My God! Jehovah Alpha who does not deny his children what is rightfully theirs has done it again. I graduated from Ahmadu bello university with the help of God because I faced a lot of challenges in school that graduating at the End of the day was because HE LOVES ME. I was to go for my NYSC August this year but unfortunately I could not because  of Jamb number issue hmmmm. I was worried though, I was not the only one denied of the right, some of my friends kept crying and complaining,some where willing to even go through underground as they call it ,that's working it direct from NYSC. But I said God I thank you because am alive,some of my mates we started schooling together but they could not complete it because some had health challenges,some because of school fees but I was able to complete mine and my result is great so why bother when God has settled it for me and being a swag separates me from all of them. My dear swag sistas I then calm down and waited for the next batch which is this november batch, I did my online registration only for all my friends that we did together plus the ones I even registered before them got their call up number leaving me out first thing I said was no oh,my God can't forget me,knowing have been saved with amazing grace no way I must go this november. That faithful sunday a friend of mine called me and said hers is out and if I have seen mine? she knew I registered before her and she had gotten hers, so she had to call and ask me. God I felt tears coming out from my eyes but I heard something inside of me saying run to the ground,run there,today is sunday, and so I did,took my hand bag and guess what am not even based in Abuja but Kaduna . I was able to meet the meeting even though I was late, swag p was shocked to see me. After the meeting as we were about to say the grace!I said God remember me through your vessels mouth. Instantly  swag p pulsed and asked who came here sad and depressed I said me and I told her everything and how the list has ended. She looked at me and said Ended ehn ehn okay for my side nothing the end unless I de inside so therefore your name must find way enter and swag p  prayed with me and declared that within 21 days i'll receive mine,that If God really told me to run down to the Ground then I should, 'WATCH GOD' O YES! I believed and said a very big Amen, another person in my shoes will look and say swag p, the list has been concluded but as long as I was standing on this ground then I was ready for the miracle so I said another Amen.We finally said the grace and  I left,it was clear the question Was due to the fact God had settled me. I kept Waiting and
Doing 21days count down. my beloved swag sistas, less than 21days, God shocked me oh, Cheiii  I received mine,how the name came out I can't explain but I know I have received mine and am all set to serve my country Praise master Jesus \=D/ all Glory to God and swag P thank you  for standing on the gap, may God continue to bless and strengthen you in Jesus name Amen.my friends are so amazed like few weeks to november,after it was over, my name still came out and they concluded na God do this your own and I replied yes the God of SWAG. Thank You Lord and as i speak my friends are itching to be on the ground and am so glad for i know God will amazed them. My Lord indeed You love me.Thank You so much JESUS.Swag Jossy kaduna


  1. This is truly amazing, our God opens closed doors. I key into this

  2. Indeed Our God is Great...Am so Happy for you...Thank God for his mercy towards us...May is name be praise and glorified forever...Amen.

  3. Wow!! What a great and Mighty God we serve....congrats sis, I rejoice with u....it can only be God. Wow!!! Thank You Lord. It will still happen for me 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!

  4. Indeed Our God is Great...Am so Happy for you...Thank God for his mercy towards us...May is name be praise and glorified forever...Amen.

  5. It would still happen for me and my family in 2014..Amen...

  6. Indeed He honoured His word through His precious vessel, ever Faithful God, You're worthy. Congratulations, and may His favour go before you all the way. It shall still happen, 2014!!!! Swag Iver

  7. Congrats and yes it's God alone who does miracle. .. I celebrate with you and key into your testimony. .I Ave never been on that ground but knowing swag p has been a plus to my life... God bless you swag p and I have never stopped saying prayers for you. Morris

  8. Our God is not a robber. He cant rob u of ur glory. He said dat d thought he has of us is of good n not of evil. This is really amazing. Dats why u r a SWAG. Thank u Jesus

  9. All glory to God. What God starts He finishes. He's faithful.

  10. Bless the good Lord , d God of the Swags. I love you Lord. Can't thank you enough. Still in awe of ur glory. Am next in line for a miracle. That shop I must rent it b4 sat in Jesus name. Taiwo

  11. Waooooooooooo!!Great and mighty God thank you. congrats dear.more blessings

  12. Tank You Jesus You deserve d glory, honour & I bow before Your throne. Congrats dear & I tap into this testimony for my kid sis Amen!

  13. Wow! Congrats! Jehovah we praise You! It will still happen 4 me dis 2014 in Jesus name! Amen!

  14. He maketh a way where there seems to be no way...congratulations Swag Jossy. we praise you God. Continue to fill your vessel Swag P.

  15. Only God has the final say, hahahahahahahahh..... God is great

  16. Yes ohh! Hallelujah Jehovah truly has the final say! I celebrate with you and thank God for your life! It will still happen for my family and I in 2014

  17. My God of wonders I thank you Lord. Congrats sis. God bless you swag p ur oil wil nt run dry. I pray for strength as u begin this tour , more annointing and wisdom frm above. Am next in line for a testimony. Amen!

  18. What a mighty God we serve.

  19. Thank you Jesus.. . Its only can be you... you are worthy to be praised... father settle all of us this year... Amen..

  20. It can only be God. . Congratulations dear. . May God keep you safe as u go for ur service. . His grace will continue to abide with you Ijn Amen. .It will still happen in 2014. Nyt swags

  21. Congrats dear he is a might God,

  22. Congrats. God never forgets His children. Our names will always be remembered for good.

  23. Wow ! This is God indeed, congrats dear

  24. When God speaks it's always good to obey....congrats sist....i key into this testimony for open doors...praise God!!

  25. Congrats dear so happy 4 u

  26. Congratulations, God be praised. I key into your testimony and I key into your testimony for my sister whose call up no is not out but her name is on the board,

  27. When Jesus say yes no one can say no! Congrts dear, it will still happen for me dis 2014 o!!!

  28. Congrat dearie it will still happen 4 me dis 2014

  29. Congrat dearie it will still happen 4 me dis 2014

  30. Thank you so much lord Jesus for this testimony

  31. Praise master Jesus congrats swag Jossy

  32. I call him Jehovah over do. I'm goin 4 nysc dis Nov buh ma name was nt found on d nysc list in ma skool I'm nt bothered bcuz I knw who I serve n I am SAVED WIT AMAZING GRACE. Cum Nov 4th I will b in camp bcuz Ma WayMaker has done it. Swags get ready 4 ma mind blowin testimony. Congrats swag Jossy

  33. our God is still in the business of doing good. may he be praised forever.



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