Edo:Inu me gha ta Ijesumen uwese ...Inu me gha ta,Inu me gha yere,Inu me gha ta Ijesumen uwese,Inu me gha ta uwese .... Translation:it is with my mouth I will use to say thank you Jesus,it is my mouth  I will use to remember what He has done.   I'm swag Faith(Benin)Amazing swags our God has done it for me o,I'm overwhelmed,I keep smiling to myself,feeling like a super woman now o,imagine smallie corper like me,barely two months I'm boasting of two awesome jobs(oil company things),English & literature graduate with one yeye result like that o,but as swag p say, my result will not be a barrier to my career o.  I have always wanted to share my testimony on this glorious blog o,now that I'm actually doing it,it feels like a joke o,on the 4th of oct was the day I wrote down my testimony song,I pinged swag P to tell her and I asked her to pray for me for something I'm still very much believing God for which I will testify soon and also told her I had written my testimony song and kept she agreed with me and said it will manifest in few days from now and I will use it, I said Amen. Any way,I'm sharing(in first lady's voice)another great testimony,when ever swag P says re-bc,without thinking twice or waste time I do it and she will say Watch God ,and whenever her Bc enters my phone,I stop whatever I'm doing to read it,even when I'm having that "interesting" gist with someone,@ that point in time d person go just dey talk 2 him/her self without knowing,I was having my private time with God on the 15/10/2014 when swag p's Bc came into my phone as I was about to round up,it was as if the  bc message and prayers was for me alone,God used her to give me more prayer points,from my kneeling position,I stood up n started saying those prayers violently,from standing I sat on the ground and then again on my kneels,until I had peace in my forward to the morning which is yesterday,  I pinged swag P and told her my testimony is cooking up o,that I'm getting ready for an interview(oil job) that after the bc God don Open door.  she replied"yepppppiiiiiiii Naa ur job go there time don reach to use dat your song and God go even surprise me more "na so I take go o,before I finish for one interview they called me for another one(oil again)   Cheiii I say na the surprise be dis o ,na so I run go o,my sweetest swags,the other interview was done inside a banking hall,it was like a joke,myself and the oga kpatakpata was gisting and laughing as if we know body before,my sisters na so I take get the job o,as for the other one they promised to call,i say na English dem speak kos they must call me, I be swag ,which they really did the same evening,they asked me to come on Monday o to resume ,I quickly called a friend we went together if they called him,he said no o,he in turn called his friend that one say them no call am too o,na me smallie come get the call,the thing now be say I don confuse for which one to take, two oil jobs on the same day haaaa dis can only be the God of Swagz,while I'm waiting on God to direct,I just want you all to join me in thanking God o,if my body
is full of mouth it won't be enough to thank Him o,also to u my dearest swag P,thank u ma,May ur oil never run dry,the gate of hell will never ever prevail against you in Jesus name,Amen.swag sisters watch out for part 2 "oti se funmi.....oti se funmi......"


  1. Thank you lord all doing God.

  2. My sista I join u 2 dance God will direct u on which 2 swag u b

  3. I key to your testimony cos I need another open door in my life oh..... congrats. Swag morris

  4. He remains the King of all kings..... always faithful with His word and too faithful to fail nor lie. Congratulations beloved.

  5. Chai God of miracle, na our baba oooo. I rejoice wit you.Father you shall answer for me IJN.Amen

  6. Oh Jesus. You are great. Thank God for this testimony. I pray for the same open door for me in Jesus name amen. Praise the Lord. Alleluyah!

  7. This can only be God, he alone is mighty in wondrous works. I tap into your testimony my sister as I am believing God for oil job too and it will happen in 2014! Amen!

  8. Thank you Lord, for not just opening one door, but two doors and me he grant you the discerning spirit to choose. I connect to this ur testimony and decree that may my door(womb) open not just for one job (child) but two, in Jesus super name. Amen!

