Swag P I've delayed sending you this testimony because even typing it makes me weak.
 I was an only child for a long time, everything was going smoothly until 1998 when my Dad was almost killed for his position in Unilever (then Lever Brothers). A colleague of his who was very diabolical swore to make him leave dead or alive and one day, he was meant to go for a meeting but sent his driver to apologize for his absence. His car caught fire mysteriously on 3rd mainland bridge even the driver wasn't spared. , it was even in the papers.
 My Dad  resigned for fear of losing his life and went to America with my mum. She got pregnant in 1999 after 14 YEARS of looking for a child after me and decided to have my kid brother there. I tried getting a visa to go back with my Dad when he came visiting but they refused saying my mum automatically had residence as the mother of a Citizen and my Dad had a valid multiple visa so if I'm given a visa and choose not to return our family would have migrated without due process. I continued living in Nigeria alone, I was still in secondary (boarding school) at that time. Guess what,I met Swag P in the boarding house ''hahaha'', we started Jss1 together. I never looked forward to visiting days cos I won't have parents coming. Sometimes the house help and my aunties come or i'll just perch with my friend's when their parents come to visit. Money was provided for my needs but I lacked parental care. My Dad did his best to visit me when he was in the country cos the business he started made him come often, but my mum hardly came back because of her job. I did not attend my valedictory service when we were leaving secondary school cos I did not have my mum around to help with all the preparations and I could not bear coming and not being able to entertain people which was the tradition. My mum filed for me and my dad in 2005 when she got her green card though she was advised to wait for her citizenship so it will be faster but that would take another 5 years. Since 2005 we have been waiting. My Dad brought my kid brother back to do his primary school here just so we can bond. He went back afterwards. To our utmost surprise in 2010 my Dad was invited for his immigrant visa interview and I wasn't called, it was strange bcos my mum filed for both of us at the same time, Infact my case number ended with 11 while my Dad's ended with 12. He was given his immigrant visa and on getting to the U.S., his green card. My parents started asking questions and found out that they were supposed to have informed the American embassy 6months before I turned 21 but they were not aware. This changed my status from a child to family member. I felt devastated. From 1999 till date, I have seen my mum 3 times and each time we didn't spend more than a month together. Yes we talk almost every day on phone but trust me it's not the same. My dad comes back at least twice every year but the truth is my family was there,while I was here.
 Some of my friends have even rumored that I may not have a family that the pics I show may be fake, lol. I went very far from God; I can say I lost hope. Throughout my years in University, I never went to church. I came to Abuja in 2008 for NYSC and stayed back. I did my best to earn a decent living by working and doing business but I had no Christian life,didn't know the way to church, nothing about God around my life. I met and fell in love with a guy but after 4 years the relationship crumbled. I felt lost and all alone and just filled my life and my time with work, fashion designing and buying & selling but I was constantly depressed. Towards the end of last year 2012 SWAG P you started inviting me to SWAG sister's meeting. I didn't take it seriously at first cos I had gotten used to using Sundays as my only weekend by doing all my house chores and other things I needed to do then I would sleep the rest of the day. You disturbed and disturbed me so One Sunday I dragged myself to millennium park and I felt blessed, the first day I remembered that you asked me what I wanted from God and I said I want to join my family in the US and you said ''this your case am aware but guess what? before the first quarter of 2013 ends, you will be gone'',I said Amen sluggishly because hmmm it’s been so long that I didn’t think anything can be done yet again in a little gathering, because this issue as I saw it help could come if a billion congregation pray for me imagine my thought but that day I repeat I was too BLESSED,I caught hope again. I haven't missed coming since then except I'm not in abuja. To cut this long story short on the 1st of January this year I was so depressed. I cried half of the day and as I was crying you on your own sent me a message that moment, I remember clearly that u told me that day that 'GOD TOLD YOU I WILL BE HAPPY'. I was so surprise how you sensed from a distant I was so sad at that point I knew God has been watching me all along ,the next day after the prophecy came from Swag P on the 1st ,On the 2nd of January, my dad sent me a text to hurry and check my mail because they were copied in an email that was sent to me. I did and lo and behold I was sent an invitation to the embassy for my immigrant visa interview for the 26th of February, JESUS WHAT!!!!and a voice came I told you I WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. I was happy but not excited cos the years of waiting had eaten up all my excitement. I informed you and u told me that it is done. Few weeks before my medicals(which I must pass to get the immigrant visa) the devil started another battle with me. I called you and told u I wanted to commit suicide,you ran to me Swag P and guess you saw I was going to do it,Swag P you took 3days of your time for me,spent the whole weekend Fri-sun in my house, praying and warning me, also continued saying ''you have gotten the visa'',I remembered you said it every second our eyes met even in the mist of childhood gist you would scream out no devil you cant win this one, medicals or no medicals kelechi ,you are a SWAG and also your blog was waiting for my testimony, you took me for a night vigil in your church and and the break of dawn we went and washed toilets together i was touched how i saw you scrub the toilets with your bare hands and me was making sure my hands didn't enter,when i saw you i braced up o and did it like God all for my testimony and you smiled looked at me and said  as I am cleaning the house of God, God will clean and decorate me. The Sunday after that day I followed you to church even in church when our eyes met you will say ''YOU DONE GET THAT VISA O'' I would smile and , I gave my life to Christ during the alter call and got re-baptized. That was how I came back to God completely and started going to church. Swag P, last week I came to Lagos for my medicals,a night before you told me go and come back a winner that the medical test is formality I have scaled through at this point my faith was strong then you said please come back with the testimony so I went in with joy also during our feet wash of favor I knew I had carried favor all over me, well I passed all my medicals and was given my immunizations I was so shock, couldn't believe it, same medicals I thought I couldn’t OMG  the God of Swag P answered, all she said to me . 2days ago I went for my interview and my immigrant visa and green card was approved sob! sob!! sob!!! sob!!!! . I'm finally going to join my family with my papers complete. I am now looking forward to not only being an American citizen but my kids and future husband will also be entitled to. I can now go and live with my family and feel like a normal person not an abandoned child. I don't know what else to say except God is faithful.How on earth did I misjudge a little gathering ,just being a Swag Sista haaaa that I joined in November and attended just 2 Sundays because it was the last for the year,obeying all instructions SWAG P you gave on that ground,began in January again, i gave my request before you left to Uromi,kept believing and saying I must relocate and meet my parents as you taught us to always declare even when I lost hope SWAG P you didn't stop saying'' YOU DON GET YOUR VISA OH'',even in supermarkets,any where you will look at me and say ''you done go oh hahaha'', God will bless u abundantly for bringing me back to him and for teaching me what faith is at the darkest times of my life. He is truly using you to touch lives,the greatest mistake one can make is thinking God cant come into your dark moments,since 1998 hmmmm but in 2013 its over now.AM now born again that’s the greatest gift am leaving Nigeria with and SWAG P thank you again if I was told you that I met in jss1 that we never stopped  quarreling was going to be used by God to bring forth my testimony I will wake and wake again…..its very true that ordinary person you see now by your side might just be that one that will be a link to your joy in life.AM a. witnesss because it happened to me,kie SWAG P oooooo muah muah muah. Finally i say Asim Ekene diri Chukwu.kedu ka osiri buru na mgbasa ezi n"ulo m,n"afo di anya etisago.iche na nnam abughi ubara m n"ezie. chere ka unu jiri ugogbo anya 10D,hu picture mu na ha zuru ezu,swag p,ekwere m na chineke gi, ka otito diri aha ya ruo mgbe ebighi ebi Whew!!!!(finally i say God be praised,how happy can i be that years of separation with my family is broken over night,and guess what, all who said my parents were not mine get ready to see a full picture of i and them with a 10D glasses hahahaha,swag p i believe your God and Glorify HIS name for EVERRRRRR
                                                 MY MUMMYYYYYY YEPPI

