My name is Tonia (lagos) Swag p,May God continue to bless and keep u for us. Swag sistas my life as a whole has taken a great shape ever since I became a swag sista. My Education which the devil tried to frustrate,he ended up a loser. How did I meet swag p? One night I had a dream were I was telling my friend that a lecturer vowed I will never go for nysc and all my mates have finished going just me and my friend said I will introduce you to a woman of God, her name is swag p she can help you pray. When I woke up I was confused for a while but I decided to buzz my friend and I asked her please do you know any woman of God called swag p and she screamed yes in shock like how did I know,i said in my dream oh and instantly I asked for her number,all this happened last year and it took swag p almost three months to speak with me or understand all am saying via chat and one faithful day she finally declared and I attended Oct 2013 last tour in lagos. And said that lecturer will give way for me,I should go and see him and I said okay before I left I came to Abuja and swag p washed my feet and I left for school. You all remember the testimony na it's on the blog, how the lecturer who hate me so much saw me and ordered for malt for me and was begging,and there and then even when strike de, he made sure he called staffs to put my results together and make sure I go for next batch..well this year 2014 I ended up going for my nysc *yeppii* told swag p about an uncle well to do that don't send us all pick our calls and I want him to sponsor my masters and again swag say dance I did all that and said call him now,swag sistas he picked, called me to Abuja ask what I want,i said i want to go do masters abroad and there and there he began to search for schools for me and we found one. Instantly processes began I couldn't believe my eyes.Someone for years who has never answered the family. Ran to school got my transcript during strike from same lecturer and Attended the June swag meeting in Benin couldn't wait for lagos and one request in my mystery seed was passing all my ielts exams and Wow I did even when I finished and was scared but swag p said God will correct the wrongs. After sending the ielts result,now they have sent my admission letter but I still have a condition to meet the offer before octorber  10th,which is my diploma Certificate ,because my bsc transcript reads from 200level .Don't even know where to start from now,cox I have applied for this diploma certificate before  I graduated and till now it's not ready.I pinged Swag p complained and cried and she said sharap go and collect it now and people will struggle to bring it out in speed I shouted amen, because I have a  deadline.Yesterday before I left I decided to do what I know is the strongest link to break delays 'giving' yesterday sowed a seed enough to break two years delay of applying and begging for my result. I gave the money to my sister to send to the ministry and I buzzed swag p told her and she said go forth and return seed goes void ,then I went same yesterday to  ekpoma to reapply for the certificate since the one I applied for before was missing over 6months now again .on my way was just praying for a miracle and standing on that seed and the prophetic word 'they will all in speed search for it'.when I got there,the lady In charge was so mean and she said I should go reapply and it  will take another  6mnths to process .I rejected fast even though I know that's the procedure but I need this certificate and swag p said I should go and come back with it oh and God doesn't rob seeds on this ground,and put faith to work and immediately I declared all in my heart ,instantly same mean woman  told me to go to the registrars office to check if it's in their  record that I applied before . Infact when I got there, they checked everywhere it wasn't there . The university registrar had to send his Pa to exams and record for my sake oooooo that they should scatter everywhere he is sure the certificate has been sent to them,so we went back there and behold they found it. Instantly I remembered they will search in speed for your sake what they couldn't give to you in two years. I got my  school certificate yesterday miraculously after two years of application. God showed himself mighty just after sowing a seed of faith same yesterday . I was highly favoured yesterday o.It does not happen here o..My joy today is over night after years of academic frustration as a Swag God cleared all the devil standing at my graduation point and restoring all the delays by opening a door for me to go do masters abroad. I know even dream am na try your luck i de and he used an uncle that the world is even shocked...Am so grateful swag p,knowing you was divine your name was called to me in my dream. Am more grateful to God who has shocked those who has mocked me about my education..God has showed them its not how fast but how well. What would have taken another 6months to wait and that will be like 3years wait and i could loose the admission, I went with faith knowing theres no miracle God cant do by sowing and Swag p declared using the name of Jesus that i will return dancing and yes am dancing.Nov 2nd come fast so i will hug you with joy..for another 6months for enter 2015 but swag sistas, IT STILL HAPPENED FOR ME i still de shock..I forever will praise the name of the Lord and give Him thanks.


  1. My father thank you,you always remove wat is nt glorifying ur name in our lives,l key into ur testimony my swag sista congrats.

  2. I celebrate brate with you and also tap from your testimony. . Morris

  3. Thank you Jesus! Tonia am so happy 4 u!Godbless u swag P.we love u#Swag Anne#

  4. We bless the lord, I am very happy for you thank God for shaming the devil

  5. May God is a Miracle Workin God...congrats ma dear.

  6. Ha I just need to sow this misery seed sharp sharp oo

  7. Ha I just need to sow this misery seed sharp sharp oo

  8. Ha I just need to sow this misery seed sharp sharp oo

  9. My God is a Miracle Workin God..He is a God of Possibilities..congrats ma dear

  10. Who is greater than Jéhovah Lord divine? There is no one greater than Jéhovah Lord divine. God of speed, visit me as you have visited this SWAG

  11. God you are great. I celebrate with you Tonia and may God's love never depart from you in Jesus name. Amen . Thank you Lord for this great testimonies.

  12. God is Awesome. I tap into this testimony as I believed my mystery seed will work for me IJN. It will still happened for me in 2014. Congratulations swag Tonia, I share your joy with you. God bless you

  13. we serve a God dat is a specialist on impossible matters. with God kings will have no choice than to help us.. I connect to and tap jnto dis testimony.. I believe that my destiny helpers have no choice than to help me sharp sharp, cos I got the Almighty God as my father.. tararaaa...

  14. Our God is Awesome. Bless be his name 4 all his gud wrk.

  15. Excellent Jehovah!!!! Wow...... Congrats swag Tonia

  16. Wow! What a miracle working God, I thank you Baba God !

  17. Hmmm, this God ehnnn. He is worthy to be praised forever. I worship your name forever. Congrats Dearie. He will surely do more.

  18. i rejoice with you swag Tonia and i tap into the miracle same GOD WILL DO IT FOR ME

  19. What a marvelous God!! Super happy for you :)

  20. I Tag from ur testimony Congratulation

  21. I rejoice with you my dear and I tap into the testimony. And I join you to Glory to the ever faithful God. May His Name be praised for evermore.

  22. Amen dis can only be God, I tap into this miracle, he who has done it for u will grant all my request. This kind God U r too much

  23. Amen dis can only be God, I tap into this miracle, he who has done it for u will grant all my request. This kind God U r too much

  24. God show forth for my brother too through this testimony

  25. I tap into this testimony Ijn Amen. . God will do great and mighty works for me, that i know. . Congratulations dear. .

  26. Wonderful this can only b God .congratulations

  27. God be praised!!! It will still happen for me 2014!!! Congratulations!!!

  28. Congratulations...all praises be to almighty God. My testimony is next on the blog.

  29. Congratulations...all praises be to almighty God. My testimony is next on the blog.

  30. May the name of the Lord be magnified, congratulations my dear, mine is coming up next.


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