Swag p, wow! My name is ifeanyinwa(lagos) as at that sunday I left swag meeting, I had just 200 in my wallet,Thank you for being a vessel of honor to me. My sister gave me some cloths to sell off for her last december before she left for canada. I started marketing those cloths from january and up until may, I didn't have sales. She then asked me to slash the prices in two because she needed the cash, which I did but still didn't have people buying. They would look at them, tell me how nice they are but end the statement with no money, even with the half price which was way below cost price. The next morning after swag meeting in lagos, which was monday, I decided to take some cloths out believing God for sales before 6:30pm and that was the exact time for the 24hrs miracle declared after swag meeting lagos because I was to sure were I had gone previous day which was swag meeting had settled it all . Can I curse a curse and it won't break under that roof never. I sowed my mystery seed,deep my leg in water and declared it was settled for me, so I was too confident because, swag p said the feet wash was for Exploit. I jumped up still monday took the whole bags full of clothes to go and sell and I said every multitude saying NO to selling this clothes is already cursed by God, it was clear to us at the meeting. Swag Sistas as soon as I stepped out the buying began omg,, I sold same cloths my sister dumped with me before she travelled. Clothes that people refused to buy since january, with the dust and holes on them, people were buying and paying cash oo. My hands was so full that I even lost about 3k and didn't notice until i counted the money when I got home. Swag p I was too amazed as I sold my heart was panting because I was witnessing a live miracle infront of me. Swag sistas since January, dusty and with holes in them. People who saw the clothes before were saying nice stuffs huh, I almost said na the same bag oh. The bag was extremely full when I left the houses with clothes that can just open a mini shop, Swag p but I came back with empty bag left with 7 clothes those ones mayb the holes were too obvious hahaha, my question is what stopped it from being sold since January? How come after swag sistas the next day because that was one of my desires for this clothes to be sold, how come? I can answer the second question, it's because you don't come to swag sistas with a curse and live with it, it dies instantly, as God vessels declares it is Done and Settled from Above. I am so happy to think this clothes no de my front again. It indeed still happen for me 2014, me that had just 200naira before I left the meeting, is now misplacing cash and don't realise Cheiii dis is God of sharp sharp at work O. Swag p, you are indeed a vessel of Honor. God bless you. My father who said He will always supply in time of our need, I say thank you for removing the devil over this clothes that no one was also buying it in my sistas shop before she travelled and even in my hands since the beginning of 2014, but almost at the End of same year, You said Ify it will Still happen 2014 and I believed ,.God is never late, always on time. Thank You Father and I know the rest will answer for me still 2014. Thank You Father.
* shock*
Wow sharp sharp God, happy for u swag Ify. It has happened for me too this 2014 Amennnnnnn
ReplyDeleteJesus u are great! This is really a miracle. I tap into this testimony because it wuld still happen for me. God bless swag P
ReplyDeleteAmazing waymaker He is indeed
ReplyDeleteGreat and mighty God will serve
ReplyDeleteGreat and mighty God will serve
ReplyDeleteHALLELUIAH!!! Thank you Jesus. i key into your testimony and declare my own miracle today
ReplyDeleteGod of miracle na my papa oh. I key into this testimony. Thank You Father. It will still happen for me. Amen
ReplyDeleteWow.. what a marvelous God we serve. ...
ReplyDeleteA mighty God e is indeed
ReplyDeleteHmmmm mm!!!!!!it can only be God ooooooooooooh. May his name be praised forever.
ReplyDeletePraise God. The God of 24 hours.
ReplyDeletePraiseeeee d lord....d God of sharp sharp...tnk u lord...
ReplyDeleteLord You are good and Your mercies endures forever
ReplyDeleteCongrats Swag , praise be to God ,. I tap into your testimony, . I shall have sharp sharp testimony , soon and very soon ,. Amen !
ReplyDeleteHe is an Incredible God....congrats sister. I am NEXT to Testify,AMEN!!!
ReplyDeleteIt wil still happen 4 us in 2014 ooo, I key in2 dis
ReplyDeleteGlory!!!!!!! It caan only be God.. I tap from dis testimony. Favour all d way! Amen!
ReplyDeleteDats d God of strange acts dere my sister. . It will still happen in 2014. .Amen
ReplyDeleteI give God all the Glory for your testimony . May His name be praised forever . It will happen for me in 2014, i believe it will in Jesus name because it has happened for you Swag Ifeyinwa.
