SWAG JOAN: It can only be God….. So, I don’t know if any of you read my last testimony. (If you didn’t, please go back and read was posted febuary 28th 2013). This is a continuation of my testimony. So after I got the job in the US on February 14th, I was still depressed as my application to renew UK visa was still with the Home Office and I had to resume my job in America 10th of March. My employers both in the UK and US were both on my neck to provide my visa and I was so frustrated as I was on the verge of loosing both jobs. I kept on telling God that He started this chapter of my life with me and He will definitely end it positively for me. 10th of March came and went, I obviously did not go as I still did not have my passport to go to New York. I was given 3 more resumption dates, 20th and 27th of March, and 27th of April but all those days came and went but still no passport or visa. I started questioning God saying why? If He didn’t want me to go to NY, he would not have allowed me to get the job. I can’t stress how my employers in NY were getting. They were beyond frustrated not just at me but with the British system. They kept on giving me just days to resume and those days turned into weeks, weeks into months and still no progress. My UK job was still shaky because in their eyes, I was illegal to work in the UK but I told them that as long as I had an outstanding application with the Home Office, I was more than legal to continue working in the UK. I remember always being depressed, frustrated, sad, distant, just name any dark place, I was there. This one day I called SWAG P from London and I updated her on what was happening (she already knew the situation) and she asked me to go to the toilet since I was at work as she was going to ask me to wash my feet whilst she prayed. The way I ran yeah, you would think there was fire on the mountain lol. I did as I was told and she said don’t worry it is Settled and this was like first week in April I began packing my boxes in anticipation of my passport. One week passed, 2 weeks passed and still nothing sometimes I would loose my Faith and start doubting but then after I would just snap out of it and try to ‘console’ myself saying there are people with bigger issues but deep down I was hurting badly. So, about 2 weeks ago, I went to see a representative from my US employers there in the UK to give them update on my situation and wow she was crossed. Like she literally shouted at me and I did not even know when I started crying (and it was not fake tears) and she said to me she’s been working on behalf of my US employers for 6 years and this was the first time the employer would keep a job for someone 9 weeks after I was meant to initially resume and in my head I just kept on saying it’s only God that could do such and I have washed my feet and I remember swag p saying joan this job no man will take it,its yours and I believed with fear . Last week, Saturday, I decided to come home on emergency travel certificate and just weigh my options from here and praying that my passport and UK visa comes out so I can apply for the US visa because I had had enough of the UK as I had already invested all my time to go the US. I also prayed I don’t get stuck in Nigeria with this “brave” move I did. So I called swag P that I was coming home, told her what I decided to do(I really wanted her to say no Joan that’s a bad idea stay back in the UK and LET God’s Will be done, but she didn’t she said come and take what belongs to you by force ). So I landed in Nigeria last Monday with a very silly back up plan if all fails. I went to immigration office to explain my situation and see what options I have. I decided to cancel my passport in UK (it was expiring soon anyway) and make a new one. The day I was going to go for digital capture, they said no network to do it, my frustration just went into gear 5. I started crying called swag P and she said she was coming to stay at my house for this period that as I walk with her during this time, all would be disgraced and she would not be disgraced. On Tuesday last week, on our way to immigration office, I received a call that there was no network for digital pictures. I was now way beyond confused as I was instructed to resume work on the 17th of June in NY and everyday I spent in Nigeria without achieving anything was crucial. Swag P said even if there was no network on our way to the immigration, as we get there, that network must come. I said Amen. Lo and behold, as we entered into the gates of immigration, they called saying there was network and we should hurry up. I was like if I never believed God acts in mysterious ways, this has just made me believe, as in when they said no net work swag p said they are joking and she said joan as my leg touch immigration office network that has gone for days must come when we finish it can disappear hmmmm, my Amen was shaking but Jesus I saw it live as we entered parked NETWORK CAME.Swag p said joan you will see more that your uk awaited passport and visa must come now,kos when the disciples was with Jesus they had no worries,so she has come to stay around me as a vessel . The next day(Wednesday) swag p decided to fast and she said somethings cant go until you fast that my passport in uk must come out and I said Amen,hmmmm I was in a cyber café getting some printed documents I needed same wednesday, my sister called me from London saying guess what? I was like what? She was like your passport has arrived and my UK visa has been approved(since January I sent in my application). The way I jumped if not because I was in public , my excitement would have been much worse. I literally ran home(I didn’t run though because the café was far from my house- but was driven home. You sha get the gist). I told Mary b sorie Swag p hahaha. She was like, did I not tell you it would come out? She said it was my worry that was delaying my testimony(but no joke I can worry for the nation). She said just sit back and watch God perform and I should stop praying for my visa and start thanking God for the visa. That evening she was going to church for communion service ad she asked me to go with her but I declined(which I regret). The next day, she was going for the communion service again and she asked me to come but I said no but trust me she wasn’t having it go, She gave me the washing of my life, how shes shock me that needs something in short I was blasted nothing told me I agreed to go and trust me it was the best thing I ever did. I felt like a whole new person that I couldn’t wait to go the next day. I received my new passport on Friday and my sister sent my old one from London which I collected on Saturday. Things were beginning to fall in place but I was still fretting over silly things if they were not moving fast enough and all swag p would say to me was relax and let God work but trust me the worrier to worry. Long story short, I came for the first swag sistas meeting yesterday and it was something phenomenal I experienced. She told me to come to the middle so that the ladies would pray for my visa which the lovely ladies did and coincidentally, earlier before everyone prayed for me, when swag p asked us to join partner up and pray for each other, I held hands with Zephora(apologies if I spelt your name wrong ) who had just received her American visa and when swag p asked if anyone had anything to say, she said she held hands with me and she has just received her American visa and she said I will receive mine too and my face was washed that as I get in favour. I went for the interview today and I wanted to take more documents and swag p said to me that all these documents were protocols that my visa has been granted and I shouldn’t worry they wont check anything ok did I forget I woke swag p at 3am oh for us to pray and see the deep prayer points and she concluded joan go it is Done … . I got to the embassy and when it was my turn, the lady that interviewed me only read my application form I submitted last night online and asked what job role I was going to take on. She collected my passport and my confirmation email and said my visa has been approved. No questions were asked about ties, how I will fund my trip I mean the only thing she collected were my passport and my j1 form. I could not believe it. I just want to thank God for his goodness and mercies not only did I get my UK work visa, I also got my American work visa. I also thank God for swag p. I pray your river will never run dry and as God continues to use you to touch people, may your prayers never go unanswered. AMEN…,swag p just how many days around you everything fell in place ,I saw you fasting again and you said until am out of the embassy you will put nothing in your mouth,Swag p seeing how you crave so much for testimonies from people made me realise how much you care about people.God bless you and Finally i say only you God i give the Glory.


  1. Wow! This is simply AMAZING!!!

    By the way, it's spelt Zipporah (wink). I tap into this testimony for an international work visa too!!!

  2. Wow, to God be the glory.

  3. God be praise Amen

  4. praiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiise God


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