Good morning ma,a woman God honours and backs-up her word wit speed my one and only swag p.   My name is swag vovy from Benin,I got married last year and in the first 5months of my marriage I had 3 miscarriages,each time I take in within 3days of celebrating my joy, I'll start having serious cramps and baby will flush out,I was so worried and asked my Doctor  what the problem was,and as you know doctors will always have names, he said it was voluntary abortion that my womb was rejecting babies and in conclusion my womb can't carry babies ,swag sisters can you imagine? How can my womb reject babies, when me I want babies,after much worries and depression I got swag P's number and pin from my sister who shared so many testimonies she witnessed at the  March meeting with me ,I chatted with swag p and told her all that has happened,swag p bursted out in laughter and said who's a doctor or talkless a man to determine if you fit carry belle, told me never to tell her anything wei no de bible and said "watch God" and she prayed wit me and kept speaking into my life, in her words "vovy get pregnant jare "June came finally saw Swag P,had a great experience at the meeting and was really touched and after the meeting I knew it was settled for me for swag p touched my belle and said womb open and baby stay and I screamed an Amen ,i started Waiting to be pregnant and swag sistas to cut long story short, on the 24th of August swag p said we should write down one request,write our names and sign then do a 3days mid-night praise put under our pillows after the completion on the  3rd day we should put our request in our favourite bible passage,swag sistas in my request I told God that  I dont want to be pregnant only but want to carry the pregnancy for  complete term and bring forth like d Hebrew women,i told God how can I have three miscarriages in less than 5months in my marriage and never see pregnancy again , how can Doctor conclude my womb can't carry babies, I said you have sent your vessel to tell me Vovy be pregnant so 'It is Settled' and to God b d glory how HE did it I don't know,my request inside my bible was honoured ooo I got pregnant without knowing for the first 2 months and now  in my seconds trimester,I am overjoyed God has honoured me and has wiped my secret tears,same me that doctors concluded on their enemies womb, as I ran to benin from warri God nor sleep for my case and in this Oct 25th swag meeting I came with my belly as a proof to what God has done or me. HE OPENED MY WOMB AND SHAMED EVERY DOCTORS REPORT THAT I NOR BARREN.   I am so proud to b a swag,indeed HE has saved me wit HIS amazing grace ,God bless you ma and refresh His oil on you daily,I kip saying this Na God send you dis message and HE give you transport follow,swag p grow in Gods grace always, chaii diaris indeed a God DAT hears!!my case has been settled, my husband is indeed grateful to God over this ministry called 'SWAG' were no one comes and don't get saved lie lie, God de settle case wella. Am so happy, after a year The devil tot he could hinder my blessing but God saved me by putting He's word oh into He's vessels mouth and as she declared settled and it was. *dancing* God bless you mama well well. MY LORD, you have made me fruitful, YOU ALONE I give all the Glory to and I say THANK YOU.  .. see my pik na hahaha Iya Oloyui (pregnant woman)


  1. I thank God for your testimony. God has the final report. You will deliver safely in Jesus name. Amen

    1. Thank you Jesus. Charity

    2. May his name alone be praised... Ever faithful father thank you

  2. God will perfect dis he has started..more grace swag p

  3. Glory! And that baby will be born safely at the complete 9months in Jesus name. Amen

  4. God will perfect dis he has started..more grace swag p

  5. Lord be praise!...God had the final say and we believe his report.congtats swag vovy. ..very soon we shall celebrate the bundle of joy arrival

  6. Hmmmm miracles working God I give u all d praise it is settled I tap into dis testimony my marriage must happen dis 2014 IJN amen

  7. All glory belongs to u Lord. Thank you God may ur name alone be praised.... This that God has started he will complete IJN. Congrats

  8. God thank you for my sister and as u do for her u go do for me our testimony must be complete in our family thank U Big Big GOD

  9. Thank you Lord. Your name Forever be praise. Congrats. He. Would finish what He has started. God bless you.

  10. God always shows up....faithful God

  11. Thank you Lord. Your name Forever be praise. Congrats. He. Would finish what He has started. God bless you.

  12. Thank u Jesus, Thank u Jesus, congratulations, it shall be permanent what d lord has done for u.....Natasha

  13. Halleluya. ......that same God dat answered ur own will answer me in Jesus name.amen....congrats joor we go see our baby pic 4 dis blog in Jesus name

  14. Our God is wondrous in His ways. Wat a way to start one's day. Congrats sis, He has granted you safe delivery and I tap into this wonderful testimony. Amen

  15. Our God is wondrous in His ways. Wat a way to start one's day. Congrats sis, He has granted you safe delivery and I tap into this wonderful testimony. Amen

  16. Congratulations Swag vovy, I key in and stand in the gap for all those I am praying for the fruit of the womb for. They really next.

  17. choi this kin GOD oooooo i never see ur type ooooooooo ,baba u too much i give u all the praise'adanimagbagbe
    i conect to this testimony it will happen for me 2014 Ameeeeeeeeeen

  18. God will surely make perfect what He has started in your life,congrats swag sister.my turn is next. Bunmi Jos

  19. Congratulations am happy for what GOd is doing. God please next to blog a testimony surprise me in Jesus name Amen

  20. God is indeed awake..... I celebrate with you and your family. . God bless us all. Morris

  21. Thank You JESUS for this wonderful testimony. Congratulations sista. I rejoice with you and I key into your testimony and blessing. It will still happen for me in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!!

