Pastor, #Dis kind God oooo we never see him type oooo dis kind God oooo blessed be his holy name# God has done it again oooo, people wey no work hard as my husband  dey go training outside country for my hubby place of work but him own no gree come. Kie I forget my name na Swag Ify (lagos) ehn ehn as I was saying, The training in Ghana that he was suppose to go for was not forthcoming list came out and he's name wasn't on it. Husband came home that evening feeling so down and when he told me I was so sad because he deserves to be included. So I buzzed swag p crying and telling her what just happened and she said ANOTHER DOOR, I didn't understand I asked, and she said God will open another door for him to go.  Hmmm I said swag p this just came out and for this office before another training list go come again it's will take a while oh and swag p replied 'SPEED' for your husband's sake. Hahaha for real I was not enjoing this swag p's reply oh, all I wanted her to do was to help me pray make them put him name oh for the list for Ghana,but she said God has a door better for him. I said okay and I was told to tell hubby to praise instead of being depressed. Everytime I read a testimony, like na me the run there first before anybody I will ping swag p and celebrate them after commenting on the blog and swag p will say, you are next. In a day I will buzz when is my own, sote swag p asked me to write my testimony down and save it on my phone with faith and I did that few days back, I thanked God for opening another abroad training for my hubby and providing the finances I needed for my business. I obeyed as I was instructed to celebrate my testimony before the arrival. When I was done I told swag p she said now praise and watch God, it will all happen for me before oct 15th. Ha I was so happy oh,, even when I was typing my testimony joy filled my heart it felt like I will soon be up the blog even when I saved it on my phone I knew it was for a short while and said God before October 15th as declared by your vessel please surprise me. Swag Sistas when I attended last meeting in June in Lagos, swag p, personally told me that before she sees me again every thing written on my mystery envelop even for my husband will be Restored and I have held on to that with faith and hope. So well have spent my days praising and being alert to that declaration. Pinged swag p aday before yesterday and she said it's time,then a testimony came and we were asked to dance before opening it, the mistake one will do is not obey spiritual instructions oh, so I did.. Swag Sistas yesterday God showed me really He had another door with better plans ooooo, something that has never happened,just as I had been steadfast in prayers,keying into people's testimony even when my promotion as a swag sista came which I testified,  we were waiting for his own because the Ghana trip would have been a promotion but Nothing came up,Swag p told me who told me that promotion does not  come from man or Ghana that if I have that mindset then I no go see that promotion I should start saying God it's You who promotes, promote my husband and I changed my mindset fast oh ,ghana or no ghana, God will do it. You know from being depressed, I became alive and operated on a faith level with peace oh. Just yesterday kie swag sistas To God be the glory, A list came out and he's name was there.My hubby is going to UK next month for training just like that o. . When he told me Na so I begin to shout , na so oh na the Another door wei swag p tell me b ris Oooooo for my mind that office will bring another list next year oh that's how they operate but I remembered,swag p said 'SPEED' na now I understand say God meant what will happen in 2015 will be brought back to 2014 due to the SPEED, HE shall grant my family. Before October 15th don happen, testimony wei i write with Faith don start to manifest live and it's on the blog now omg, am too sure the others will happen soonest .  I know that God wey make UK possible will do the rest oh , my hubby  go do the final promotion wey dey come this year ending, we are still in shock oh what brought about this greater door if it's not Gods declaration spoken by Swag p over he's head. Swag p you are one pastor wei I never ever hear Negative things from her mouth even if the situation shows no hope, you will still say 'watch God' yes o I don watch God and He don shock I and my hubby. who is like God, no one. Swag P thank you for your encouragement you kept telling me to watch God. He don start already ooooo I know God of Swag p  will complete all the other things I ask for before Nov2nd (lagos meeting) am still coming back to testify. May the anointing continue to be wit you,Swag p,let God reward you for us oh, swag p you will experience greater heights in Jesus name 'Amen' . Swag p When you sent that song in yoruba via bc for us to sing I sank it inside my body' Were Lo ba mi se.. ohun T' aye ro Pe Ko se se..Were Lo ba mi se (He did it easily for me.. what the world considered impossible,He did it easily for me) and that song answered for me. Swag p even though you send twinkle twinkle little star make we sing I go sing am oh kos your instructions de get meaning because na only when You are led You de give instruction and God de confirm am quick quick . My God...   I jo ope mi re oooo baba \=D/ \=D/ \=D/am too grateful my Lord and still typing this testimony with Amusement.Na dis kine thing oyinbo man go say I was flabbergasted,Amuse,Amazed at the news hahahaha. I just want to say Thank You Baba, oshe Baba, Adupe My Father, there's non to be compared to the way You operate beyond human imagination. Father, You always have your plan that always seem impossible. I honour and praise Your name Lord. I and my husband say 'THANK YOU LORD'