ReplyDeleteInstant God!!
ReplyDeleteI tap to this testimony. It is settled in my life
ReplyDeleteGod be praised.....God of 24 hours will do mine for me too
ReplyDeleteHe is one more than enough God....thank you lord
ReplyDeleteAmen!..God of now now....he is faithful to his word..We praise you for this testimony
ReplyDeleteIt can Only be God!!!! Thank you Father.....
ReplyDeleteAncient of days...Baba u will forever be praised...My sharp sharp God...I shall testify soon in Jesus name
ReplyDeleteGod of Impossibility. Wonderful Father
ReplyDeleteHow great is our God. I am Next in Jesus name. Amen.
ReplyDeleteGod of Impossibility. Wonderful Father
ReplyDeleteEwhohhhh, this will be my story ohhhh, bless You Lord forever. Am so happy for you my sista. Abeg pack d other go again, you go sell am in Jesus Name. Taiwo.
ReplyDeleteI tap into this wonderful testimony all those oweing me shall pay IJN & will come to testify tOoM
ReplyDeleteThanx u God.. it's must happen 2014.. my business must spring up in Jesus name.. Amen
ReplyDeleteTnk u Jesus!!
ReplyDeleteThank you God, am next it must still happen for me in 2014.
ReplyDeleteHe is a wonder working God. Bless his holy name.
ReplyDeletePraise God! God is great and awesome in His ways
ReplyDeleteFather may your name be praised I key into this miracle for my Shop to record amazing sales. Thank you lord.
ReplyDeleteHis word through His vessel never goes void.... I will still testify, 2014. Thank You Jesus, You're awesome in your ways, and your timing is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jesus...i tap into this testimony...God would break rule for my case..it must happen for me in 2014..in Jesus name...Amen..
ReplyDeleteStrange works and strange acts of God indeed. Jehovah you are great. I tap into this testimony for my own over-night turnaround.
ReplyDeleteGod is our everything,he ill do what he promise to do i tap from this oo
ReplyDeleteI tap from this o,My God is awesome...Ann
ReplyDeletewow grt God thank u Jesus.
ReplyDeletePraiseeeeee d lord
ReplyDeleteGod of sharp sharp I give you all the glory. Thank You Lord
ReplyDeleteYes I connect it will still happen 4 me in 2014.amen
ReplyDeletewow!!! JEHOVAH SHARP SHARP....Glory to GOD
ReplyDeleteOur God of sharp sharp I bless ur name
ReplyDeleteFather u are de best of all............................tank u Jesus 4 it's my time to say tank u Lord
ReplyDeleteHallelujah!!! God is great, I tap into this for my biz n career in Jesus name amen.
ReplyDeleteI believe and claim it IJN
ReplyDeleteThank You JESUS!!! You are worthy. I key into your testimony and blessing sister. It will still happen for me in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!
ReplyDeleteTnk u Lord. It is settled for me in 2014.
ReplyDeleteGood and gracious God. Thank God for his grace and favor
ReplyDeleteThank you God for ur Grace and favour
ReplyDeleteThis can only be the Lord's doing an it is marvelous in our sight. We return all Glory to the Almighty God. The God of sharp sharp. There is no one like Jehovah. I rejoice with you daughter of Zion and I tap into this testimony that anything saying No to mention the shall die in 2014 bcos it MUST SURELY HAPPEN FOR ME 2014
ReplyDeleteTo God be the glory. Lord, put my enemies to shame IJN. Amen
ReplyDeleteI connect to this wonderfl testimony am next in line IJN. Amen. Bunmi Jos
ReplyDeletePlease,the testimony too much.im a man but please I want to meet swag p and be a member of this joyous family.i have never seen such before!
ReplyDeleteHe's a miracle worker. Tell me anything you reckon our God cannot do and He will surprise you.
ReplyDeleteThe Devil is a bastard Congrat dis is just d beginning
ReplyDeleteYes sms oooooooooooooooooo, our God is too awesome to fail. It will defintely happen 4 us dis year 2014.
ReplyDeleteI am next to testify IJN
Yes oooooooooooooooooo, our God is too awesome to fail. It will defintely happen 4 us dis year 2014.
ReplyDeleteI am next to testify IJN