*music*\=D/  To you Lord be all the glory, daddy to you lord be all the honour to you lord be all the glory and adoration for ever more\=D/ *music*. My name is Swag Oluwatosin from Lagos bb name Oluwafunmilola. God has done it again, I prayed and also believe it was going to happen and God answered my prayers and did it for me I gave a testimony some months ago about my new job and how a guy left me with pregnancy that I don't have certificate ,how i go ever get job and how God did he's work,when I got intouch with swag p at that time I tot I was going to take my life but after my encounter with swag p cheii I loved myself even more and she said to me fummi this same year wei guy do you like this, this same year my God will disgrace him and I shouted Amen and held on to the prophesy. Now I have come to testify again, the day swag p said she was going to pray and agree with 30people on d phone and she gave the call time, I called late and swag p prayed and I believe it was going to happen has she has said and declared again,  I was so excited when she was praying for me..then the 3days prophetic moment came I keyed into it and when it was over before I will say jack robinson, na so i meet this guy in August through his sister and immediately we saw he told me is marriage he want but I didn't believe him @ 1st because of my past experience same day swag p bc you will experience SPEED and instantly I felt Peace. He called me one night and said I should go and meet his parent the following morning, I was shocked and scared because I don't know what I was going to hear there  and lo and behold when I got there his parent said he said he doesn't want a long courtship  and we should do the wedding fast in fact they said maybe we should do the wedding in November but I said No that December will be fine, haaaaa see me wey man leave with belle because I don't have a certificate ,God disgrace am give me job as declared for me and now choosing wedding date,swag p truly no seed goes void on this ground, my God has wiped my tears oh as I write na my introduction is Oct 4th and wedding December this is more than Speed,last two weeks sunday when swag p said it was marital day and a wedding veil was used to break delays,i keyed into it and believed that my time has come oh Oti se fu mi o(2ce),if you see how I was jumping reading wedding testimonies on the blog ehn you will tink am the bride and today my on as been set INSTANTLY, if I had not loved myself again after swag p abuse me hahaha did I know God had He's own best Plan for me but see me now SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE, I beg you Swagz connect to the ground, don't miss swag meetings, call when swag p say call, follow all instructions and never stop sending your mystery seed on an errand because one day it will surely answer for you,thats all the principles I have learnt and followed being a swag sista and my story has changed, when swag p said it will still happen 2014, I screamed yes because it has Happened for me and I tell you all reading ,it WILL STILL HAPPEN, let me stop writing Ojare and get busy with wedding plans *oshe oshe o oshe o oshe ba ba * . Swag P may God bless u more for us and the anointing of God in u will never go dry IJN,cant wait to see you ooooo Nov 2nd I for don do intro choiiii hahahaha.. oh GOD You decorated my destiny even when men tried to cause me shame, you have given me my crown of Glory.. what do I say am speechless*I can only imagine* THANK YOU BABA*...swag 4 life.


  1. SWAG IFY aka brown sugar11 September 2014 at 13:41

    it can only be GOD, we bless your name


  3. Am next to be announced ohhh .couldn't help shouting nd crying @ d same time. Am so happy for u dear. Its God hand ohhhh. Jehova overdo is his name. Taiwo.

  4. God of speed , miracle God. I praise God for you Swag Oluwatosin. God truly answers prayers and God who has blessed you and put a new song in your mouth will do mine for me in Jesus name. Amen. Shirley

  5. Wow! Wow!!...dancing.congrats sis. This can only be God! This doors he has opened in ur life will remain permanently open n celebration will not seize from your life..I key into this testimony as I await mine ijn

  6. He is a great GOD indeed......

  7. Thank you father faithful is ur name,u dat did dis for her will do mine speedily,congrats dear

  8. Wow! The God that did it for you will also answer me speedily, I won't be left out in Jesus name.

  9. I am next to be announced oh. Jéhovah Overdo. Jéhovah Suddenly. Jéhovah RuleBreaker. I'm happy for you Tosin! God bless you

  10. Fiiiiirrrrreeeeeee!!!! I tap with ten fingers n ten toes oooo

  11. Congrats girl, It can only be God, I tap into this testimony in the Might name of Jesus.. Amen,i believe He will soon do my own. ,Congrats again

  12. Jehovah You are great. You're bigger, mightier, greater than what pple say. My Jehovah sharp sharp. Jehovah over do. Thank You Baba. I key into this testimony. 2014 is my year in Jesus name. Amen

  13. Wow!!!! My God is too faithful to fail. Thank God

  14. I tap into this breath taking testimony. .. My testimony is next Ijn Amen....

  15. Jehovah You are great. You're bigger, mightier, greater than what pple say. My Jehovah sharp sharp. Jehovah over do. Thank You Baba. I key into this testimony. 2014 is my year in Jesus name. Amen

  16. Awesome God. ..I tap into dis wonderful testimony cos am next in line ohhh#dancing#

  17. Cheeeii, it can only be God. See divine SPEED biko,,, I join you to praise God as He's confirmed His word. This is my kind, I key into this completely!!! Thank You Jesus ooooo.

