Remember I said I was going to talk about my experience with Benin Swag Sistas, but have been so lazy about it .Due to the testimonies coming from the Benin Swag Sistas, I want to talk about it.Some buzzed  and kept reminding me that they haven’t seen their pictures on the blog hahaha,ok hmmm hope I remember everything that happened while I was there cause, its been a while.But I cant forget the fact that  I left uromi to meet up with the Benin Swags. And before then, my black berry phone suddenly switched off and just wouldn't come on, I began to panic because I needed my phone badly incase some people needed directions,etc but I was in shock I began to shout ''oh the gods of Edo una no fit spoil my program,aromimela,sango etc una lie o'',I was ranting in uromi it didn’t just work so I was still and the Holy Spirit said ''drop that phone on the ground'' like take it up and drop it I said huh what if it breaks but I  obeyed then fixed everything back and finally it came on yeppi haaaa. Immediately I ran  to  get a car to Benin.When I arrived Benin ,got home and I slept  immediately. The programme was to start by 3pm but trust my violent girls at 11am there were already calling to come but I said '''no oh I need to rest.  say 1pm there began to arrive at abt 2pm they were sitted why I ran to have a bath and I came out 3pm yeaaa finally swag p was in their mist when I was just about to sit most of  their phones began to ring, choiii my eyes popped out like huh!!! whats happening they said please we are directing our friends to come please I said OK meaning that they invited their friends I then said if we start no picking of calls by this time I was already getting ready to start,I gave them 10mins so we began to wait and I kept saying Abuja Swags ohhhh I miss them now. We waited till 4pm.It isn't in my policy to wait,because i do not appreciate lateness.But at 4pm I got up and began to praise God knowing that God doesn’t bless a crowd He blesses individuals. So when I opened their minds to this fact they switched off their phones and we got spiritual.We talked, I could see when their friends come in and give them daggers and I said ''oh my God, Benin Swags there is something about them.It was so  funny, when I asked someone a personal  question and she doesn’t want to answer, her friend will answer on her behalf.... you know close friends always know your ways,the other will be provoked and they will argue and I will shout kieeeeeeee,I miss my Abuja Swags. I was saying it loud and they would say Swag P '' na lie we be the best,guess by this time smoke was coming from my ears….we had feet washing that day and it was great,I had different experience about their lives,some were so touching and I believed God was going to show up and truly God did because Swag Ejura's mum can see that was one touching story and when I got her testimony I was moved to talk about my moment with them all,you hear stories of some parents still worshipping strange gods(the gods that wanted to crash my bb so I wont talk about my God there,hahaha my God pass una) and all they seek is their salvation,too many. When I am about to be shocked another mind says Swag P,your presence  in EDO STATE is for Gods glory to show up.
I can remember one moment I was talking about purity and spoke about single girls following married man and some girl Just pointed Swag P, please warn my cousin well hahahahhahaha. The said cousin almost ate her raw.At this point I paused and said what is happening here o,the characters display was enormous but I still had fun with them,they were great people.I laughed and laughed all through ,I must confess that my Benin Swags are so accommodating .
God spoke a lot especially when I talked about some people asking you to come and they can give you husband,wealth and so on and right now God is asking me to tell someone here not to,and seriously a Benin Swag shouted hmmm Swag P, is me oh because one woman has been disturbing,she asked me to come so she can bath me with perfumes. I have been confused, but now I know I will never ever try such,inshort my eyes done open no man fit give you anything,haa make the woman try call me again holy ghost fireee hahahahahah for real I laughed out loud and almost fell to the ground cause of the way she said it.All she said was that,''I know my God, if He cannot give me so be it but definately He will surely give me''.
 I was so glad and amazed because this girls don’t hide any thing, they were so quick to admit the things I thought wasn’t possible but they were ready to give up and start a life,the feet washing was over, the meeting rounded up at about few minutes past 5pm and we took some nice pictures,.
I didn't want to leave them due to the sole fact that  they were just soo funny...... I had a good laugh and also argued all through,but yet Gods presence prevailed,and truly I hope to meet them again,but this time they should have great testimonies and not start my meeting with ''SO YOU ALL MEAN NO TESTIMONIES'' hahahaha God4bid oh cause our testimonies are SURE.love you all my Benin Swags.......................

                                                      hurray for JESUS.................


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