I cannot be ashamed and yes it has happend exodus 14:14 and Hebrew 11 : 6. Con join my dearest swag p prayer for me chia .my name is rinret(Abuja) well 6 weeks ago I was leaving in wuse two beautiful house next thing choii..the contract on the house wrapped up and in three days we were chased out and our things scattered out we bacame homeless over night and  didnt know where to go and what to do in da midst of  all this confusion and tiredness ...i called swag p and she said rinret THE NEXT HOUSE NA FREE AND I WILL HAPPEN 2014..swag p declared in anger and said swagz no de sleep under bridge and said i should watch God. swag sistas after that prayer  I went to the bank and sowed my last money like the whole money since the one they cant rent a house i decided to give God and began to watch God ..swag p was amazed at my violent act and instructed i must dance that night . life was really not funny but we got a place to stay for a while but was told we have to leave before Christmas break ....swag sistas last convention and feast  came and I told my self that with my understanding and all mystery done from that moment  I decided to start wearing all my nice clothes because na so scriptures talk am if you see me you wont know that am homless,when all reality was against me I stayed in the spiritual realm and I was deeply convicted in Gods word and commited to declarations made my swag p and didnt stop reading testimonies and telling God your vessel said FREE HOUSE . i began to pray like never before . Swag sistas hmmm you see I told on of my uncle what was going on before the swag convention and feast Nov 30th oh and he just said u will be fine oh and nothing,somone i know that is able to help just said i go de fine ha when i on start to treck undet sun ....well after much prayers and confessing Gods word like a mad woman in the meeting ,did the feet wash,cursed every multitude of No and believed and i said this meeting today has settled me..also remembered God i gave my all which i knew i could look for a room even at pape to park our load keep but i needed to provoke God on swag sistas ground ...when swag p instruct pray for night nor just ever sleep ohhhhhh ,my God has answered me oooo.my darling swag sistas ,my uncle called and told me to just go and fix his boys quarters in kings court estate that was supose to be rented out.i should fix it and move in before Sunday sef na so e talk am una hear me a FREE HOUSE as declared oh,God has honored my giving,then I wrote my dads contract also  hmmmm well they have released the contract and payment processing omg ....then again my family that was stagnant like nothing was moving since jan to this point over night o speed just come.My two swag brodas wei don wait tire like nothing can ever happen this few days for 2014 to be over cheii my God wei tell is it must happen 2014 don open their heavens..midnyte prayers no toil with am ooo...na so email just come say  my two brothers don get admission one  for canada the other one got direct entry to unijos una don see dis kine destiny opening towards end of year.. ....hmmmmm plus I told my sistas that none of them will sleep with any man to get anything. ..say my swag p don declare from above say FREE HOUSE and i clear my acct for this propjecy ..See my God oh thank am for me .....you see swag sistas years ago I started a groug called extra ordinary me and became a counsellor with a no sex tag of purity it was a long journey but I stood .it hasnt been easy coz men will promise you heaven and earth if no sex them go run trust me I have seen it but this God that saved me I told him I wont let him go ...until God come connect me to swag sistas ground again having the purity mandate i wad so glad.Some think I am proving holli than thou omg i have suffered but i have stood strong. I know that the heart of kings is in the hands of God so I wont bend for no man only for my God .so far so good the journey has been series of miracles ..and so sawg sistas stand with the amore of God and he will lift u because He has changed my story as i connected to that ground whole heartedly and when you plant on a ground that yields be sure to testify just like me...provoke God and He will send the mail man to your door step. my God I will serve you for the rest of my life all I need do is kneel for Him and not bend for any man.swag p a woman when she declares God honors,only whom God is please with and has sent command such authourity...you saw free house for me and i didnt doubth the impossibility here in Abuja,i just believed because you only talk when He sends you.God bless you ma and in your old age shall you keep commanding greater fireeeeeeeeee..MY GOD TO YOU I WORSHIP .I HONOR..AND YOUR NAME BE GLORIFY.......IT CAN JUST BE GOD...*from homeless to owner of house cheiiii*...2014 indeed is SWAG SISTAS YEAR...JUST KNOW FOR SWAG SISTAS GROUND THE IMPOSSIBILITY DE POSSIBLE...JUSR CONNECT WELLL......chaiii after 6weeks of torment and didnt give up i held on to every declaration that i will be blessed with a free house in abuja for all my stress and the God who no de lie do am.*dancing*


  1. Our God is a good God yes He is.. I thank God for your testimony and I tap into this testimony of free house plus free car and free money for my bank account... oh yes my God will do it and I must testify... Amen

  2. I key into this testimony coz i'm also having accommodation issues for a while now. God wil intervene and settle me juz as He has for u. Thank You Jesus for Divine Favour all round.