                                         MY BROTHER, MIRACLE CHILD AND DADDI YEPIII



  1. Woooooowwwwww,GOD deyyy ooooooo

  2. Wow wow wow, to God be the Glory, pls na can I go to obodo America wit u? *crying*

  3. E ya kelly such a world,hve bin around u but never knew u were fighting such battles.I thank d Lord 4 u nd happy 4 u as well.d Lord dat strted dis will give u ur destined hubby too.I tap into ur blessings as well.May God be Praaised

  4. if am to thank God were do i start from...............all i can say is God you have done us well,u ave allowed kelechi know with you is d only speechless sob sob sob

    1. Where can I Meet dis Swag pastor

  5. Congratulations dear. U will still testify on more blessings & dis is d least u will ever be in Jesus Name, remeber ur breakthrough came d moment u washed that toilet, Kingdom service pays like wild Fire. @Nedjon2

  6. I AM THAT I AM!
    I am really speechless...

  7. God is always @ work o!!! Congrats sis

  8. Kelly I really thank God 4 u. Neva knew all these while u were "battling wit depression" am sowie dear 4 all d negative things you must have passed through. Luv u loads. Mrs. JKC

  9. Waooooooooooo 1March 2013. God let your name and your name be praised.congratulations swag sister.

  10. It can only be God .am really happy 4 u my swag sista .

  11. God is good.... Huge testimony God of swagp is great


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