SWAG UBOLA: swag p oooo U remember the first  time I came to the ground this year and you asked what I wanted and I said am standing in for three people close to me that needed children,swag p you told me unless God has not called you but if He has,if this what brought me here then this year will not End those womb must be open by Hes name Jesus,i believed because i know the God you serve never lies,i didn't give up because have read testimonies on the blog how God open wombs hmmm,the most hurting one among my friends is the one for seven years shes been married no  pregnancy let alone having it and miscarried no sign ever at all,and it so much affected her marriage.Swag p before you left for benin with our request i came to see you and brought mine,you opened and shook your head and said Ubola your request still carries this issue of your friends i said yes and you said if God be God which you know Hes God you wont come back from Benin and non of them with testify i prayed and kept believing.Swag p before you left for Benin love feast you did feet wash via the Blood and again we brought our request,for i knew it cant go void when i deeped my leg into the blood i felt this was it and it was done,and you said you have fasted for three days no food no water and Jesus said if peter had fasted he will be able to cast the demons ,so therefore you have waited three days thats to say what ever demons you speak to must go,ha i stood gallant o,and as you were praying you said "I CURSE BARENESS FROM THE ROOT EVERY WOMB SHOULD BE OPENED"in all the prayers this one i shouted AMEN like thunder.swag p i was at the communion ground yesterday and you said this communion is able to destroy bareness if you connect with it and don't eat the cake as cake but as the body of Christ,i didn't eat it as cake i connected and said now i must hear good news from my friends for this is it. my swag pppp were are uuu let me hug you oooo,God has answered,dunno weda to cry hahahaha,my friend who has waited for seven years fell ill just like that oh  started shaking she thought she had sudden malaria since her mind can never go to pregnancy but she said let her just do check up with her kit,she did it GBAM ..showed POSITIVE huh she cleaned her eyes and to reconfirm well well she went and did blood test waited there for the result o chai POSITIVE again,she called me today as i have commanded after yesterdays gathering i must hear good news haaa dis God is Amazing I just shouted thank Jesus who has heard our prayers n request you will think am the one pregnant swag p with the shout,He has opened the womb people tagged barren and put them to shame,Her husband has been treating her like egg ooo since he saw the result instant peace has been restored in her marriage,Even till this morning I was still telling God hmmm do something o the year is going,U remember God you told swag p before this year ends they will hear cry of babies,I sharply claimed it for them o,I just bless God for his faithfulness,He has answered one remaining two that i believe they will all testify before this year is over.Do u know the most incredible part? She was treating typiod and malaria not knowing she was carrying her bundle of joy oooo,until she decided to do the kit test out of abeg its formality but my God cleared her doubt and she knowing have been telling her how as  a Swag have been standing for her on our ground she called to tell me as soon as it cleared her shes PREGNANT,ubola your God has answered you for me,that those who mocked her for seven years hahahaha the disgrace will be too much for them,swag p with gratitude cheii am proud to have connected on that ground,proud to be a swag sista,because indeed it rubbed up on my friend shes been Saved With Amazing Grace.i give God all the Glory,cant stop screaming,how grateful i am oh God,for Him alone i bow before and i say thank You oh Lord,swag p indeed you never speak if God has not asked you too,for before this year actually ended my friend is pregnant,the one that got me mostly disturbed seven years was like seventy years of no hope anymore but God proved Himself,and i pray shes carrying triplet,swag p everything you seek for God will give to you,Lastly i say Oshe baba ......*dancing* ..SWAG PS NEW PIN : 25B00B63


  1. It can only be GOD,Father LORD I tap into this testimony for my sister.she must testify too this year.AMEN

  2. It can really be only God! Amazing will never get old to say about His WONDERS! I standin Awe of God more and more.

  3. I connect to this testimony and say it is settled for me


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