It all started some years back when my sister will bring her fiance home, but as soon as a date is fixed 4
jia introduction, 4days b4 d date, my sister will pack few of her things and leave d house,She won't come back until after d date has passed,It went on like dat with 4 difft guys o,And d funniest thing is dat she's not young o,I remember @ d last love feast we had in abuja one of my request was dat God should settle my sisters because d 1 dat runs out of the house prior 2 her intro is 35yrs and not married So after I laid my request b4 God and after d plenty mysteries, I was believing God 4 a turn around D next sunday after d love feast I was fortunate 2 attend d last meeting 4 d year at d Ground as we did the mystery of the salt cheiii dat last meeting after the feast was a meeting no one should have missed it was very foster mother pastor swag P declared and cursed d multitudes of No in our lives,And I remembered vividly she said we shld declare and decree that d gods of the wicked will fail them I prayed dat prayer like a mad dog on d ground dat day and told swagp about wot my sister has been doing in d past swag p went huh and laughed ehn and said E DON END,She said I shld not worry that the mystery veil has settled it all, I received dat word and it ended my worries that the introduction will hold and I'll come back 2 testify To God be d Glory, yesterday 20th dec my sister no run comot 4 house o, another introduction came and finally held and a date has been fixed 4 her wedding in Feb 2015, I have come 2 say thank U Jesus and 2 my mama of life the carrier of divine authority and power, God Bless u real good and wrought more signs and wonders through you in Jesus name, I'm so happy, finally God has settled my sister, and watch out we the younger ones are testifying soon of God's divine favour and miracle marriages in 2015, make una dey ready 2 celebrate with me, only God can do dis,because it wasnt normal that four times my sista had run away from four different men..kie.My God has honored my seed on this ground,the long yoke of marital delay in my family has been broken, halleluyah!Here is one of the pictures from 2day's introduction kie marriage don come my family oooo..this ministry every delay de always break just have faith and keep standing...God go show up.
Praise God almighty.... God that has started will complete His work. The wedding will hold. God that broke the yoke of long standing delay will do the same for all you are believing and expecting a will still happen in 2014.
ReplyDeleteWow God be praised I rejoice with you in year sisters introduction it is settled for ur family in Jesus name, Amen. My seed oh lord must speak even if it's the 11hr out if 2014, amen.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your sisters introduction. The God of swag has visited your home in 2014 and so shall it happen in 2015 again IJN. Amen. Thank you Lord
ReplyDeleteThank You Jesus for this testimony!!!
ReplyDeleteThank You Jesus for this testimony!!!
ReplyDeleteAll tnx to God.
ReplyDeleteAll tnx to God.
ReplyDeletePraise God
ReplyDeleteCongrats to ur sister gracious God.. I key in for my sisters it has happened 2014 Amen
ReplyDeleteCongratulations my dear on er introduction. .My case has been settled ijn Amen. .My testimony is on the way. . Lord i give you thanks. .
ReplyDeleteThank u Jesus
ReplyDeleteCongrats on ur sistas intro dear. I key into dis testimony n claim my own too ijn. I'm nxt in line.
ReplyDeleteAll glory to God it will happen for me in 2014
ReplyDeleteGod is great.... Thank you Jesus
ReplyDeleteThank u Lord 4 showing urself Mighty again this can only b you, I extol u Lord un behalf of this family. Am happy 4ur u hun, may dis b d beginning of the era of speed all around ur family in Jesus name. I celebrate wiv u smiles***
ReplyDeletePraise God, I celebrate with you sister. My family is next in Jesus name. Amen. Settled.
ReplyDeleteThank God for this breakthrough, it is settled for me too in
ReplyDeleteHallelujah! Congrats swag sis. It must happen 2014 o.
ReplyDeletePrise will still happen for me in 2014.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm.....all I have to say is thank u lord.all this wonderful testimonies gives me hope that God of Swag p is at work and He will show up for me and my family in this 2014
ReplyDeleteAmen! God is 0great indeed o, he has started it and will complete it 4 us in Jesus name, watch out 4 multiple weddings next year, na my turn 2 marry o soonest
ReplyDeleteOnly God gives Joy, may his name be praised
ReplyDeleteThank you acient of days,God of Gods n d king of kings. Thnk you Lord for dis family. I believe it is settled for me 2014.
ReplyDeleteThank you God for settling this family. I await my turn to be settled and for me to testify of you incredible goodness in my life. Soon the whole world will be wowed and awed by your special hand in my life and that of my husband. Glory to God!!
ReplyDeleteWhen Jesus says yes, no man can say no and d door He opens no one can shut. Thank God for your testimony. I am testifying too of the Lord's grace and goodness upon my life. Thank you Jesus!
