SWAG LISE: It all started in sept 2012, i went to my school where i graduated from (Ajayi Crowther University Oyo), to get my certificate and also applied for my transcript which i needed to process my masters admission. Usually in my school once you apply and make the necessary payments in a week your transcript will be ready. I applied and paid all the required payment and was asked to leave that it will be sent to me in one week. Hmm 1 week grew into 6months, each time i called my HOD in charge he would tell me that my transcript will be sent to me, yet nothing showed up, one time i called him and he said i should ask the DHL guys to come pick it up, i did so, when he (DHL) got there he discovered that my transcript wasn't ready and my HOD wasn't even in the office.I kept calling and nothing was done, i couldn't go back to school because my school won't never had one's transcript to you because it confidential. All these way time was passing by and drawing closer to my admission deadline which is 26th of these month all other requirements have been ready since just my transcript left. Just last night at about 7.30pm on Thursday my spirit said i call you i knew i heard right hmmmm  i called Swag p and narrated my story to you, you asked me if i believed that once you pray it will be done i said yes, you then asked me to state what i wanted, my God.... Swag p i said i wanted my transcript released and sent before the deadline so i can proceed, you then asked for my HOD's name and commanded that whatever is holding back my transcript be destroyed, you called his name and said he won't sleep last night until his treats my case. You then said that before the end of today friday my transcript will released and that you don't know how it will be done but before friday next week i'll proceed with my admission, and you repeatedly asked me not to worry for worrying delays testimonies,I held on to it and promised not to even bother about it again, you then said it is "Done". Swag P dis afternoon around 2pm  next day after the call Friday, i noticed that my network was off, i then turned it on, immediately my phone rang with a strange number, i picked up only to hear the voice of the man in charge of transcript office, he called to confirm the address i wanted my transcript sent to Cos its ready HEY....... i didn't know when i started singing... He confirmed the address and he said in the next few minutes he'll hand it over to the DHL office. Few minutes later i called the DHL office and they confirmed it was with them and that on Monday by 10am it will be in my Agency's office. Swag P, this is the fastest miracle i've experienced.The transcript that took me 6months back and forth took only few hours!i was to amazed,its like magic to me but i know its nothing but God swag p i know that God honors your word oooo haaaaa Swag p that's not all,when i buzzed you and told you the good news and said i was shocked ,hmmm you said i have not known what shock is until i see my next testimony and i said Amen ooo........just now now now, i got a call from the man helping me with my resident permit, i applied for  2 years resident permit in Dubai so after my masters i can have some time to do other things.:'( :'( :'(. Swap P he called to inform me that all is going on smoothly but rather than a 2 years permit i got a 3 years.My mouth can't thank God enough because just as you said i was more shocked how i was given three years when i applied for two years and paid, now truly swag p this is more shocking as you said wow,i repeat my mouth cant thank God enough,nor my heart show enough appreciation!:'(Swag p, God knows that after the first day i met you, you've never left my spirit. You can ask God and i know He'll tell you. the Lord will remain your strength, as a source through which he waters His people you'll NEVER run dry NEVER!God in less that twenty-fours hours you re defined my future even when men gathered to put me to shame you stepped in days to deadline and over gave me all i desired, how much can i praise your name than to say thank you God,it can only be YOU,i give you all the glory and i will praise and worship you forever.love you swag p you are truly a vessel for our generation and i just realized I was SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE(swag) nothing else. LOVE YOU so much GOD.thank UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GOD.


  1. God is indeed a sudden God,I rejoice with you over ur testimony,knowing dat I would soon testify in jesus name..all honour be to God forever


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