  9. As an English and Lit graduate also since 2005 I tap into this anointing ooooooooo

  10. Halleluyah, God will do mine too, all Glory be to God... yipeee my own is close. Amen

  11. Chai God of miracle, na our baba oooo. I rejoice wit you.Father you shall answer for me IJN.Amen

  12. Congrats dear! It can only be God... I'm having a feeling my comment will show on dis blog today, so I tap from all d testimonies on d blog God will do it for me too!

  13. I celebrate u dear. Father my turn is now!!!

  14. Chei! See how God love us even wen we no deserve am! I ffloW u shout with my own mouth to thank dis our God wei no de let us down o. Congrats o, me sef don de write my celebration song wei I go cum sing here soon o. Cos it must still happen for me dis 2014

  15. Thank u lord for this great testimony. It can only be God.. God who has opened these double door for you,will also open mine in jesus name. I tap into your testimony n decree dat mine testimony will be d next 2 be blogged.

  16. Fireeee. Thank You Lord for this testimony. Lord, You will send me good news concerning my own oil job within a week from today. God has said it.

  17. Dis kind God ooooooo,I bless ur name lord wit all my body I tap in to dis blessing my case wil be like dis oooooooo

  18. I thank God for this great miracle and I key into it with everything I've got

  19. Thank you Lord, for not just opening one door, but two doors and me he grant you the discerning spirit to choose. I connect to this ur testimony and decree that may my door(womb) open not just for one job (child) but two, in Jesus super name. Amen!

  20. Bless God , it can only be God. I give him praise forever more. Congrats dearie. Abeg choose well. Taiwo

  21. Wow awesome God congrats swag Faith it can only be God

  22. Bless God , it can only be God. I give him praise forever more. Congrats dearie. Abeg choose well. Taiwo

  23. Choi Choi Choi Choi Choi. . My God is a miracle worker. . 2 @ once... God i tap from this divine testimony that you have arranged. . My own miracle is on the way too Ijn Amen. . Congratulations Swag God will direct you on which to take because he is not a God of confusion ok.. Go forth Swag

  24. To God be all the glory..congrats I key into this testimony as am also believing God for a job mine will be the next job testimony on the blog in Jesus name Amen!!!

  25. God I thank you for this testimony . I key into her testimony my Father in Heaven. In the name of Jesus I will testify on the blog with my testimonies ( e . Amen. God bless you Swag P. Swag Shirley

  26. Gracious God! Awesome God! The great I am! The most high God! You are worthy to be praise. I key into these testimony I most testify 2014.

  27. Congrats dearie, I tap into this grace

  28. Am happy for u ooooo...may God Open all our closed Doors in Jesus Name ooooo..

  29. Am happy for u ooooo...may God Open all our closed Doors in Jesus Name ooooo..

  30. To God be all the glory,I key into this testimony as I'm believing God for a great job and a life partner. Father Lord begin to shower me with your blessings from this moment. AMEN!

  31. It must b God I like this..congrates am believing God for another testimony

  32. God it is all u, receive all d glory, Honour and adoration. I must testify cos I be swag.

  33. Wow, wonderful, na waoh,God is mighty in the house and I know he'll come my way soonest...congratulations Swag Faith, more blessings in Jesus name. Amen

  34. God of double portion...singing**this kind God oooh,i never see your type ooh,this kind God ooh blesses be your holy day**** God is too much...nothing can be compared to will still happen for me...amen....lilian

  35. Awsome God......Only God can do this...when all the over qualified people dey carry Cv everywhere.I tap into this testimony...INI

  36. Awesome father,u re worthy to be praised. Thank you Jesus.

  37. He has done for you what no man can do. I rejoice with you and the best one will be the one you will pick cos the Holy Spirit ll reveal it. Fireeeeeee. The great and mighty God receive all the glorrrrrry. I key in for all others waiting for job miracles. Aaaaamen

  38. God it is all u, receive all d glory, Honour and adoration. I must testify cos I be swag.

  39. Congrats swag faith! I key into ds testimony for my sister & for breakthrough, restoration, divine intervention & speed in all that concerns me in Jesus name. Lord I'm grateful for everything. Thank You Jesus

  40. Congrats swag faith! I key into ds testimony for my sister & for breakthrough, restoration, divine intervention & speed in all that concerns me in Jesus name. Lord I'm grateful for everything. Thank You Jesus

  41. Wow, God is good, all the time. I celebrate with you o. My own testimony go soon show before the year end and I will be singing and dancing too. God bless you. Congratulations. This testimony is sweet.

