SWAG OG: My God is Good, he's awesome, faithful and loving I can't help but 2 luv him more each day!!! ‪#‎dancing‬#two testimonies in one day ha. My testimony hmmmmm ok where will I start from,hmm. It all started january 2O13 during the 21days prayer and fasting programme that period I was so confused with life,didn't knw my left or right or know the next step to take in life! So I kept on praying for divine direction, help, connectivity.... Truly He answers prayers on the 15th of the fasting i was heading home from church ,God connected me to swagp, she walked up to me I was looking so tired, I was like ooooohooo all this girls that sells clothes won't stop disturbing me, she gave me her pin and blog site to check and get back to her she didn't tell me who she was but asked i add her or check the blog, I collected it and threw it inside my bag, on getting home I was so tired one mind was telling me to add her and check the site but I was so tired I just ignored it and forgot about it totally, ‪#‎its‬ always god to to be sensitive# I wasn't! After some months later i and my friend Swag Obehi who's based in Benin, we were just gisting and she told me she just left swag meeting, I was like whats the meeting about she explained to me, then suddenly my mind went back to to the bb pin and blogsite someone gave to me, didn't know it was the same person obehi was talking about. I quickly told her to send me pictures of the event, then I saw swagp on the pic I was so shocked because I thought she sells clothes never knew she was God's anointed servant, An angel on earth God sent to me haaaa when i was praying for God to connect me spiritually,He sent me ooo i tot na cloth seller not my fault swag p you were to swagged up hahaha for me to think you are Gods vessel huh, I quickly started looking for the book she wrote her pin and blogsite, sharply sharply I added her, hehehehe. I introduced myself and she laughed why haven't you added me all dis while! I met with her the next day, she spoke and prayed with me! Indeed dat day I was so inspired nd I told myself I Will not let her go again!! My God is wonderful ooooo after swagp prayed for me, my delayed masters issue started picking up fast! My dad that refused to  pay my school fees called me I should start preparing he would sponsor everything cheiiiii was speechless, my delayed transcript came out fast every preparation started going on fast fast. Got admission fast fast! Time to apply for visa the devil now decided he wants to try me, I started facing temptation, I would call swagp she Will say og it is settled , the day of my interview @ the embassy, my application form wasn't correct the passport number so they sent me out and gave me 20mins to return back, with the rush and everything I forgot to write my name and sign in the form omg and i submitted this is uk embassy o .The next day I called swagp was crying seriously she prayed with me, calm me down that it is settled! During all dis trail she has been my source of inspiration always there to talk and pray wit me! That God would break protocol for my sake! writing name or signing not necessary for children of God,in my mind i said huh Swag p i just said i submmited my form with no name or signing.i was on the Ground on sunday and i received a text to come on monday that my visa was ready i was too scared but that was the last day on the Ground i was present there that means uk embassy must stamp my passport with or without name,And indeed God broke protocol for my sake!! I GOT THE VISA Am screaming right now because it can only be God! What he has blessed no one can curse, I give him all glory cos He has done a great thing in my life! And to my sweet swagp I love u so much and my Good Lord should continue to bless you beyond your imagination u'r a lady with a good heart, Amen I love u all swag sistas join me to thank God. No matter what in life even if u'r nothing today my dear don't give up because u'r a great woman of tomorrow!! WE ARE BEAUTIFUL QUEENS OF THE WORLD ,Hmmmmm, pls sumone should wake me upppp am dreamin oooooooo, This is God in my life its really my year of double portion, am speechless, what Will I do for this my God because he has swept me off my feet. My mum and dad that have broken up for 10yrs are back again, last month one of d Thursdays i came for prayers on the ground swagp asked if you have any special prayer request come out , I came out and asked her to pray about my Dad and mums settlement ,Swagp you did and also asked the whole Swag sistas to strecth their hands forth that 2013 you dont care if the Seperation is for 10years ,this year they must come back you know your God. Indeed my God has made me speechless on the last day on the ground still last Sunday, He opened heavens for me He took all my pains and sorrows and replaced it unlimited joy, as I saw swagp yesterday on the ground same Sunday I told myself I must follow her anywhere shes going that yesterday till its time for me to go home and sleep which was about past 9pm after Swag sistas meeting followed her everywere! All through I was with her kept on receiving the transference of spirit listening to her, I told myself i take the peace spirit, happy spirit in life like her and be beautiful like her, indeed God did it, he did it ooooo, my hands are shaking as am typing this testimony, please join me and dance and praise God! Anything greater than awesome than what He has done! My very own swagp I love u so much ooo 4rm 2day am ur personal PA 4rm now! Swag sistas we re QUEENS OF THE WORLD,God gave me two great testimonies in less that 24hours as i left the Ground,Swag p you said i will so dance the next day monday i said for my VISA you said not just that alot will happen i shouted Amen oh,just as i was dacing for my visa my mum called me from US saying your papa call me after this while say make i come back home and answer hes name that he don do hes tired he wants hes wife back omg when we read the write up i conected deeply and said i will dance like a Queen,when the water came on my face Swag p you said Og RESTORATION omg everybody please come and Dance with me my parents who have been seperated since 10yrs after i left the ground on sunday join back o Monday abi which language will i use hahahah ok they haf come back to LOVE,or they have hahahahh am speechess, i have my dad and mum together as it should be , Swagp i was embarassed when you shouted Og you no get testimony since ha now i have the mega ones which tormented me and made me loose track in life was my mum n dad coming together, Swag p you said as today is the Last day on the Ground Everything will seek must and will be answered yeppi God did it.sob sob sob He did it. Swagp God sent you to me in January and Hes completed my story in August hmmmm *fresh airrrrrrrr* God thank You. Swagps new pin 25b0b65 ....if you read my testimony please re bc it, it will get to some child out there whos life has been shettered and has gone astray due to parental seperation let them know God can restore them back,it happened to me but i was fast and embraced PURITY as a Swag sista and God stepped in,because i tell you 90percent of children on the street is due to Family uncare and parental seperation....i will say my story live on thursday at our new venue at No 134 Adetokunbo Ademola Street wuse 2 5pm prompt ,Abuja immediately after Cubana opposite Eco Bank. IT CAN ONLY BE GOD.      I AM A QUEEN.


  1. Big big God. Mighty God. I tap into this testimony. Happy for u hun. It's good to obey nd follow Godly instructions.

  2. The testimonies are endless n life changing ...God is indeed Awesome! I'm not a swag sista yet but I visit this blog regularly n I must say God is real oh!God bless Swag P n d Swag Sistas

  3. Can I get Swag P's blackberry pin? I don't live in Abuja. Would like to chat.
    Please send to monicaonnet19@gmail.com


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