Thank God ooooh! Swag p I don get testimony ooooh! God is wonderful, Chai! You remember I told you I wanted to travel to see my fiance and his people when we were supposed to do the Lagos meeting o and it fell same day oh kie i was confused . You asked me what I feel about missing the gathering and I said I wasn't okay with it. You told me to open the Bible and read the first thing my eyes see na so i open.. when I open na book of Isaiah and it talked about the gathering of the people of God wow it was like magic. I told you I wanted to stay for the meeting but my husband to be people don ready for that day and you said if I feel at peace with the journey I should go if not I should call my fiance and tell him to allow me go. I said he wont let me because we don plan finish but the scripture i saw showed i must not miss...you told me i must have faith and call and You said he should watch God that he will receive a gift if he lets me go after the lagos meeting and it will be something he desires so bad for a while now. I accepted in faith and called him and he agreed as i gave him the declaration wow i was amazed as he cancelled the event oh..swag sistas i fashied him taking me to hes parents and I went for the meeting i nor fit shout and felt peace thereafter. Swag P,after the meeting i start to wait for that my fiance gift o, but I kept praying to God. Wanted to ping you but your pings wasn't delivering. I asked for your number and got it but still couldn't call because I feared you will call me woman of little faith. omg Swag P, today today o, as I the close work my phone dey ring but I no fit pick. As I finish pick phone-3 missed calls + text message, wetin I read for d text na " Babe Good news,i got d job at abeokuta i got the gift i desired the most in my life after a long wait. I will be comin to lagos on Sunday" Na im I shout inside office ooooh! My mystery seed dey work o, my feet wash, my prayers my faith in God! God is wonderful! I believe o, I believed! D verse I picked on the ground that day was Isaiah 49:15; God will never forget me o! I thank God for this breakthrough and I am praying for more, 1 down, 2 to go, God is amazing ooooh!I came for a job for my fiance oh that was the most desired need and swag p declared on it must happen 2014..swag sistas thats not all oh the mystery veil don work for me oh sharp sharp my introduction just take place this saturday wei past kie..my GOD indeed is grate ..as i took Hes gathering more important than earthly maras ...and was able to curse joblessness for my man life and yes,GOD has settled us ooo.  I can't thank him enough! Swag P, God will never forget you! God will bless you & guide /guard you forever!Someone praise the Lord with me ooooh! I am settled, it is happening for me 2014!my God is not a robber..canceling the parents meeting sounded stupid but i knew they was no way it wont still happen and God change am to full introduction..am a Swag and indeed my fiance don see the power of our GOD oh...am too excited..my decision was not stupid at the End oooo....my God has honored me am too over joyed to think it was my first time seeing swag p and attending Lagos Swag meeting as i just knew about SWAG SISTAS through my darling friend swag daniella na God go bless her ooo since then been following the blog and morning declaration wow am so glad una no go understand. DEAR LORD I JUST WANT TO SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH INDEED IT WAS A MAGNIFICIENT GIFT BREAKING THIS DELAY FOR US....THANK YOU FADA...*oshe oshe oooo(2ce) oshe BABA....
My swag fiance........


  1. Congrats Swag Sis,Lines will continue to fall in pleasnt places 4 u IJN.I know it has happened for me 2014 IJN,cos it is settled.May ur anointing neve run dry IJN Swag P

  2. Praise God...am nxt in line for a miracle

  3. Congrats swag sis. God matter important pass earthly matters. Our God is indeed great. It must happen for me and my household 2014.Amen!!!

  4. Congrats dear....God is indeed faithful..

  5. Wao, wao, wao... I key into this testimony in Jesus name...

  6. Congrats....mine is happening in 2014 in Jesus name...Amen!

  7. Praise God and Congrats on your fiancé's job. God be praised forever. That which you desire next is settled in Jesus name. Amen . I connect to your testimony. It will happen for me and all Swag sisters this 2014 in Jesus name . Amen

  8. Congrats.May God's name b Praised.

  9. Alleiuia swag Sis,congrats may God also bless your union. As swag P talk am she say when you carry God mara for head God go do your own its simple. I connect ohhhh. Bunmi Jos

  10. Congratulations..... I key into this testimony... God bless ur union

  11. I celebrate with you and tap from your testimony cos there is something I so desire from God oooooh. Swag Morris

  12. Congrats dear....God is indeed faithful..

  13. Congrats dear.....it will happen 4 me

  14. Haleluyah, our God be praised who witholds nothing from they that seek him. ....am next in line for a miracle, AMEN!

  15. Praise the Lord, Waohhh all these and more in 1 day. I connect ohhh. Swag P said it ohhh I believe. My God never fails. Bless his name forever. This kind God ohhh I never see ur type ohhh

  16. God be praise. I am next for my testimony

  17. Wow!!!!! Our God is good. All I can say is thank u Lord

  18. Congrats sister, God is awesome and forever faithful.

  19. Congrats swag sis, I key into this testimony for my own job

  20. I stand in awe of my Father's works... Baba, I thank you for these testimonies, for they give me strength that I need. It shall still happen for me, cos I believe my Father.