  3. I key into this testimony coz i'm also having accommodation issues for a while now. God wil intervene and settle me juz as He has for u. Thank You Jesus for Divine Favour all round.

  4. God be praised. I rejoice with you. I key into it. God's word is YES and AMEN

  5. Jesus I'd indeed lord. I key into this

  6. Thank you Jesus, I am next in line for a miracle.

  7. He is our shepherd and we shall not lack anything - accomodation He provided, contract He did it, admission letters to study, He did it and the fees to pay for study, He has provided that too in Jesus name Amen.

  8. Choi choi choi... This God too much.. I connect 2 dis miracle oooo

  9. Ever living God. I tap into ur testimony

  10. Praise God!!! I bless the name of The Lord for your testimony Swag Rinret. I thank God that it happened for you in 2014. I key into your testimony, God in heaven will make it happen for me and my household in 2014 in Jesus name. Amen. May God continue to bless too Swag P, you truly are God's vessel and may your oil never run dry in Jesus name. Amen.

  11. I am so happy for you swag sis Our God can make all impossibilities possible, He is a miracle working God and will never allow Us be put to shame. I rejoice with you and declare success and great testimony for me and my family in 2014. Just as God has instructed his vessel Swag P. Amen.

  12. Congratulations swag riri, it can only be God, who says he doesn't answer prayer, our God is not a robber oooooooo, praise God 4 his faithfulness, my testimony is next in Jesus name

  13. I key into your testimony cos it must still happen in the month of December 2014

  14. Oluwa am the next online oooh dis is too sweet to the Glory of ur name I await mine for it shall happen 4me like a dream in dis 2014 Amen..... Woooooow

  15. I key into this in Jesus name

  16. To God be all the Glory , congrats Sis , He that has started the good work in your life , has perfected it already. I key into your testimony , I will soon testify , this year , In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen

  17. "Provoke God and he will send the mail man to your door step"" Chai SWAG sis this is the right one to address y situatin. I thank God for your testimony and proving the word of a Great woman he has called SWAGP. It must happen to me today. My testimony will wake you all tomorrow morning in Jesus mighty name. Amen.

  18. But God never fails His people. I tap into this testimony because I know 2014 will not end without me experiencing my won miracle for myself, husband and my whole family member. It will still happen 2014 and as swag p said it is settled and done!! *singing..my miracle is on the way!!

  19. wow,.every situation must end in praise. Thank u Jesus for this. congrats sis,.its not easy for humans but God in his infinite mercy made it not only easy but free. our God is not a robber.

  20. Blessed be the name of the Lord, He is worthy to be praised and adored. Thank God for honouring His word through Swag P, free, done and settled. I key into this divine speed, and open Heavens, God who did it for you Swag Rinret, will do for me and family. I know He will cos e no dey change, He's remains the same. It must still happen for me, yes I believe so. Settled!!! Amen

  21. Congrats dear, it has happened 2014...dancing* dis kine God o.....

  22. God I thank you for my marriage dan sure.... U dat changed her life over night will change my status over night,.... In Jesus name. Plus my house and shop issue is settled! Amen

  23. Ewohhhh, my God no dey lie ohhhh, bless his name forever. I love you Lord. Can't thank him enough. He is the jehova overdo. Thank you Swag P. Love you mucho

  24. Father to you ooo be all the glory,to u Jesus,be all d honour to u everlasting fada be all the glory nd adoration forever more.This can only be God.congrats dear.

