my name is SWAG UFUOMA...On sunday June 9th around 3:10pm on our way from airport road when we went to buy nasal drops for Mildred my baby girl we stopped at exchange super market (paradisco) to get caprison for Mildred and mummy Emma wanted 2 buy shaving stick too, so we left Elvis and Mildred in the car and went inside when I came back out side the car was moving slowly I quickly rushed inside to try to stop it at that moment I was very confused that I didn't even know what I was doing again. mummy Emma was shouting with fear that I will hit the fence all of a sudden,remembered i was a swag oh and swag p has said from God no Accident and no death of a sister for me it was my daughter oh and immediately the car stopped on its own. Till today I can't explain what made it stop, how it stop i guess the though of the Declaration sent Angels at work. If not for God what will I be saying now, what if the car rolled to the road before i came out of the shop and another car on speed hit it with Mildred and Elvis inside...God forbid back to sender. Hmmmm God is really on our side because that Sunday morning was the first time I actually sent back the 2am arrow to the senders. i just bless God for saving my daughter and mama Elvis son...God bless you Swag p and God i praise your Name.

my name is RUKKY and I got your pin from my very good friend jey! On Thursday last week after I told my friend Jennifer about my mum's BP situation she told me to add you (swag p({})) on bbm and talk to you and as soon as I added you and told you about mums health bp issues you asked me to wash my mum's feet with water just as JESUS washed the feet of the disciples and speak healing on her, after wards check d BP instantly when i finish which i did . that day has soon i was done i checked her BP came  down oh from two hundred and something to back to 175 first with every check kept going down it was like magic oh,huh something we have been battling sinceeeee but no its miracle. Thank you very much for all ur encouragement and prayers Swag p cant wait to meet you, my mum's BP has stabilised and she's about to be  discharged from the hospital! I threw arrows of sickness, death and BP last night and 2day Friday in less than 24hours she's being discharged! God b praised her operation(which will be successful because we serve a faithful GOD) will be done this coming  Friday. Am so happy the BP was a stumbling block to it but God has cleared the way yeaaaaa so happy.Bless you Swag p and BABA OSHE. 

GOD has been too good to me o 2 testimonies o inshort my heart is too filled with joy. My name is swag Kike I kept sending BCs about coming to abj for sales as I deal in Hair extensions and one day swag p pinged me and said I will sell greatly I said Amen and I came to abuja and wow GOD kept to his word o each day I kept selling almost double the previous day o... Before coming... to Abuja I was in serious financial mess and battling depression .Secondly I made a transfer to another department o and everybody kept telling me that I need to know someone before it will click.... But I pinged swag P and she asked me what department do I want I told her and she laughed and told me it is Done.... I was happy because I don't joke with what swag P says at all o.list came out my name was there and given the department i want ..students were so shocked. GOD is doing wonders through this woman o GOD bless u swag p... U always ping me at the right times and just drop one line of encouraging comment.... Dose times ehn I will just smile and say kai GOD has sent dis woman how did she Know I needed someone to encourage me.During the last visit in Benin you said I will be dancing wen you come in june swag P I'm learning new dance moves o I don dey ready wait u lol..my mystery seed in march as indeed spoken for me and sending Arrows back to sender .Thank you Jesus it can only be GOD

Swag Shirley: Swag P, I am so happy oh. After throwing arrows last night . I threw the arrows on my finances and other things back . I woke up this morning , prayed and got ready for work. I went to greet my dad in his room, and he goes how are you? I said I am fine. The next thing he said is do you have your account number off hand? I said yes. He said let me have the number and he did an online ...transfer of money to my account. I was surprised a lot of thousands o , na so God dey work ? just like that oh. I am grateful to God Almighty because He has broken the arrow and made the mountain standing on my finances plain and I have faith that God will put more testimonies in my mouth in Jesus name. Amen.Swag P , thank God for me oh. May God continue to bless you and the Swag ministry. Amen. Thank You Father.  

SWAG WENDY---Yayyyyy \=D/ Swag P I've got a testimony finally!!! Remember one of the things I mentioned to you yesterday was that some of the people who bought my goods haven't paid... well this morning, I got a call from one of my friend who I gave some of my goods to help me sell. She called to tell me that someone has bought one and he's going to send the money. My joy is that, what the guy bought is the mo...st expensive of all the goods I bought to sell. As if that's not enough o, this my same friend called me few minutes ago to tell me that I should expect an alert from her any moment from now for the stuff she bought from me. I'm sooooo happy! Cos before now I was so broke that if you turn me upside down, coins will not even fall. Last night I took a step further by praising and worshiping God from 12am -2am and when it was exactly 2am, I started throwing back arrows and one of the arrows I threw back was arrow of delay in the payment of my goods. God has proven Himself MIGHTY! I am so happy and so grateful to GOD. Thanks Swag p for always encouraging we ladies and making us realize that with God, we can get a solution to any challenge we may face. God bless you real good, and may His glory continually radiate through your life IJN Amen. I know for sure that before this week is over, God will grant me all my requests \=D/



  1. It can only be God.....Swag P is indeed Godsent....I wanna be part of dis Swag Sisters oh

  2. Swag p, pls send me ur pin, dis is my pin 25B35006, my name is Rita

  3. Swag P I and my are next for more testimony. .. can't wait for my wife to find happiness and every one who is suffering today because of me. God bless you swag P. Morris Okpidi


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