  42. God is simply too awesome.... I thank Him with you, cos I believe I will also testify of this sort,.. Congratulations, even as He directs you to the best.

  43. Na wa ooo! ! Thank you Father for this wonderful testimony, . Congrats Swag, . Me I key into this beautiful testimony o! , baba, do it for your daughter IJN, Amen!

  44. Inu me gha ta Ijesumen uwese ...Inu me gha ta,Inu me gha yere,Inu me gha ta Ijesumen uwese Inu me gha OSAUWEN..........................................dis is de God i know 2 well.................

  45. I celebrate with you ooooooooo....i so key into dis testimony, dance to also. recieve mine#in swagP voice am too sure of God#

  46. This is amazing. It definitely can only be God. I celebrate with you and I know mine is on the way. God is faithful.

  47. I am a witness o! The God that breaks protocol for his children. Congratulations, may God continue to open doors for you, I receive my own testimony too, Amen! *Swag Jey*

  48. Wow! Awesome God! Congrats!!

  49. Praisssseeeee God! Thank you love for this awesome testimony, all glory to you! I tap into this testimony for my own oil job in Kesus name Amen!

  50. Chei! This kain God oo, I never see Your type oo, this kain God oo, blessed be Your Holy name. Father to You be all the glory and adoration and thanks. Congratulations sista. I rejoice with you. I key into your testimony and blessing. It will still happen for me in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!!

  51. Chei! Jehovah overdo, hallowed be thy name. I celebrate with you and tap into ds sweet and tantalizing testimony. Haleluyah!!!

  52. Ewoooo c clean job ooooo abeg my heart is gladened for you my dear, wat God has done for you is not a small something. Baba this one na your handiwork, ESE Sir, Swag P! Ha, you will be sought after by nations and the Lord shall continue to delight in you. My own dey road .

  53. Dis kind God is 10 much o..................................tank u Papa

  54. Thank you ancient of days, almighty God. You are worthy Lord, Ese baba. Dis can only be God. I rejoice wit u my sister, go n prosper. I tap into dis testimony for my own breakthrough n restoration. Amen!!!!!

  55. Amen!!!!!! Thank God 4 dis awesome testimony....i claim my own oil job now ijn...amen!!!! Otito dili chukwu...

  56. Jehovah over do Thank u... IJEOMA no go suffer,I no go beg 4 Money. Ijeoma no go suffer,I no go beg 4 Job. Ijeoma no go suffer I no go beg 4 Food. God of Miracle na ma papa oooo(x5)*Dancin*

  57. Only God can amaze one n crown all efforts with glory for d does not call d qualified instead he qualifies d called. Jehovah is his name

  58. Congrats dear, Oh my good God. This Is what i have been hoping and praying for. Lord God remember me and my Darling hubby as i key into This testimony. My result is not a barrier in Jesus Name amen. God bless u Swag p and grant u your hearts désire. It Will still happen in 2014.

  59. It can only be him alone be all the glory.congrats dear. I key into this in Jesus name .amen.i believe is done

  60. Congrats dear,am connecting, tapping, embracing, keying ,colllecting, magneting into this testimony. I believe you lord,thank you Jesus for your goodness in the life's of swags sistas. I know you will also do it for my hubby and I. Amennnnnnnnn.....Swag Rose Uchenna and Swag Oluchukwu.......THANK YOU JESUS.

  61. Thank you Jesus. Am next to be announced in Jesus name.


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