Swag P I was d lady my friend  told you about my predicament in a young marriage of 5years blessed with two kids and the third kid is on the way but i have never had a peaceful home. Its peace today n chaos tomorrow, thanks to my husband rampant infidelity but our most recent crisis was him ceasing my car key not minding i was pregnant,because I uploaded my husband pictures innocently and unfortunately for him, i got in contact with different girls who started chatting with me thinking I was my husband loo n behold dey were his girlfriends hmmmm,before now he rarely takes me or his kids to amusement centres because the wicked spirit makes him ashamed of his family,he had sexually deprived me since the first week of February ,he goes out without catering for my welfare when it's obvious to the whole world  he can afford  it. When my friend gave me swag ps pin, I was one leg in and one leg out because the past 3weeks had been hell for me, I was still in the marriage because of my innocent kids. I wonder why on earth I gave them such a father. He travelled to Lagos without giving me a dine for welfare not minding that i was pregnant,n thru out his stay there instead of calling me he would call the gate keeper, he was the one who has hurt me and yet he was the one singing separation. I was so ready now was just waiting for God to tell me leave the marriage,Everyone i spoke to had told me to run not even leave hmmm. When i told my friend i was ready to go. she said okay before you go meet my pastor swag p,tell her everything and if she say go then go ,but i knew no one will hear my story and wont tell me to leave.I blame myself why i didn't follow my spirit before i got married ,he treated me well and showed me love before i said yes i do Even though my spirit was not at peace but what will i do i have entered, so i was to bear it all but no i was leaving  ..i have been too sad in 5years.Didn't know were i would go but at that point i didn't care.,am just 26yrs so stressed looking pale. So i got swag ps pin last month and added her then I was in despair as I lamented n cried, and Swagp told me ,you wont leave that marriage ,all we would do is kill all the strange women around your husband using the blood and when we are done your husband will go everywhere with you and your kids and also sit at home with all of you.I said an Amen but haba its been 5years and what kind of prayer i never do but was just meeting Swag p and felt happy already.Swag p said bring all your fine clothes wear them and pose and show your husband the kind of love you never show am,i went huh she said i have told you and i agreed.Hearing something different was amazing and hope returned.Abeg don't tell your friends about your home if they are not vessels of God because they will help you reck it and marry your husband if care is not taken..She said you lucky ,you have not left for another woman and since i don marry i must finish the marriage. hmmm i said ma ,did you hear all i said and swag p said yes na and repeated you go no were. U told me, calm down,Later u said be STILL it's your home.So i went into spiritual mysteries instructed by swag p ,joined the praise and one day he came back so late ,i pinged Swag p she said give am food ,and if no food start to cook and i was like this hour of the morning ,she said do as i said and i obeyed and welcomed him and gave him the food,then Swag p said now give me hes number and i said ha she said give me hes phone number and i wasn't even scared as usual and i did..Swag sistas that was it the jinx broke instantly  and the next morning even me felt something had left the home because the house became light. IN 5YRS, My husband was home early last Saturday even b4 I got back from the market and  even when he told me he wanted to go n buy something he did so in a jiffy n d next minute he was home, though it was weird to have him home dat early I just hurriedly prepared dinner he ate, d next day was church he was home helping out took his son to the barbing salon by 10am we were ready for church n we left for church no am dreaming my sistas ooo ha , when we got back my husband was home through out very very unusual in fact when it got to 7pm he told me, he wanted to go out briefly I said ok but funny enough his buttocks was glued to d chair even after dressing up my husband who hardly sit at home to watch movies was watching movies yesterday and this morning he gave me my car keys without me asking OMG,do you know how many people don beg for my keys to be returned no way but me as a SWAG got back my keys on a platter of gold..for Christ sake i just met this woman of God last month and all the troubles of 5years has ended .Am treated like a new bride like if not that i was pregnant am sure another belle go done enter.I have obeyed swag p when the change come ask no question about the past.See as bad belle de peep at my family.Those who said my husband will not take us to buy chop chop and movies una lie,those that said i should live my marriage that no Hope you all lied.God was the hope and all He did was connect me to Swag p .I bless my friend who gave me swag ps pin and Swag p who made me believe that i should watch God and apply all love to my marriage no matter what and God will Honor my Praise and yes He did. i have to stop hear because my husband is calling me to enter bed room chaiiiI praise d Lord who has started this great n tremendous miracle will continue n perfect it and when i finish for room i shall cruise my car around.Strange women you all wasted your time because una no fit Win BATTLE with God.,He treats me more wit respect now ooo am still talking ,don't blame me ojare,There is peace in my Home..Swagp the day i see you i will ask you were you were in 5yrs o because just one month I got your pin ,My God has settled me .sob sob sob..thank you ma indeed no seed goes wasted on these ground.God has change my mourning into a winner.God bless your ministry ma and am spreading the news and bringing more lost women to Benin when you come i cant wait..Coming with my darling lovely husband cheiii .My God You did all this for was your power that did it all, and i have understood that You always come no matter how it may be...single girls learn from my story..but i wish you all a very peaceful home.