  21. The God that answers when we call he is a miracle worker. Congrats sis!

  22. Congrats dear , Our God is a faithful God ooo

  23. Congrats sister!God has a way of resoring our faithfulness.

  24. Wonder working God thank You God Hapi for U dear

  25. Wow wow wow..... am speechless see turn around chei!! Awesome God I give you all the glory. Congrats sister

  26. Congrats sister. GLad for you and hubby. God does not lie. He does what he says he will do. Me too will be celebrated this year 2014 in Jesus name, amen!

  27. Thank God oh!!!! When one is obedient to Him all things will work together for your good.

  28. He maketh all things beautiful in His time.My-on point God, My God wei no d Late, we praise you master Jesus.

  29. Thank God my sisters, God is indeed awesome I have tasted and seen. Can't thank Him enough ooooh. SWAG Weenee

  30. Congrats Swag, praise be to God, Our seed will and must speak for us all in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!

  31. Congrats dear sister and praise the Lord in heaven. Mine is close too in Jesus name amen

  32. Hallelujah ooooo! I am glad, congrats dear sis. God bless Swag P.

  33. Congratz dear, I key into ur testimony 4a better job. It will still happen 4me in 2014 IJN, Amen

  34. Faithful God! Congrats Swag sis.

  35. Prise God.it will still happen for me in 2014 in Jesus name.

  36. anabel esele kelvin3 December 2014 at 21:59

    Our God is Faithful and he keep to his promises...Am so happy for you...indeed it would still happen for me in 2014..the word would know am a swag..

  37. Congratulations daughter of Zion. I rejoice with you. It is the Lord's dying and it is marvellous in our sight. We return all Glory to God Almighty. It will continue to happen for us 2014.

  38. Congrats dear. Our God is faithful.

  39. Smilling,setteled again thank you Father

  40. Indeed he is ever faithful, thank You Baba God, congrats sis

  41. Our God is awesome! He does wonders.. thank You Faithful Father

  42. Dats God for u Swag. . Thank you Father for this testimony. . Congratulations. .

  43. Congrats dear, he is an awesome God! I key into dis testimony.... Wow!

  44. I praise the Lord with and for you sister, congratulations. I just feel relaxed like every swag matter is settled. Jehovah jump protocol has done it and shall do it for me too. Wonderful God.

  45. yes ooo this is just the beging, he can never lie to us,all glory to his name.
    it is still happening

  46. Wonderful God, promise keeper, faithful Father, Great God, all glory to you. Congrats dear Sistas, I connect in Jesus name.

  47. What a mighty God we serve..congrats I key into this testimony cause mine is next on the line in Jesus name. Amen!

  48. Congrats o,so happy for u,it will still happen for me in 2014

  49. Thank you Jesus..mine testimony on the way

  50. Thank you Baba, i will soon testify oooo. congrat sis

  51. Congrats. God will perfect everything. Lord may your name be praised.

  52. Thank u lord I key into dis testimony my veil must work for me I must testify on dis blog

  53. Thank you Jesus

  54. Thanks be 2 God...it's will happen 4 me 2 in 2014...

  55. Tararara! Chai! This testimony sweet o! Hey baba God! You do mighty things, and glorious things Chai! Why I no go follow you! This testimony, kai kai kai! God, ure too much! Lord, help me obey instructions! It has happened for me 2014 *Swag Jey*

  56. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. This is Amazingly. A classic example to always put God first in your life. Congratulations on your introduction. God is God. It has been settled for me.

  57. Congratulations dear.It's settled for us in Jesus mighty Name.

  58. Great and mighty God. Congratulations sis it is settled for us all IJN

  59. Congrats sis, it's permanent IJN

  60. Thank master Jesus, you are so wonderful.. it don dey happen plenty.. Every swagsisters still pending.. God will show up for us and answer us speedily. Amen. Swag p God bless you for us Amen

  61. God always honors the gathering of HIS children, cos in HIS presence there are always presents.


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