Swag Fortune (Abuja) Its so good to see Satan loose. I was told about swag sistas  by my friend Swag Egbe , oh for me it's the greatest gift any one can give me. My life before I came, I couldn't explain it anymore. How you can be at the top in business and all of a sudden you can't compete even in ground level, it was clear it's an attack.  I came on the 21st of September to the ground being last upper Sunday and luckily for me it was mystery of the salt day. Swag p made us understand 2kings 2:21-22 so deep that almost every message was for me,i was too excited wondering were I have been all this while but our God doesn't look at all that to bless,I kept my eyes directly at swag p, listening because I wasn't going to come back to this ground the manner I came o when the word was over ,she prophesied that if u dont come Next Sunday being 28th of September with your testimony tell your self you are a fool o because after the word and the power of the salt, we must Testify . I was too happy oh like inshort I could feel for me all was settled. On Friday 26th Sep, I remembered I had not received a testimony for Sunday I now Asked God in the room so you want me to call myself a fool lord? I said lord your vessel broke delays with your name on that ground and prophesied financial break thru, wombs opening, jobs oh and God I grabbed a job and financial breakthru, it's almost sunday, please I can't call my self a Fool... sob sob sob.  And I heard a voice say begin to say thank you Jesus , instantly I began to say that repeatedly because it was so clear, I HAVE BEEN SAVED WITH AMAZING GRACE . I fell asleep and I heard a knock on the door like pass 10pm, it was my neighbour,who had told me she was going to help me with a job and didn't know when but I don tire . I was surprised to see her and swag sistas my God I have seen manifestation in a manner that I want to ask Swag p if I am dreaming ooooo. My Neighbour told me my husband has been transferred to administration and you have an employment letter I was shocked,she immediately gave me the letter#faints#a government Job with a clause, a shocking organisation . Now let me shock you all, how long I have been looking for a job, never gotten an employment letter, Swag Sistas 7years. What kind of fasting have I not done. Seven years you graduated and no job, do you all understand the frustration. Business suddenly goes down. 7years people have asked me if I really get certificate, people have mocked me. 7years? And Over night it's broken with an employment letter without Cv or interview. Oh this can only be God. Swag Egbe were do I say thank you from for listening to my story and say I attend a fellowship called SWAG SISTAS, come and watch your story change. I wore my dress and followed that same sunday Swag p said if that devil comes around your destiny again he will finally be buried,i was too amaze how playful this pastor is oh but what comes out of her mouth through the help of God, I know too the laugh forget say I fit pay money go watch Night of a thousand laugh, make I nor too forget say na delay I Kan break, so I was alert to catch, and it Ended. That 7years delay was swallowed up as I wore the SWAG crown from above. To crown it up last Sunday, Swag p declared Another Open door, and said God said I should just come to tell You. During the prophecy she said God will restore all the years the devil stole from your life. When I gave this testimony on the ground, she said 7years with shock and screamed the devil must pay. I said I agree the devil must pay, because Another door is opening for me. She advise we drop all former doors and watch another Door open. Instantly I dropped the door of Seven years delay looking for a Job and caught  the new door. If we need to break our door in our house  that we should oh anyhow another new door must surface, Swag p was calm on Sunday and kept saying God restored Job, we acted the Job story, the part were devil returned all He stole and God restored greatly, she said It will happen for all of U. AMEN oooo, make una guess what again I go the office monday na so another new door OPEN after 7years after school I was given level 10 in a major Parastatal in Abuja omg God restored. Una hear not level 8 oh I was catapulted to level 10. Somebody wake me up. There are staffs who have been there for years and has not been promoted to that level O. I have almost invited myself again for swag because I have told every girl I see or know about swag sistas meeting. My life kie  every one is shocked. To crown it up,swag p said she hears from God now that someones brother the delay has been broken and his time has come,a job has come for him . I keyed in for my cousin brother oooo, after 4years of waiting for a job as I speak now he's gotten a job, a miracle one for that matter. When I understood you can drink the salt for someone too, and I did for him, Ha dis is too much. So Over night 7 plus 4 na 11yrs wei God rebuild for us fast fast fast. *dancing * rolling* jumping * I give God all the glory God. Swag p may God  increase you, beautify you and make your voice be heard in this world oh. My whole family can't believe, like were did I go, I say make una follow me Kan see. I and my cousin have Been RESTORED. Things have changed oh, a client has given me a property to sell from no were oh and I know it's Settled on this ground because on the ground yesterday during LET US PRAY, it was declared a door that will shock you will happen again. my story has changed. This can only be the Power of Jesus, it's too clear IT CAN ONLY BE GOD. Thank You JEHOVAH...GOD DE SWAG .NO MEETING WEI I GO EVER MISS..SUNDAY I DE.THURSDAY I DE...HAHAHAHAHA


  1. From a brother, I key into this testimony for every female I know who trusts in the LORD to renew their strength. Amen!

  2. It can only be GOD, I join U to thank our almighty God and I tap into your testimony for myelder broda and sister.

  3. It can only be GOD, I join U to thank our almighty God and I tap into your testimony for myelder broda and sister.

  4. Jéhovah over-do. You give me so much joy. I tap into this testimony. It will still happen for me this year IJN. Amen

  5. Wow! Powerful testimony. May ur joy be permanent in Jesus name-Amen. Lord, as I dey run with speed come celebrate with others, break this 1year delay for me in Jesus precious name-Amen. Kisses for u swag p

  6. The Lion of Judah cannot lie.....Lord I thank you for this testimony. He who started a good work in your life will be faithful to complete it.