ReplyDeleteIt's done and settled.! All forms of marital delay and delays in all ramifications have been broken on Swag ground. I give God all the Glory. Thank you Jesus.
ReplyDeleteGlory to God!!!
ReplyDeleteHalleluyah! I key into this testimony IJMN. You are blessed.
ReplyDeleteChoi choi choi GOD of sharp sharp don come again ooooo, i dey die wen u dey complaian give swag p ooooooo and mama said no worry this tym she no go run, chai na so e dey happen?
ReplyDeleteall glory to GOD in haven and honor to swag p mama in the lord
Praise God. I connect with your testimony , God has settled all that concerns me in Jesus name. Amen.
ReplyDeletePraise God
ReplyDeletePraise God
ReplyDeleteIt's settled! I use this as a point of contact for my sister and my frnds, can only b God!!!
ReplyDeleteBless d name of d Lord. I will testify too.
ReplyDeleteIsaiah 7 vs 7 says thou saith the lord God,it shall not stand neither shall come to pass tnx 2 Almighty God
ReplyDeleteThank you LORD for settling her family
ReplyDeleteWhen Jesus say yes nobody can say no. I thank God for settling your family. It is well with you all IJN. AMEN
ReplyDeletePraise The Lord, he has settled your family and it will be permanent IJN. The Lord will settle our families in 2014. Amen.
ReplyDeletePraise God. Only u can do the impossible
ReplyDeleteI Thank God 4 ur is my turn!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGod always honours d prayers of His servant
ReplyDeleteI thank you Lord for the ever lasting joy unto ur family. I connect this to my own family. It will still happen for my family in Jesus name. Amen
ReplyDeleteIt can only be God....congrats Sis
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord ooooo.
ReplyDeleteHalleluyah! And the yoke is broken! To God be all the Glory!! God of swag P na correct!
ReplyDeletePraise God. Indeed for our sake Swag sistas their gods have failed them. Alleluia!
ReplyDeleteJehova Super do, our God dat never lies. Congrats sister, I key into dis testimony 4 my sister IJN.
ReplyDeleteWow.... Unquestionable God, to you be all the glory. May this testimony be permanent in jesus name.... Amen. I receive my marital breakthrough through this testimony in jesus name. Amen
ReplyDeleteAll glory to God I join you to celebrate God for this testimony. I connect also and key into it for myself and Sistas this year. Swag P God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThank God for her, this wedding will come to pass by God's grace...
ReplyDeleteThank you for deliverance lord Jesus.
ReplyDeleteGod of swap p u 2much!!
ReplyDeleteSee my God ohhh, it must happen for me 2014. I key into this testimony for marital bliss in my family in Jesus name
ReplyDeleteCongrats Sis. It is well
God is able
ReplyDeleteGod is able
ReplyDeleteWow am thrilled. Thank God.. the God that has done this will do bigger ones in our lives in jesus name. Amen
ReplyDeletePraise the Lord. This testimony shall be permanent in your family.
ReplyDeletePraise God!!! Congrats sis, I rejoice with you
ReplyDeletePraise God. All is well. Devil dey crase.
ReplyDeleteGod is wonderful
ReplyDeleteCongratulations oh God be praise
ReplyDeleteThank you Father, You are an Awesome God , congrats Sis
ReplyDeleteCongrats swag sister God is ever Awesome
ReplyDeleteThank u jesus
ReplyDeletePraise our God who never sleeps nor slumbers. He said it is Settled so i believe & I am confident we will all testify in 2014 in Jesus Name.
ReplyDeletePraise our God who never sleeps nor slumbers. He said it is Settled so i believe & I am confident we will all testify in 2014 in Jesus Name.
ReplyDeleteTo God be the Glory am so happy for ur family dear, I key into this testimony for my sister swag p God bless u plenty
ReplyDeleteWow! God is awesome!!! Thank u lord for dis. Congrats to ur family.
ReplyDeleteAll I wanna say is thank u Jesus. Am happy for u n ur family. May God b praised
ReplyDeletethis devil,..u can lie. see as my God nack u for ground * dancing shoki*
ReplyDeleteLol devil u have failed. .....yes u have praise the Lord. ......congrats seun.
ReplyDeletePraise d Lord,Halleluyah.. Wen Jesus say Yes nobody can say No,Baba may all d Glory,Honour and Adoration b ascribed un2 ur Holy Name.
ReplyDeleteLet d name of the lord be praised forever
ReplyDeleteAll the glory be unto His name.
ReplyDeletePraise be to God! Congratulations my Swag sister,God who broke the delay in ur family,will break mine also and I too will testify in 2015.