  18. Oluwa is involved sho ti gbo!!. my God will answer us all and grant us our heart desires as we rejoice with others. congrats dear. i tap into this one big time!!!!!

  19. Am so happy for u,it can only be God. Wen men say it is finished baba God say I v jus started. I key into dis in Jesus name.

  20. Be still and know that I am God. He has done it for you and he ll perfect it IJN. Rejoice oooooo.

  21. Dis kind God ehn!!! Chai dis testimony mek me shooooooooout!!! Swag p mek God engrace u the more and kip you for us all.

  22. He is an indeed an awesome God, i tap into this testimony

  23. He is a covenant keeping Lord... congrats. Morris

  24. *Dancin* ma God is d God of Possibilities,he is too faithful 2 fail,I key in2 ur testimony ma dear.

  25. JESUS!!! Ose Baba. Oh God of speed, remember me too ds year. Don't let ds year pass me by in Jesus Name. Thank u Jesus. So happy 4 u sis.

  26. JESUS!!! Ose Baba. Oh God of speed, remember me too ds year. Don't let ds year pass me by in Jesus Name. Thank u Jesus. So happy 4 u sis.

  27. I key into dis testimony!!! It will be my turn dis year iJN..

  28. OMG.........................................tank u Jesus......................father u who did it 4 my sis Tosin u will do it 4 Blessing IJN. Amen

  29. It can only be God. May his name be praised I key into it ijn. My own is next

  30. Jesus! I must get married too even having been abandoned n frustrated by my son's father. Lord, do this miracle in my life this year in Jesus name. God is too too much. Praise the Lord oooooo.....

  31. Congrats sis, indeed it can only be God, Lord I thank you for Your faithfulness

  32. I tapped into this next to testify ijn

  33. Congratulations dear.all the Glory nd Adoration goes to my Awesome Jehovah. THANK u Jesus.

  34. I dance with you. When God moves .... #Speed... We praise God. All the best with the planning and on the intro and church wedding. God bless you.

  35. Jesus! I must get married too even having been abandoned n frustrated by my son's father. Lord, do this miracle in my life this year in Jesus name. God is too too much. Praise the Lord oooooo.....

  36. At the last comment, yes you must and will get married, watch my GOD.

    @ Every single swag who commented IT WILL STILL HAPPEN 2014

  37. At the last comment, yes you must and will get married, watch my GOD.

    @ Every single swag who commented IT WILL STILL HAPPEN 2014

  38. At the last comment, yes you must and will get married, watch my GOD.

    @ Every single swag who commented IT WILL STILL HAPPEN 2014

    1. AMEN @swagP on all your prayers. may God bless you beyond your imagination

  39. this is indeed God speed. my Jehovah working wonders as always.May God be with u in all your wedding plans.... I tap n connect to this divine speed. all my prayers will be attended to speedily by my Jehovah overdo. Jehovah sharp Sharp. I will always worship you o.

  40. Jehovah overdo, that is Your name, the God that uses basket to fetch water jst to disgrace d bucket, may Your name be forever praised. I celebrate ds gr8 God wit u my fellow swag.........IT WILL STILL HAPPEN FOR ME OH!!!

  41. Congratulations....... God has put a new song in your mouth. I rejoice with u

  42. Ohhh Daddy.... I key in2 dis oooo. Hapi 4 u my Swag sista & God bless u Swag P. God is really on d throne.

  43. Congrats sister God is wonderful awesome,great, marvelous. I praise and worship your majesty.thank you God, I key into this speedy marital testimony for my sisters in Jesus name amen. Swag funmi ur marriage is blessed.

  44. God of instanta, Haleluya, Omnisufficient, wow, You neva seize to amaze me, funmi ur home is blessed in Jesus name & I tap, connect & receive my expected instant testimony also in Jesus name Amen! Thank You faithful God & swagp u re blessed

  45. OMG! My God is a God of wonders! Congratulations!!! I tap into dis testimony of marital speed for my sisters & I. May God provide all that u'll need for your wedding in Jesus name. Amen!

  46. OMG! My God is a God of wonders! Congratulations!!! I tap into dis testimony of marital speed for my sisters & I. May God provide all that u'll need for your wedding in Jesus name. Amen!

  47. This kind God ooooo wonder-wonder, I am glad for you o jare my sister. God has shut the enemy's mouth and has pit laughter in your mouth, may he be praised. Swag P said everyone who comments hmmm! Thank you father for the grace to be a partaker of this miracle. We all shall dance like you my dear before this year is out. In Jesus name Amen.


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