SWAG CHINEYE:My God where do I start from because the shock alone is shaking my hands as I type...ok My elder sister did a scan that confirmed she had fibroid 7mm x 7mm abi 7-7 inches which devastated the family especially me knowing she's been married for close to four years without any issue. I guess it was due to the fibroid. Last 2 weeks she went for an internal womb scan/test, she was asked to come back for the test result last week Monday. I began to pray and believe, though we had been told the result of the test,but she refuse she will have a surgery and i told God i will have an outrageous unbelievable testimony on this and as a swag sista it was done.After the test we were asked to come for the written result. I started coming to that ground last month and my faith has grown, there have been significant changes in my life and I thank God.
Last two weeks, I think, I and my lil sister came to see you Swag P before you prayed for us you gave me anointing oil to hold and you said I should pray for all I want; I prayed for my family especially my elder sister waiting to testify of her twins, then we prayed together and you said everything I seek will come to pass and even my mum will celebrate her grandchildren, you anointed us and I left with so much peace in my heart believing that our prayers had been answered. Last two Sundays you prayed for those believing God for a child and also called out those whose family members and friends were also believing God for a child. We formed a circle and you began to pray and asked that we pray passionately, you told  us individually "it is done" that by this time next year babies shall be celebrated that day was fire. Swag p again just last Sunday before we closed you repeated the same circle thing with those standing in the gap for their family and those present expecting their babies, you said no woman on the surface of the earth is allowed to be barren that we are not David's wife and God told Elisha to put salt in water that from today no woman shall be barren,you said even though there's no womb or the sperm count is low or even no sperm count. Whatever can stop a woman from taking in is cursed on this ground 2kings2:21. I keyed into it and said Fibroid must die its not her portion,she must be pregnant hmmm it was fireeeee i jumped and thank God,and submitted my request with Faith,after the meeting met you outside almost crying you said what i said my sista and you said that salt mystery will kill every barrier stopping her delivery that Barrenness for four years Dies now,i said Amen that this time it was DONE i should go and cum back with my testimony,we left,people began to give testimony,i buzz you n said wheres my own testimony,i must be on the Blog you said chineye you will be on the blog now i said Amen ooo,SWAG P omg,We both went together i and my elder sister a day before yesterday to get the result but they couldn't find the result and told us it wasn't ready.Yesterday my elder sister went back alone to do another checkup and waited for the result,she got the result and to the glory of God the fibroid had disappeared huh huh huh as in the 7mm by 7mm stupid fibroid was not in her womb anymore the doctors were too shock and amazed and could not phantom what happened there never shock shows them their report can never be permanent its God report .That fibroid when you see her you will think shes seven months pregnant o*cleaning my eyes the surprise,shock* i repeat again the nonsense fibroid Disappeared haaa,i have heard miracles,read miracles but this is Amazing,i just stood in the gap,drank the blessed salt water myself not my elder sister and it penetrated Her own womb spiritually kie ,God is omnipresent Hes every were ooo,for four years my sister sob sob sob,God you found me and i wont let you go ever,purity really pays,i joined swag sistas barely 2 months and what has bothered me has been removed from the way abi road omg,swag p you said it oo whatever is stopping my sister from taken in DIES.....JESUS HE answered my desire o !OUTRAGEOUS TESTIMONY!
*shock* still *shock* Swag p, I told u I want testimonies this only 1! I'm believing God for more,This my sister's issue disturbs me a lot 'm praying and I believe her next test will confirm her pregnant with twins i so believe with faith because every time i use swag Adah as my point of contact who was delayed for same four years and now doctors found two heart beats mennn, my God is not a partial God, He will do the same for my sister,fibroid dissapeared and baby will re-appear hahahaha,God has cleared the womb its now time for fulfillment of the 24 prophesy no swag sister or family shall be Barren,Am dancing now and dancing in advance,God bless u Swag p and Lastly i give God the Glory! Him alone did it Him alone i shall Praise and Glorify..kie if you not a swag sista you must be a learner hahahahaha,i kneel and say DIEU MERCI(thank God)


  1. God you are wonderful. No one like you,you make a way where seems to be no way. I tap into this blessing,fireeeeeee!!

  2. GOD is good,I must testify on this blog for my sister,AMEN

  3. With tears in my eyes I give God all the praise him alone is worthy. Congratultions swag chineye the twins are on the way oooo. Am so happy for you . God is indeed a faithful God . God bless you swag p

  4. Thank YOU JESUS. YOU are Forever Faithful. Way maker. Wonderful GOD. I am that I am. You are too Faithful. You are more than too much. Babbbbbbaaaaa too much. I connect to this. Merciful Father. Wiping the tears of YOU Children. Kieeeeee. I am so privileged to be YOUR Child Dear LORD. I'm so proud and blessed to be a Swag Sis. I connect to this testimony for spiritual fruitfulness and for every woman in my family waiting on GOD for the fruit of the womb. My GOD is not partial. Thank YOU JESUS. Thank You Swag P. r

  5. i don't know who actually wrote the last comment but i heard God said truly i am not partial so there for am visiting you tonite.......and i was sent to tell you that its Done.............

  6. this indeed brings tears to my eyes... only God can do these... i'm speechless, but joyful in heart for God's Hand @ work. No barrenness in all areas of our lives as Swag Sis'... in the Name above all names, Jesus, AMEN! Iver

  7. Ammeeennnnnnn! Hum i tap into ds for myself,sister-inlaw & every other woman beleiving God for the fruit. I must testify i am next to testify i am in lagos but i connect from here in Jesus name location wud not be a barrier. wit ♏Ɣ twins enuf is enuf God that did for your sista and Adah is a faithful God and He would do it again again & again. He has neva lied. God bless Ʋ Swagp

  8. I was about taking a nb when I decided to read Chiyere testimony, I've been seeking God for the fruit of the womb for 7 I was reading her testimony I had a strange feeling and I believe God mine is the next.

    Though I'm reading about Swag siestas for the first time and I'm not a member of winners but I attend RCCG.
    Thanks for sharing and I hope it bless someone else too


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