  7. I praise God for your testimony . I key into this your own oh , God in heaven will open new doors( I put "s" cos na plenty doors) for me in Jesus name . Amen. Especially a job, finances and every area in my life in Jesus name. Amen . Swag Shirley

  8. Wow.. what an amazing God we serve. I key and celebrate with you. .. Morris

  9. Dats y I call Him JEHOVAH sharp sharp!!praise d lord........

  10. When I read testimonies like this all I do is sing nd dance....singing right now "this kind God oh I never see ur type oh this kind God oh blessed be your holy name.....SwagP ur anointing will keep increasing....I love you can't wait to see u in benin...hehehehhe dancing

  11. Lord I use her as a point of contact to me...let ur will be done

  12. All I have to say is thank you Lord

  13. This is just God in action and just as HE has done a new thing in your life I key into bit testimony and pray that God bless and restore all d stolen yrs from my family in Jesus name

  14. Waohhhh , God be praised forever , I just can't thank him enough. Congrats Sis. My own is sure ohhhh. Taiwo

  15. All I have to say is thank you Lord

  16. I celebrate with u my sista. this is indeed God in action. I tap into this testimony. may God restore all the years the canker worm and caterpillars have eaten in my life. mine is almost 8years without a job o. jehovah God I must testify o... swag P I must testify o. tararaaa

  17. Thank you Jesus! This can only be God! I tap into this testimony, Cuz God is in my neighbourhood!

  18. Thank you Jesus. God please open my own miracle doors of marital and financial breakthrough in Jesus Name

  19. Thank you Jesus. God please open my own miracle doors of marital and financial breakthrough in Jesus Name

  20. Oh God am speechless but this has moved me n I have one request its my brother's visa same protocol u broke for this swag will u break for him too in Jesus name amen

  21. I thank God 4 you. It can only be God.. As i rejoice with you today,so shall people also rejoice with me soon. I key into your testimonies that it shall also come 2 pass in my life n that of my brother. Amen

  22. Thank u Jesus for this great testimony I tap into it....

  23. Great God...He is so awesome. I am keying into this for me and my sister. It is done in Jesus name Amen. Happy for u dear

  24. Thank God for this great testimony it can only be God. Thank u Jesus I tap into it for me and my friend. It's done and settled ijn a Amen a new doorr is opening for me

  25. It can only be God, I key in into dis wonderful testimony. Almighty God remember me let my doors be open, I need my own testimony my father

  26. #Salt... Can break unemployment - no CV no interview. Thank You Father for restoring jobs to her and her cousin I believe I receive mine in Jesus name Amen.

  27. God is really awesome. He is indeed glorious. When he blesses us,he blesses us abundantly,restoring all the devil stole from us...congratulations dear. (Pinky Egbuna)

  28. It can only be God. All praises n honour to God.

  29. Yaaaaaaaayyyyy, this na the kind Wey I dey receive fast fast. Father, receive allllllllllllllllllllll the Glory, that is due your name, cos You are Wonderful.

  30. Glory to God......I key into this testimony for a government job in Jesus' name. Amen.

  31. Thank you Jesus for this testimony. . U changeth not n can't lie. I tap into this testimony ooo God. . Congratulations

  32. GOD'S time is alwaya d best.

  33. He will never share his glory with anyone, God is God all by himself he doesn't need anyone else,I tap into this blessing for my siblings and I, Jehovah the nullifier of all delays I praise you!

  34. This kind God ooooo I Neva see ur kind oooooo I bless ur name lord I key into dis bless our God is 2 much.

  35. Lord hear my plea n answer me according 2 ur will as u'v just done 4 this happy 4 u dear...thnk u Jesus

  36. halleluia!!!!!!!!. God is good. all protocols shall be broken on our behalf in Jesus name. wow!!

  37. Jehovah Over Do it can only b U..congrats ma dear.. I tap into ur testimony for my junior sister and fiance.

  38. I really see the hand of God in this. And I join you to give God all the Glory be cos there is no one like Jehovah the King of Kings,the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. Who is like you Jehovah! We return all praise and Glory to you. And I equally tap into this testimony for an open door for a job and financial breakthrough.

  39. Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! Awesome God congrats dear swag. I key into this testimony believing God for a job

  40. Faithful God! I give u all the glory. I tap into this testimony for mine to come IJN amen

  41. It is good to praise D lord Alleluia. Great is our God. As I thank The Lord I key in that The Lord will perfect his work in me.

  42. With God all things are possible

  43. With God all things are possible

  44. It is a great God, thank you Jesus

  45. 🔊father u are worthy
    Saviour u are worthy
    U are worthy to be praised
    U are worthy to be honoured
    It can only be him☝.

  46. Beautiful God... Am amazed @ his works.. i rejoice with you and key into ur testimony.

  47. I thank God for you ooo....praise God!!! Congratulations and I tap into your will still happen for me 2014 in Jesus name, Amen. I see my new door opening in Jesus name, Amen.

  48. This can only be God,i'm so happy 4u dear. I key into ur testimony for a better job. Halleluyah.

  49. This can only be God,i'm so happy 4u dear. I key into ur testimony for a better job. Halleluyah.

  50. I don get my own cha!! See wetin God own dey come

  51. The God of miracle. What is impossible for him to do? Nothing. 7 years of delay changed to just hours. I thank you Jesus. Congratulations to you and your cousin. God bless you all

  52. Father to you be all the glory and adoration forever more. Congrats dear,Swag P the oil over hard shall not run dry.


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