  1. Halleluyahhh,its only God that can do it so so happy for you.

  2. Halleluyahhh,its only God that can do it so so happy for you.

  3. God is God, he's not a man that he shld lie, uwese baba

  4. Jehovah over-do has done it again! Congratulations my dear, I celebrate with you. Hahaha

  5. Hmmmm, this can only be God , I praise his name ohhh, am so happy for you my sista. Thanks Swag P. I love u more. Swag Taiwo

  6. Jesus! This is a super turn around. I claim this turn around in all my endeavours in Jesus name. Amen

  7. The God of restoration! The Almighty God! May Your name be praised Oh Lord. Thank You Father for this testimony.

  8. Jehovah ehhh Jehovah ehhh You are lifted up above other gods You are lifted up above other God(dancing). Kai kai oh God of restoration thank You for this home & puting the shameless enemies to shame. Victory is sure on ds ground as God has gracefully saved ur home it is permanent in Jesus name. O'Lord receive all gloryyyy. God bless u swagp.

  9. Thank you God for restoring her marriage. May your name be praised forever. Amen

  10. Dis kain God ooh I neva type ooh, dis kain God ooh blessed be ur Holy Name. Tnk u Jesus for dis family.

  11. Restoration week. God is sooo good. We thank God.

  12. To God b d glory 4 dis gr8 restoration

  13. Hahahahahahahaah...........................praise be God.

  14. To God b the glory 4 dis gr8 restoration

  15. Wow!!! God is indeed Jehovah Overdo. Congratulations dear....I rejoice with u and I wish u a very loving and joyful home. God bless u Swag P. I love u always!! x.o.x.o

  16. Awesome God! Thank God for U dear swag sister. The devil will never return to ur home in Jesus name. Congrats!

  17. Awesome God! Thank God for U dear swag sister. The devil will never return to ur home in Jesus name. Congrats!

  18. This can only be GOD! Thank you Jesus.

  19. Now, that is the power of the Most High God, Elohim, Jehovah shammah, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Rapha. Praise be to your holy name. I love this kind God o. The God that makes impossible things, possible. Kai. God you are three much.

  20. Wow.......speechless and lost for words. This our God sha! Swag P may d anionting of God upon ur life never come down. Glory be unto God!

  21. Praise d lord!!!!! In deed God is awesome u testimony is permanent in Jesus name

  22. Hmmmm
    God of miracle. I tap into this testimony.

  23. Oh my God. U are indeed a miracle worker lord. I bless the name of the lord with u sis. May ur testimony remain permanent IJN

  24. Indeed it can only be God, I thank you Abba Father, may Ur name forever be praised Amen !!!

  25. Uhmmmm all I have to say is thank you Lord, it is well and this testimony will remain permanent . Amen

  26. Amen! Amen! Amen

  27. Thank u Lord for restoration. Pls restore mine also if it be Your will

  28. Thank U Jesus 4 honouring her again, u never fail wonderful God

  29. Whatever God has joined together let no man put asunder. Lord we give u praise

  30. oh my God!!. this is great news. ur home shall remain blessed in Jesus nmae oooooo

  31. Thank you Jesus. Whoaaaaa, God is marvelous, He said come to me all that are burdened and heavy laddened I will giv u rest. He said my peace I give u not like the worlds, oh God you are great. Congrats dear. Swag jenny

  32. Jehovah over do has done it again ooooooooo, daddy 2 u ooooo b all d glory, 2 u jesus b all d honour, 2 u yahweh b all d glory n adoration 4eva more. Congrats ma dear I tap in2 ur testimony.

  33. What God has joined together no man or woman shall pur assunder

  34. I tap this for my mum, she shall experience peace in our family, great are you lord, nothing is to hard for YOu to do.....CHUKWUNONSO

  35. i claim this miracle for my sister


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