  25. I key to dis testimony IJN(Amen)It must still Happen for me nd my family dis 2014 IJN(Amen)Anne

  26. Owesome God. He will surely do more for us all

  27. Ewooo! God is too faithful. See levels nah. Congratulations Swag Rinret, I connect to dis testimony for same order of blessings o.

  28. Chai it can only be God ooooooo congrats sister.... I tap into this testimony for a surprise this year it is not over until God says so it has happened for me and family this year Amennnnnn

  29. Wow, praise God who completes whatever he started. I celebrate with you and connect strongly for a Car, and more as God knows my heart desires. May God help us all to live in purity of heart, body, spirit and all.

  30. My goodness God. . Am soooo amazed by this testimony. . God of on time is always on time. . Never early and never late, buh always on time. . I connect to this testimony for my own testimony in 2014. . Am happy for you Swag Rinret. .

  31. Wow God is great, thank you Jesus for this. I key into this testimony because am next to testify......

  32. Thank God for your testimony swag rinret. God greater than d greatest and he never forsakes his own. It is happening 2014 for me in Jesus name, Amen!

  33. By this testimony o Lord, I will testify of a job that will usher in my financial fortune in 2014.......in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

  34. I thank thy name of thy lord....i key In2 dis Testimony, God of swag p wil locate me by fireeeeeee...congrats dear

    1. My God of wonders i salute you Sir!!!!! Tnk you Father. I connect to this testimony by fireeereeeeeee

  35. I will praise you Lord, i will praise you Lord...singing...chai this kind God oh....i never see your type oh....wow!!! what a declaration from swag P...God always honours the words of his vessels

  36. God too kind jor. I praise Him for this. Big God

  37. God too kind jor. I praise Him for this. Big God

  38. It can only be God.According to his word in psalm 109 vs 27. This is indeed the hand of God. Congrats swag sis. My testimony is next to be blogged. I key into this wonderfu testimony. It must happen for I and my family.

  39. Mighty God!!! Thank you Father for this testimony, I connect to it..

  40. My friend am so happy for you,yes indeed its only GOD that can do it.thank you my Heavenly FATHER.

  41. He cannot lie to me Lion of the tribe of Judah you cannot lie. Father I give you praise for this sister. I connect to this miracle lord for my family Do it for us Lord. Congrats girl!

  42. Impossibility Specialist,The God Of Wonders,that is your Name. Thank you for doing it again for one of our own. I connect to it and receive my own financial breakthrough & establishment on every side in Jesus Mighty Name. Thank you Jesus

  43. OMG! RIRI love I celebrate God with you my dear. I key into this testimony and say it shall still happen for me in 2014.Swag P you r honored Ma, God bless you real good.

  44. Congratulations, God is good. I connect to this testimony that it will happen for me in 2014. He is a God of 24 hrs miracles

  45. Indeed God is God all by himself and will share his glory with no one else, God of 11th hour miracle is still in his business of working last hour miracles as because of this,IT HAS HAPPENED FOR ME AND MY FAMILY 2014,watch out,my series of testimonies is coming this way! Amen!!

  46. praising you father all the way. it our year swag cistas

  47. Our God indeed is a miracle worker, all praise and glory to His name forever. It has happened for me already ds 2014

  48. Faithful God! I key into this admission and accommodation and contract for us IJN!

  49. Indeed God answerthe by FIRE..i receive dis testimony. Wow....dis is God @work. Tank u jesus

  50. Congrats sister, our God is 2 big n awesome to fail. I key into dis testimony and declare that 2014 must end wit praises 4 me.

  51. Our God is sooo.... Faithful, thank you abba Father. I dance with u sis

  52. Thank you God..... no one compares 2 you. God of wonders. Heaven and earth bow to your goodness. Awesome is your name. I tap into this miracle.

  53. Wowwwwww! Thank God for you dear.

  54. Lord I need d mail man, thank you for this testimony.

  55. Wow wow wow...... Father I bless you for this testimony. Please do for me as you have done for swag rinret. To you be all the glory. Amen

  56. Congrat its the Lords doing and its maverlous in our sight. I connect to your testimony of faith God wil touch the hearts of my brothers, uncles aunties even my parents too IJN,Amennnnn. Bunmi Jos

  57. When God Says A Thing He Perfect It Thanks To Almighty


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