Wow, firstly I apologize for the silence on the blog all weekend.
This was because of my trip to Benin and the network was really messed up.

On the 1st of Feb 2013 as led by God I embarked on a journey of glory and manifestation to Uromi a town in Edo State where I always go to seek God’s face every first Friday of the month.
 I guess that’s the land God has chosen for me to personally speak with Him. At first, I used to wonder OMG! Why didn’t you say I seek you in Abuja maybe at the Hilton, England or some place else........ why UROMI VILLAGE sob! sob!! sob!!!. But well I agreed with God,took the step and seriously I have never regretted the after math of my step of obedience.

This last trip to Uromi is the best I have ever experienced; I started my day joyfully at about 6:00am. The joy I had that morning actually left me wondering,because typical of me, I won’t even leave Abuja before 9am. I would even be saying thing's likekie uromi again oooo, haaa mosquitoes, no light, village things, funny road ,first Friday please don’t come abeg hahaha.” Though I didn’t go in January, I had to go this February so many thing's and prayer request's from people  I had to take to God.
 I woke up pretty early, had my bath and did all I had to do and by 6:30 I was ready, someone came to pick me and we left for the park (Big Joe). Ok I said a prayer before I got there ‘dear God please the car I enter let an elderly man not be the one to drive’ I know it was a selfish prayer but they tend to delay their departure and also drive very slowly. Gosh!! I really wasn’t in the mood for all that, funny thing God didn’t answer me *sob sob.* The car I wanted to board had a young driver as I was about entering; I was told the vehicle was already full with passengers and was told to join the next. I was so interested in knowing who the driver was that I almost didn’t register my name. When we were complete the driver came and the first thing that came to my mind was “Jesus haaa omg this one is an un-cle ohhh”. He even wore kaftan I began to say God I begged u, well no wahala I decided to handover the journey to God. Just as I thought the man drove like he was scared, he was sooo slooowwww I kept wondering how I was going to arrive on time. I decided to sleep off so I don’t get myself worked up with thinking, Lokoja seemed far but finally we got there, yippie half way gone we stopped at some eatery for a while then we left.Did I forget to say I over fed myself so I was able to sleep off as soon as we hit the road. 

Not long after I slept off, I heard the spirit so loud say wake up and begin to thank Jesus I said huh but I never disobey the voice I began to say thank you. A few minutes into my thanksgiving, the tire of the car busted. The driver held the steering tight and brought the car to a halt just by the bush; I didn’t panic as others were screaming tire oooo tire don bust ooo, I was just saying in mind I can’t die now, the enemy can’t stop my journey, I’m too anointed to be embarrassed with death, in the midst of all these I remembered the prayer request given to me by the Swag Sista's to give to God huh,and I must deliver it to God, so I told the devil not to bother trying to afflict me,devil you no reach and immediately I realized that was why the Holy Spirit woke me up to begin to thank Jesus, at that moment I felt so pleased and grateful that my journey was being monitored by the Holy Spirit. Everyone got down and the tire was changed and we continued the journey. I could not sleep again so I read BORN TO WIN by Dr David Oyedepo all through the journey. We got to Benin at about 3pm; I rested and set out for Uromi with a pastor and his sister at about 5pm.

We arrived our destination at past 8 in the evening I was too tired,I immediately changed into a gown.Since Uromi is a village, I was scared of wearing legging's to the mountain(I love wearing leggings).
At past 9, I headed to the ground of mercy,which is an uncompleted building.Far away  inside some bush.God choose that place because the Fire in that place is amazing-I have no choice. 
The place is called GREAT LIGHT and the president is evangelist Moses and I have seen God move through him.On that ground, it is you and your God and there’s no sleeping.Talking of tiredness.....Yes i was so-so tired.Could I cope alone? No....i certainly couldn't....I needed God's strength and it came
 The Night was glorious, I cried my heart up to God for every request I was holding with me and it flashed back to me that the devil knew I was coming for this so he tried to kill me on the way but as long as I made it here every request shall not be void all had been answered by my God in Jesus name(A BIG AMEN). We prayed all through the night, when I brought out some baby clothes from my bag to stand for every one looking for a child.As I was praying, a woman came to meet me and said ''ma, are you looking for the fruit of the womb'' and I said no ma,I am standing in the gap.Now, with tear's in my eye's and she said God has answered you because I looked for a child for 5year's after marriage and I now have six children. I gave birth to them every year and to shame the devil, I have 6 kid's now more than the 5yrs the devil delayed me. Immediately, I used the clothes, held her leg with them and said God this is an evidence you the same God of yesterday, you did it for her, she’s an evidence, you must do it for me. I cried to God and I heard it is DONE.Guess I wasn’t the only one holding  baby’s cloth she saw but she directly told me. 

We prayed till past 5am and we rounded up for that night and we left. I actually left to sleep in the village house of the president of the ministry, a ministry that it takes you to understand God to be there. Least I forget, the president received a miracle jeep last Thursday,(praise God) no more bike(okada)hopping and I celebrated with him, God used a good Samaritan to bless him.

I woke early and said my prayer's again,with thanksgiving and I rejoiced but mehn I was proper tired. when all was done, I knew my  mission was accomplished at Uromi and it was time to leave for Benin.
 I was excited about seeing the Benin Swag's.But just as I was about to live Uromi, my phone fell behind the bed and went blank.My phone was coming on and off and I said to myself.....''I must see the Benin Swags, no way that program must hold you lying devil''. People couldn't reach me on phone. 
After a while, the spirit said plug it and I obeyed, then He said raise it up, I did and I heard leave it to drop on the floor I obeyed and immediately the phone came on I was marveled and understood I just did a rewind of what happened… take note the tire busted on my way to Benin, the devil knew I was going for war and tried to stop me, now after that he knew I was going to win souls to God in Benin my phone crashed because that was the only way I could communicate with them and vice versa; but the Holy Spirit intervened again now I want you to understand that no road is ever smooth when you are about to have a testimony.

My next story will be about MY EXPERIENCE IN BENIN WITH THE SWAG SISTA'S.It was awesome and Jesusssss.... those Benin girl's no dey carry last amazing hahahaha  but for now it’s goodbye and God bless,I need to go grab somthing to eat.

                                    Enjoy the rest of you day.


  1. I thank God 4 ur life swag p .it can only be God.

  2. There's always a red-sea to every man's promised land!! But it takes more than boldness to dare it and posess what belongs to u.. Swag p has said it all.. But Dnt quit even when it's obvoius u have failed or lost it.. Just keep ur head straight on what u wnt from God..
    God bless every swag sistas..
    Pst freedom


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