  1. Amen amen amen. God is good. It is my turn to testify. I am going to type my testimony today and everything I type, God will do for me before 2nd November. Jéhovah speed, Jéhovah Opendoor, who is like unto thee? I key into this testimony and I say thank You Lord and God bless swag P. Amen

  2. Praise God it will still happen for me in 2014 there is no other doer but our father

  3. Yessss oooooooo dat is d God ewe own de come here soon another door must open...congrats darling

  4. Praise God! for He's our God of Speed!'s my turn oh, for it will still happen for me in 2014 Amen!

  5. Father I thank u for this great testimony and I receive mine with full speed. For I know it will still happen this 2014 in Jesus name , Amen

  6. Bless d Lord oh my soul

  7. This can only be God. We celebrate with you and your husband for this testimony of SPEED. I key into it. SwagP #WatchGod.

  8. Praise the Lord, God's time is always best. He who did this in ur life will also do greater works in mine, Amen

  9. Forever faithful God, what he says he will surely do. May his name alone be praised and more will happen IJN. ...

  10. Thank You Jesus. I rejoice with u sis. It s my turn to be promoted in Jesus Name. Amen.

  11. Woooow. . It can only be God. . Am sooo happy for you guys. . Coming up next that i know. . I key into this testimony. . God be praised. .

  12. Jehova JIREH is his name.

    .thank you is my turn....AMEN

  13. Praise the Lord!!! Congratulations sis, I key into this

  14. Hmm,. Indeed it can only be God,. I'm in shock myself,. Congrats Swag Ify,. Thank God For opening other doors,. I key into ur testimony,. We Bless His Holy Name

  15. Yes oo! Dat God for yOu. It will still hapen for me dis 2014 according to the word of God spoken thru His servant. Congratulations swag Ify

  16. Congrats,I key into ur testimony,my manifestation this month,it is my turn IJN

  17. Faithful God! Ever faithful to his word! Thank you Jesus for this great testimony, I tap into it in Jesus name. Thank you father for using ur vessel Swag P, more grace I pray for her in Jesus name, Amen.

  18. Allelujah!!!!!!Way maker God thank you.congrats dear.more celebrations in Jesus name.Amen

  19. I'm dancing for you right now my namesake. God is indeed awesome. All praise to his holy name. Thank you Lord

  20. I greatly rejoice with u n nr husband for this great miracle n testimony. It can only be God n it shall be permanent in your lives. I strongly key into your testimony n ask dat God will also open new doors n another doors in my life. It will still happen 4 me in 2014 n so shall it be IJN,Amen

  21. Who is like unto our God? No one!! Happy to read this kind of testimony, cos I know He's up to something great in my life also. Ose Baba, You're mighty in Your ways. It's happening for me also. Swag sis, you will testify more in Jesus name, Amen.

  22. Thank You Jesus. I am dancing and smile this God is great full of wonders

  23. Glory be to God, this is just God @ work for you. Congratulations sister, I key into your testimony oooooooo!!!!!!!! Is my turn toooo o

  24. What can I say? God will always be God. I celebrate with you and your husband Swag Ify and I praise God for the new and better door He opened with Speed. May God bring forth your remaining testimonies for He is not a God of half measures, whatever He starts, He will complete in Jesus name. Amen. I key into your testimony , it will still happen for me in this 2014 in Jesus name. Amen. Shirley

  25. What a wonder working Father you are. Chai congratulations swag Ify. It will still happen 4 me & my family. Dancing......

  26. Wow... God's time is always the best, I never knew that statement until the day I started communication with SWAG P.. Congrats to you and your household.. I key and tap into your testimony for myself and my household. SWAG P God bless you ooooooh.. SWAG P thanks so much for these past few months of my life, knowing you has been a blessing upon myself and my household.... Swag Morris.

  27. What a Mighty God we serve!! I celebrate with you and your hubby and I key into your testimony and speedy blessing. It will still happen for me with speed in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen. Congratulations dear!! Thank You my Father.

