Okay am seriously amazed walahi,yesterday was my very first time on that ground,my friend asked me to follow her to some gathering called Swag Sistas,now the truth is that she told me about this gathering in January but I couldn't make it all this  while but yesterday she reminded me again and this time I made up my mind to come,Swag P, I have heard so much about you and how God is using you and all that,but when I got there , I saw beautiful girls seated and I looked confused,when I was about to sit, you asked me to say something from God and because I didn't understand what was happening here I said  I had nothing. You laughed and said ''fine then'' ,that am on a ground that God answers by fire o,I smiled because you looked so playful and everyone was laughing but seriously, after some minutes we started cheiiiiii,and I heard testimonies I have never heard before ''huh'' on this ground like this as playful as it looks*shock*this time I adjusted myself well well o,what I was hearing JESUS,in-short my own worry disappeared fast because if God can do all this things am hearing then my case is a small one o.My eyes didn't stop staring into yours to the extent that you had to ask me if everything was okay and I said yes!!  and you smiled,you continued with the word and prayers,now as playful as you were in the mist of your talk, you were actually calling girls out and telling them instant things around them and they were saying yes yes and explaining.
I was amazed when you suddenly paused,turned to one of us and  told her something about herself and ,and she said it was true.JESUS now the surprise became intensive,yes I know God reveals things but I always thought you need to wear very long skirt and blouse hahahaha before He speaks to you.well to imagine I came there with a need,I had a lot of bills to settle the next day Monday,no one to even ask for help I was confuse and worried but for real I had peace,with all I was hearing,we prayed a lot,and you prayed for us in different areas,when you began to prophesie on our finances,my eyes almost removed,I was looking inside your eyes oh,because I was almost having hypertension and fear,so I had to look you eye ball to eye ball….then you said in the next 6 hours your God will prove to us that HE hears prayers on this ground,you said helpers will locate us from no were,even the ones that has forgotten us,even your speaking in tongues I claimed it all,have never been this focus to catch a miracle,because of what I was hearing ,God you are amazing doing things in the midst of ordinary people,I kept saying Amen.You had to ask why I was looking into your eyes,I said I am in shock then you said ''I HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING WATCH GOD SHOCK YOU MORE''….then we said the grace and dispearsed.
I left that ground without a dime, but I was expectant.At this point i was honestly tired of my financial situation  but I left believing God and HE heard my cry without me begging or asking anyone since you told us to leave men and focus on God.In less than 6 hours just as you prophesied on that ground ,I got a call from a friend,  who said I have a gift for you to make up for your birthday,my birthday that was long gone? hmmm I thought it was material gift,so I was reluctant but when I got there, it was money ,not on earth will I believe that  even the giver gave me by his thoughts it was indeed the lords doing.He blessed me in 3 digits*faints*just like that without asking,I had more than the money to settle the bills for Monday that would have caused me so much embarrassment.
I know God answers prayers but this was too instant for me to comprehend.I will scream it out loud that,that ground is fertile.OMG, to think of the fact that I have missed it since January?Swag p I wrote it on my status that ''yes oh I am now a SWAG SISTA''. Some people thought I have joined a cult cause they said ''Nelly you done go join them?''. I laughed until I almost fainted,it was too funny when I told them what we do there,and wetin God just do for me nanana on my first day.
They began to scream and they all want to be Swag Sista's, they want to attend,some ran when I told them its all about God cause they would have preferred  it to be a cult ''hahahaha'' ,I guess they just see beautiful girls who come together swagging up on peoples black berry display pictures and don't realize what they  do. I didn't just come ,I witnessed what was said and happened on that ground,3 digits financial breakthrough for birthday that had passed in less than 6 hours? It can only be GOD,I came without a dime to the ground ,left the ground and in less that 6 hours am richer and too happppiiiiiiiii,Next Sunday 2pm not even 3pm I will be sitting on that ground,will even leave Tina behind.
 I am too happy and I just want to sing*this kind God ooo I never see your type ooo this kind God oh Blessed be your Holy Name*Amen ….Swag P I humbly ask God to bless you and I thank you. Our focus is GOD AND PURITY and letting us know how great we are,I have never seen such before,its Amazing and I pray to have such Zeal myself to do same.
God will glorify you and lastly I say God I worship your name and I say a very big thank YOU,I will dance with your name for ever for I have seen the LIGHT in the dark TUNNEL…………..Thank you JESUS am finally a SWAG SISTA have been SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE.


  1. My dear I got mine 2 dis morning ooooo.pls b ppurified and u will b blessed more.

  2. OMG! This is God ooo, am waiting for mine too.

  3. I glorify God for your miracle swag sis bcos mine happened as well, it has has taken place spiritually waiting to take place on the appointed date. Whoever that know me knows i am a doubting Thamos but i believe the God of swag P.


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