Swag P were can i dance this dance ..but before the dance my name is SWAG MARY a Swag Sista not for mouth hmmm. In February 2013 my husband was introduced to Swag P through hes friend and in that same month February,Swag p told my husband that in the month of march she sees Speed in prosperity in hes life that no other month but march,the shocking thing is that march is my husbands birthday month so it was concluded God wanted to give my husband a husband experienced Gods blessings kie in that month of march as declared,the Land hes been trying to sell for so long a buyer came after Swag p prayed for him using the name of JESUS,same march he bought a bus.i saw God worked in hes life,then i told my husband that ha you have to introduce me to this person you always call Swag p,i was wondering the name hahaha fast my hubby gave me the phone to speak to Swag p and i was invited for the meeting,that was how i became a Swag Sista,from march to this august maybe i have missed coming to that group like five times,am always on the ground, Thursdays and Sundays with just one desire OH GOD BLESS ME WITH THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB. i have waited so long that its frustrating me,until my husband met Swag p he had a different mentality of asking me of hes children day and night and almost making me run so far but i held on,after he began to speak to Swag p he never says all that again instead he told me if God cant do it let it be left undone and instead he began to shower so much love on me,my wardrobe was changed,a car etc like it was as if huh he didn't care again oh and guess what i was now the sad one disturbing i must be pregnant,while him became my counselor huh too funny and kept telling me its God that gives lets keep praising God hahahaha,i began to feel sad oh that my hubby doesn't care about children again oh what has happened,until i realized he was working on the mystery of SHOW YOUR WIFE GREAT LOVE AND GOD WILL SHOW UP THERE FAST..he was secretly on a mystery led by the Holy Spirit and Swag p told him.Many Sundays passed,many Thursdays passed,i partook of all mysteries,salt,feet wash,blood of sprinkling,all we have ever done it looked like i was the only one forgotten sob sob,Swag p will scream Mary whats happening am tired of seeing your face,i will feel so Embarrassed,but didn't stop me from coming for i will rather receive all embarrassment for God to have mercy on me. i knew one Sunday or Thursday will be my day since march hmmmm its August now i held on,for swagp said God has told her all wombs will carry your babies this 2013 and am among now, Swag p i remembered you said as you wash my hubbys feet this year baby must Enter we believed. omg on the last Sunday in millennium park before we moved to our venue i  said God so we are moving to another venue and am not pregnant,just in my thought Swag Pastor said no one will take any desire to the new venue and prayed and prayed,then sprinkled our faces with clean water that was tagged new beginning,every one o e be like say na that night my baby enter*wink* i was not sure ,was even scared to go for test need no bad report,then suddenly this week Swag p declared three nights of praise that God had led her to inform people,wow i partook in it and braced up today 23rd of August to finally go for the scary test and that's how i left with my hubby to the hospital shaking,behold my test came out POSITIVE and was said am 2weeks pregnant,somebody wake me up,Swag p its Done as you always say yes it is,its finally Done i didn't give up,kept pressing i knew Swag p,God must use you oh to get my testimony because am going nowhere have been SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE. i want to really appreciate my God so much.Swag Naya cheiii always on my neck am free from your shouts every time before i land you will ask are you pregnant?if you not don't come next week ,hahahaha i can answer your question now Swag Saya yes am pregnant sob sob sob thank you .Swag p you never stopped declaring for me,holding my hands always,
it looked like it was not possible but my God who said according to 2king2:21-22 after the drinking of salt and water no woman will be barren,yes we did that mystery and its SETTLED,wow God You the same God of Yesterday and Today,i give You all the praise,Swag Sistas my delayed has been broken,am not barren,theres God here ,theres God .Swag p how i love you and want to say God has given us you by Himself to Restore joy in our life and when i called you ,the joy felt ,you spoke to my hubby to buy me shawarama yes o he did hahahahah. indeed the mystery of show your wife so much love during trails really worked too. Thank you Lord.........................Swag p God Blessss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for it CAN ONLY BE GOD THAT SAVED ME.


  1. God of restoration thank you for this testimony..Am indeed grateful for this lady I join her to celebrate,her new beginnings..

  2. Oh congrats! Dear Lord may i be the next to testify as i wait on you Amen!

  3. Praiiiiiseeeee the LORD,Dancingggg,it can only be GOD,GOD is wonderfull GOD is too faithfull to fail o,Swag Mary am soo happy for you,I claim this testimony for my sister,AMEN

  4. WooooooOw, God is indeed faithful, I key into ds powerful testimony dt my testimony is for sure.

  5. I claim ds testimony in d Name above all names I rejoice with u and claim it for myself also as I receive my own fruit of d womb Amen. Swag inikpi


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