you soooo much kia hmmmmm check out the car.
Jesus is alive, death has been defeated. SwagP am short of words. Can't thank God enough for preserving your life. I felt really disturbed on Wednesday and sent u a text from my Glo line cos u weren't picking. May the devices of the crafty concerning u and your lived ones continue to be frustrated that they will not be able to perform their enterprise. Uar everly celebrated and loved. May your life continually speak forth God's goodness and mercy.
ReplyDeleteLord Jesus!!!! How wonderous u are in grace and mercy, I kept wondering where u were wen I didn't get d daily bc's buh jst put it off as maybe u are on a spiritual assignment till ydai n 2day I cldnt take d silence anymore n I started calling. Am in Awe of God's glorious works, it cld ve been only God. May his name be glorified . Haaaa Swag P u cannot die oooo. U ve to many pple 2 minister to, My miracle wedding is still coming up , U are too convenanted 2 be put to shame. Praiseeeeeeee God!
ReplyDeleteGod u'r Awesome!! Thank u Lord
ReplyDeleteSpeechless but one confeSsion is u were SWAG,all we have to say is thank you Lord.
ReplyDeleteIt can only be GOD
ReplyDeleteCrying* swag P* what is this? God may Чuя name be praised. U must live devil is a liar
ReplyDeleteThank God 4 ur life n families own. To God alone be all d glory.
ReplyDeleteThanks be to God and am sorry I didn't check on you.I priase God for ur live n dt of ur family. Jesus be praised for evermore!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my God! No wonder! Its all good b/c God is in charge all things works together for our good!swag p, sure u remembered our last joke on the village stuff? I told you that if there are some witch in the village then its a perfect laboratory to gauge the measure of Christ that you have earned and attained! The greatest asset of a swag is the ability to hear the holy Spirit and flow in his navigations and leadings beyond other numerous speaking voices! But sometime God does allow certain events to validate his own. Swag p! U r already healed, you don't need a miracle b/c you are "blessed" and one of the dimension of blessedness is good health for u and ur family b/c healing is the bread of children! Believe me u have a large portion of that bread b/c you are a daughter of Zion and Jesus is the bread of life; He sent his word and we are healed!as the voice of Christ on earth, I command your mum's,sister's and your tissues,cells,organs,systems to respond to the life of christ in you and adjust to their normal positions and facilitate a fast recovery of every part that was broken in Jesus name! I'm fully persuaded that this incident is a symbol of how you are going to save your generation from diverse levels of death. Its a step to the next phase of the grace of God on you! I pray that God will give you the capacity to maximize this "kairo" moment that you just step into!
ReplyDeleteThank God u n ur family r safe for as long as Jesus conquered death his chosen too wil nt see death.
ReplyDeleteSwag P only God can truly save us. He is jehovah over do and all sufficient God .When I didn't see you in church last week wednessday and yesterday ,I told my friend that I hav not been seeing your BC and dat it was strange.I wonder why I did not check on you.Devil is a liar. It is well with you and your family. Amen
ReplyDeleteSpeechless!!!!!!!! Buh all I will say is THANK U LORD! Swag P, u have not finish, I mean started wot God wants u to. So notn can and will happen to u IJN. Devil is a bige lier and a failure. Thank u Lord for this awesome testimony. U alone is God and for ever we will worship u
ReplyDeleteOMG>>God is always with you Swag P.. i'm so speechless right now...whaaatttt...God is an Awesome Wonder, i live to worship Him. He has surely kept you and family alive for a reason, and it must be accomplished. Thank You Jesus for preservation over the lives of Your own oooo.. what more can we humans do or say? YOU BE GOD, YOU BE GOD OO, YOU BE GOD, YOU NO DEY LIE OOOO!!! Swag P shall live to fulfill her purpose on this earth to the Glory of Your Name Oh GOD!!...
Devil is a liar!! It's not your time in Jesus name. Thank God for the lives of you, Judith and your mum. God's divine and speedy healing. U r blessed. Kelechi
ReplyDeleteThank u LOrd!!!! Thank u awesome father!!!. Thank you for ur unending love. By his strips u are healed!!!! U are blessed.
ReplyDeleteThank u jesus u said u make every croked way straight. God I busy asking swag P to pray for my brother n telling her abt tithe even wen she did not read it 4 days I shld have prayed. Buh jehoveh over-do showed himself strong on our behalf cos he knws we need swag p thank u my father. I will serve n worship u 4eva.Swag Wihioka from portharcourt
ReplyDeleteIt can only be God.may he alone be praised.swag p you just started yr ministry,the gate of hell can never prevail against u or the ministry.
ReplyDeletemummy l ochete.
Wow,indeed it can only be God...Glory to his namE..his just a miraculous God that works in a mysterious way...Awesome God
ReplyDeleteThank you Lord,this can only be God. Swag P,the devil that could not stop Jesus Christ from rising from the grave can't take your life because his blood has done it all. God be praised .my heart is filled with joy.( Swag Amar lagos)