my name is SWAG OJOCHEGBE sob sob am crying this testimony is a relief in my life and marriage,have been married for some years now and no fruit of the womb tried all medical procedures but no result.well i have known swag p right from the university and truly if am to go by who she was i wouldn't even try to call her and say pray for me but i knew my God is the one that calls the unqualified.if He called Saul who later became Paul then its possible,He called Missy who is now called swagp hahahaha.Last year i heard that swag p was in Lagos, i was ready to find her were ever she was not because i think shes God but if shes a vessel then she should please tell God whats happening because He said no woman would be barren why have i been waiting for a child,i called and called until she finally agreed i come see her at Apapa see running ooo,i remember swagp said ooo its you and all that was in my mind was that swagp is not time for reunion theres fire on the mountain and i wept and said it all.... swag p have been seeking for a child the surprise in your eyes that day even embarrassed me and you said you are to young to be barren we prayed and you washed my feet and said it is DONE and i remembered late Ginna your step bros wife went in and brought a new baby girls dress dashed me and you also used it as a point of contact,then i gave you my request because you were on your way to Ota to have a quiet time with God and you said my request wont go in vain this was in October 2013,Have been waiting, this year 2013 almost every day i tell swag p say a word to me each time i read peoples testimony on the blog..am so glued to the blog that i always wait for the next and when i read i say God were are you is it not the same God that told swagp it was Done for my case,somebody hold me i wanna scream.....i Remember when you sent a bc last month April reminding the swag sistas you on her way to Ota they should bring their request on Sunday and its Anointing day with the oil you brought from SHILOH men i jumped up even though i was in Lagos i just sent a picture of i and my hubby,swag p said whats this? i said....swag p anoint the picture please and you laughed and said huh so funny and i said please just anoint it,for i was seriously down as regards the fruit of the womb and you smiled and anointed typing all the words as you prayed and you said ojochegbe your cry has touched God and before you are back i must be pregnant,then you said it was DONE and told me you poured oil on your phone as you anointed the picture,I felt peace within me like something left me for the 1st time and i knew this time years of bareness must die with the prayers that was said,two weeks later same April I went for test swag p am positive God has blessed me with that fruit I seek,and also same week i got an employment letter to work with NAMA,Swag p!!!!God hand is upon you, Infact! When I heard of your accident, I said its not possible now because you must anoint my twins so i was sure nothing will happen to you,wanted to send in my testimony but your phone wasn't available and today i got your new pin and couldn't wait to have the world see what God did for me through Swag p ...am crested a swag sista and truly i have been saved with Amazing Grace.i give God all the glory for He has slapped my enemies on their big cheeks*straight face*and my babies will see the light in months to come...in summary I AM PREGNANT after years of waiting.... ..Na du gwa we ojo to du anyi lile ke du tu mi alu ...u ne nwu ku na du we te jenyu we le no.(Thank you God you have put a big laughter in my mouth what do i give to you than to say thank YOU)
I am touched by this testimony and I really want to be a swag sistas.my name is joy Adache, am based in ilorin.My sis inlaw mary Adache is one of the Swag sistas,she introduced me to reading your publications. I am faced with this barreness problem 4 some years now,pls SwagP I need God 2 use u 2 put an end 2 this sorrow in my life.may God bless u.Amen
ReplyDeleteGracious God! It can only be God. SwagP pls I need ur new pin
ReplyDeletemy new pin 25B00B63