BY HES STRIPES ..................WE ARE MADE WHOLE.........................................WE BE SWAZZZZZZZ

My name is Swag Amen J•(Benin)to God be d Glory and to the shame of d devil I came for your programme and I met wit u in benin,u saw me and said my health issue is settled and all dat concerns me and I said Amen...the shocking thing is that I didn't tel u o i was sick to my surprise went to see the doctors and confirmed the tumours in my abdomen has disappeared the same way they came omg the mystery answered for me and the blood and more and more and my relationship restored just like that hmmm Satan I laff u hahahahahhahahahahah*rotfl*i bless the day i became a Swag and all this i say thank You God,swag p thank you for being there for me and God bless can only be God..i give Him all the Glory.

I am Swag Omeyi! I serve a living God who has the power to preserve life. I am few weeks pregnant, I came back from work yesterday and started feeling cramps in my waist. I chatted with swag p in the evening and she said omeyi that baby STAYS o dis na june na pikin we de find no be blood o. I woke up to send arrows back and noticed blood flowing down my legs like a river I shouted my baby stays in Jesus name. I called swag p about past 12am as i saw it. we spoke and she prayed with me and told me to praise God for the two kids i already have,oh swag p how you shouted why i was crying and began to praise God with me saying God you gave her two kids how great you are etc,i told you the heavy blood like river ,for me i thought i had lost it but after the ministration you asked me to go and check the baby and said its Done. I went did a scan my heart pumping  behold the baby is there oo I shouted hallelujah somebody. It can only be God. *music* I am serving a living God his name is Jesus Christ he died and he rose n gave me victory hallelujah I have victory. At God's word through swag p my baby is preserved. God bless and increase his grace on u swag p, Amen.

Good morning swag p my name is swag Stella if u recall sometime ago I told u I had a miscarriage some time ago and you said no more miscarriage again so I believe then letter you sent a message of sending back every arrow of negativity to be send back to sender with using water to sprinkle round were one sleep so I did it and sent back every arrow of negativity in my marriage n my mother's health to God b d Glory I am pregnant again it was like it will never come yeppi am safe for June oh, MY SHIFT CAME ,i just confirmed it this week in the hospital.Now am too sure my mums healing's is settled. Swag p ,God blesss uuuuu and GOD i thank You so much............tarararara.


  1. Dis can only be my God at work !

  2. Kaptain Destiny27 June 2014 at 10:34

    He Works Mysteriously No Mortal Can Prescribe; He's The Immortal, He's Awesome, He's Omini Knowest; All Praises And Adoration To HIM.... Your Testimonies Shall Increase Bountifully By His Grace..... May God Continue To Strengthen Swag P And May His Mighty Hands Be Upon Her; AMEN.

  3. pweetie_Swag Dimi27 June 2014 at 10:36

    We serve a mighty & living God, he has given us victory. I am glad for u three. He is a faithful God indeed

  4. Amazing Father ,how excellent is your name,we adore you Father as we bow and say thank you.

  5. God in action,no stopping no waiting ,your testimonies are sealed in Jesus name!as for me na twins i go born and d testimony go dey this blog in Jesus Name Amennnn

  6. Tnk God 4 all d testimonies, he's indeed God

  7. He is in deed a covenant keeping God....
    Swag Morris.

  8. i praise You Lord for this testimonies. It can only be you God. May your name be praised forever O Lord. May God who in His infinite mercy brought this testimonies in the life of these Swag Sisters, bring about my own testimonies and put new songs in my mouth in Jesus Mighty name. Amen!!!!!

  9. This very God receive the glory, You are so awesome. Swag stella

  10. May his name be praised, we serve a living God. I tap into the pregnancy testimonies mine is next Amen!!!!

  11. Singing and dancing, "This kind God oo, I never see Your type oo, this kind God oo, blessed be Your Holy name!" Thank You JESUS for shaming the devil once again!

  12. He is the true living God. Praiseeeeeeee God

  13. omg am in tears! wot else can i say children r a blessing frm God even if dy r nt out of d belle yet. i connect n tap wit testimonies on bhaf of EVERY woman seeking d fruit of d womb. God bless u both

  14. I pray today for you all rejoicing that 9days from now I will celebrate you all on this blog in Jesus name Amennnnnn

  15. Amen oh!!!!! Swag Shirlee

  16. It can only be God. . Amen Swags.. God will continue to do more mysterious things in our lives. . I tap my own anointing. . It is settled.


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