Swag P good morning,God is on my own case too ooo. Last week thursday when i came for 'come lets pray' I told you about my caretaker threatening me to pack my tins out of the house if am not paying,I was so scared and confused of where to go,we prayed about it and you asked me to go get a bottled of water washed my face and said i will not be put to shame that i will not live that house until i choose to live and i said Amen and you asked me to go and tell my landlord huh i was like ha but i obeyed and went to see the land lord and he looked at me and said NO guess he would have tot i took something hahaha,i told you swag p and you said Joy i have told you that house you wont live and i should watch God,i believed but  immediately I called a friend of mine that I know she has a spare room beside her room,she said I should come meet her in her shop,When I got to her shop I told her I needed her help that I want to move my tins into that empty room beside hers and she told me no problem but she doesn't have the key to the place o,that its with the landlord,but I shuldnt worry dat she'll break the door for me to keep my tins dia till I'll cum for them,I disagreed with d breaking of the door because its like going before God,but she said if she call the landlord to give her the key that she doesn't know wat she'll hear from his mouth then i quoted swag p who always say if God cant do it let it be left undone but as far as am concern swag p has said am not living and i wont pay for the house it will become free it sounded weird though but God knows Swag p i believe you because you dont speak if God has not spoken but sha my mind be de beat at how i will stay free in a house am to pay for when landlord has given me a week to pack. So well my friend said we should go and eat that no how I'll still put my tins dia but me know if landlord says no keys, no breaking of door,hmmmm When we got to the eatry she met one of her friend there and we got talking and something just said begin to explain what brought me to her, and the person said haa dat he too is looking for house ,that  can he come in to be of help to me,so he said he'll cum check my place and see if they will like d place and they will pay and give me the time I need to move out,was a bit relieve but am  a SWAG.So they came on sunday afternoon to check the place,they first said is small for them because they are two, later they said because of me they will take d house. So that's how they gave me a cheque to pay my landlord the house rent on monday and they gave me the time i asked for to stay before the people in lagos for my job to call me and I get my own place, OMG AS SWAG P SAID I WILL NOT LIVE I WILL STAY IN THAT HOUSE FREE UNTIL I WISH TO LIVE and people i dont even known paid the house rent before the seven days landlord gave me to live,thrusday prayers kie swag p GOD did it for me ....Indeed God is on my case n he'll finish what he has started in my life,you also said I wont leave,I rememba I said a short prayer dat morning dat God if am leaving here am leaving in my time when am ready to leave and when I get an alternative as it was said on thurday prayer time and God did it am too amazed and shocked dont know how to come out of this surprise indeed theres God in that ground it takes you believing,i believed as swag p said you going no were and it happened for me,Thanks for your prayers on us swag p,God will always put smile on ur face,becuase how strangers will pay for a house and tell you to live when its convinient haaaaa it can only be God. God i thank you, the God of swagz thank You,how do i thank you God because even swag p laugh me say haaa its dangerous to be thrown out  of  house during raining season o hahaha that God willl ans me fast and You did God you did so that rain will not beat me and my load sob sob,to you alone God i give you all the praise,Swag p i remember how i met you,in zone 3 NYSC office last year sitting almost close to a girl who happened to be my friend and just as you heard her telling me am wasting my beauty i should follow her to hang out with men haaaa you jumped into the talk and said i don't know you but if i dare try it, i will be wasted for life,i and my friend said huh looked at you like whos this hahahaha and you boldly repeated it and said PURITY pays that i should allow every man go in my life and watch God make me,you said they will destroy my destiny.something said inside of me TAKE HER ADVISE and that was it told my friend i will never ever follow her anywere and thats how i became a swag indeed since then have obeyed the mandate of purity and seen God come in every situation i seek,in a months time will begin a job in lagos that which i seek so much before i became a swag........Swag p there say a closed mouth is a closed  destiny thank God you spoke out on that day you heard our talks and i was SAVED.God bless you swag p and finally OLORUN MO DUPE LOWO E(God i thank you so much) too happy indeed all Glory be to God.


  1. Waoh! Awesome Swag God. I key into this for my present accommodation. I won't leave till am ready to pack out. Thank u Jesus

  2. WOW!so great.this can only be the God of SWAG P. All glory be to your mighty name for ever and ever Amen.Swag joy


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