  28. Jehovah D Rule Changer has done it again ooooooo... I depend only on u King of Glory,I depend only on u Ancient of Days...*Dancin dancin dancin* God of Possibilities it can only b u. Congrats ma dear I key in2 dis testimony 4 me,ma sista n fiance it is our turn..

  29. Jehovah Nissi I worship you,thank you Jesus!u re awesome!deres none like you nd none to be compared to u,Thank you Jesus!

  30. Wow!!! What a marvelous God will serve!!!! Glory! Glory!!!! To God almighty. I key into this testimony my Job must come this year ooooo Amen.

  31. Thank you father! I tap into this anointing for me & my family. I will sharply write my own testimony & keep in anticipation of when it will happen & it will still happen this year in Jesus name!!

  32. The God of speed has answered,glory to ur name.congrats sis.

  33. Ammmmmeennnnnnnn. Bless God

  34. God never lets down his own. John 14vs14 if you ask anything in my name. I will do it
    I am happy for you, may God continue to open doors in your family. I will save my own testimony on my phone with faith.

  35. Jehovah is the everlasting God. I rejoice with you daughter of Zion. God makes all things beautiful in His time. God is a God speed and order. What you think it is lost God said for your shame he will give you double. Congrats. God will complete what he started. Sure more doors shall open unto you and your family. All Glory and honour be unto Jehovah God. I am the next testifier.

  36. Oh wow!. this is the hand of God. father i key into this one oooo. that response i am expecting to happen and as your vessel has said 48hrs i believe totally that it will happen and i will jubilate and testify on this blog. the devil should give up already and stop wasting time jare bcos OLUWA IS INVOLVED!!!. (Swag Sue lagos)

  37. Thank you Jesus, with joy in my heart I celebrate this testimony, and I shout it out that I am next in line for an earth breaking testimony.

  38. Let d name of God b praise, thank God for u. It my turn to testify. Typing now all my testimonies rite away and God shall do dem all for bfor d year runs out. Amen

  39. Very happy for u mu sister may celebration never cease from your door step Amen.....thunder testimony am next it's settled

  40. I rejoice with you and your husband. What a mighty God we serve. I tap into this testimony believing God for my husband too and I declare today that it is our TURN...... Thank you Jesus

  41. Congratulations, I bless God for showing himself faithful to your course and it is my own turn to testify,i shall also write my testimony,God is never late!

  42. I ave who Neva fail am so happy for u my sista am next in line for a door open amen.

  43. Thank you Jesus, with joy in my heart I celebrate this testimony, and I shout it out that I am next in line for an earth breaking testimony.

  44. Thank You Lord I tap in Jesus name, congrats dear, all glory be to God alone. God bless u swagp

  45. Jesusssss.....chei..this can only be God oooooo. The God dat fetches water with a basket to disgrace d bucket. I praise ur Holy name. I'm next to testify on this blog in Jesus name. Swag ify congrats. Swag P, God wil ever bless n increase u on every side in Jesus name.
    Swag pat (abj)

  46. Thank u Jesus.i rejoice with u dear,n i also key in for a trstimony.

  47. Jesusssss.....chei..this can only be God oooooo. The God dat fetches water with a basket to disgrace d bucket. I praise ur Holy name. I'm next to testify on this blog in Jesus name. Swag ify congrats. Swag P, God wil ever bless n increase u on every side in Jesus name.
    Swag pat (abj)

  48. Praise God!!!!!!!!!. I am happen for you and your husband. I tap into this testimony for my speed in 2014. It is my turn to testify. Amen.

  49. Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever. ...praise the Lord.

  50. Congrat Swag ify I tag into dis Testimony in jesus name

  51. Congrate swag ify I tap into ur testimony may d name of God b bless

  52. Thank u God, it can only be u God, congrats dear, I rejoice with ur family, iam next for a great testimony

  53. Have u seen what d Lord has done, he has destroyed the works of satan, he has given us victory, that's why we say oshe,!!!!!!!

  54. Tnk u King of Glory, I am dat I Am, Mighty Warrior Great in Battle, U are Worthy to b praised God. Happy for u swag ify. Kie dis kain God ooh. Daddy I want a testimony like dis, surprise me Lord n ur Name wil b Glorified IJMN. Amen!

  55. Faithful God, I give you all the glory, may Your name forever be praised. My swag sista I rejoice with you and I key into Ur testimony for my blessings

  56. Indeed promotion crimes from the Lord. Baba ESE, congrats dear its d beginning of good things to come.

  57. Father thank u for all these great testimonies


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