Never knew he will answer me this way, I never knew he will answer me this..Thank you my lord!..Swag sisters thank God with me! It has been said of their enemy not me that I was never going to get married in my family and so has been the trend of several failed relationship immediately the man mention marriage we will fight and break up. Until I got frustrated even my sister that is married it's been one issue or the other since she got married 10 years ago. I went to woli and different pastors and they also said it will only take God to intervene in my family curse o! That's how I discussed with swag nancy about all I'm going through and she introduced me to swag p June 2014 and after all swag p just said God will honor me this year and I told nancy is that all she said? Nothing more? I concluded with myslf that the story continues but after then I started following swag p's instructions and connect to all marriage testimonies especially. Cut story short ooo! I got...