  22. All we hav to say is thank you lord.

  23. Congratulations my dear Swag on d pregnancy. . GOD is indeed faithful to his word.. We shall be fruitful to multiply. . Am next in line Ijn Amen. .

  24. Daughter of Zion I rejoice with you. I join you to give all the Glory Jehovah sharp the Almighty. Who sayeth a thing and it cometh to pass when God commanded it not. Rejoice jare it is forever settled and God be praised. I also tap into this testimony because it must surely happen for me and my family.

  25. Who is man to say a thing when the lord has not. Spoken. Congratulations my dear it will still happen for me in 2014 ijn.

  26. Ewohhh, this my God ehnnn, bless his name forever more. I used this testimony as a point of contact to everyone looking for the fruits of the womb na twins be una portion in Jesus name. Congrats Sister. It can only be God. Am next to be announced in Jesus name.

  27. We shall only believe the report of the Lord. Thank God, and yes, we can never be barren.

  28. Congratulations,Ur womb will carry more babies IJN,Swag P,God bless you.I know and believe mine has happened IJN

  29. The name of the Lord be praised! He never disappoints His own. Thank you Jesus and I celebrate God with you swag Vovy. Your blessing is permanent in Christ. I'm next in line for my own miracle

  30. Congratulations swg sis,to the glory of God.

  31. Thank you lord...our God will finish what he has started...amen...it will still happen for me in 2014.

  32. He is a great God , may ur name alone be praise, Congrats my dear sis am so happy for u, ur womb will carry more babies, I key into ur testimony that same God Will do for me this month, I must carry my twins IJN

  33. Congrats ooooo I connect to this testimony so shall it be for me this month in Jesus name it is settled Amen....

  34. Praise The Lord you shall carry more babies without problems IJN. Congrats sis Our God is faithful. You shall have baby like the Hebrew women. Amen

  35. He is forever a faithful God.let God alone be true and all men liars!!!!! He is God all by himself.He does what he says and say what he does.May his name be praised forever. Amen.Congrats dear.may your joy overflow in jesus name. Amen.

  36. Our God is indeed Awesome. He has proved himself mighty. Congrats swag sis.Lord I shall testify of your goodness in my life soonest. Amen.

  37. Our God is indeed Awesome. He has proved himself mighty. Congrats swag sis.Lord I shall testify of your goodness in my life soonest. Amen.

  38. No woman shall be barren in d land...those where God's words spoken thru his prophet so therefore it stands.

  39. Congratulations, thank you Jesus, father you are more than able to bring to completion what you have started.

  40. Congratulations iyawo Ati baby.. Thank God for Ur fruit. I connect to This for my sister, it Will still happen for her in 2014

  41. Thank you lord for the fulfilment of your wordin Genesis we shall all be fruitful and Multiply according to d scriptures I tap into this testimony I am next in Jesus Name. AMENNNNNNNNN. Swag Daniella

  42. Our faithful God has done it again. I rejoice with u sis. God is perfecting all that concerns u

  43. Our God is faithful n just. Thnk u Lord for this testimony.

  44. Amen Lord. Thank u Jesus for this. U alone have the final say. Swag Sue

  45. Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia...............Lord indeed u are so gud.........tank u Jesus 4 all u hve don.

  46. This kind God oooo I never see ur type oo this kind God blessed be ur Holy Name Congrat swag Vovy

  47. Praise God.i celebrate with u swag Vovy.

  48. The greatest physician! The greatest Healer, my Creator! To you be all the GLory!! Congratulations VOvy!

  49. Who has d final say? Jehovah has the final say ... Congrats sista

  50. Praise be to God for your testimony!!! U will have a safe delivery 'mother alive,baby alive'! Congrats!!!

  51. Glory!!!!! Congrats dear.... I connect to dis testimony, I'm next in jesus name.. Amen!!! Dancing

  52. Congrats Swag Vovy,i key in2 ur testimony 4 my uncle's wife.Am nxt to testify in Jesus Name.

  53. Praiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Jehovah superdo. Wow congrats dear you shall bring forth like d hebrew women Amen!. I receive oooo & I shall be called iya oloyu ds 2014. Glory to God, God bless u swagp.

  54. Thank you FATHER,the LORD that put it there would deliver you savely.

  55. Thank You God for this testimony for as we rejoice with her now we shall rejoice when she delivers safely in Jesus name Amen.

  56. Who say God nor dey, the person dey play with her life, we will rejoice with her when she delivers safely in Jesus name Amen

  57. Great God. Fireeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I know God is answering all our prayers oooooo. I de dance ooooooooo. Story don change.

  58. I rejoice with you my sister , congrats, . God's Name be praised indeed , I tap into your testimony, . Me sef go testify very soon o

  59. Agbunure God, our Jehova Overdo, All sufficient God. He nor dey lie nor fail. I rejoice wit.you.sister and I tap into.dis testimony. Me self go blog my own dis year by God's grace. This year 2014 must answer to us oh, we shall all end dis year with praises bcos we are Swags. Testimonies will not cease on dis blog. God bless you greatly Swag P.

  60. Agbunure God, our Jehova Overdo, All sufficient God. He nor dey lie nor fail. I rejoice wit.you.sister and I tap into.dis testimony. Me self go blog my own dis year by God's grace. This year 2014 must answer to us oh, we shall all end dis year with praises bcos we are Swags. Testimonies will not cease on dis blog. God bless you greatly Swag P.

  61. Congratulations, God has settled your case from above. The same God will settle my case in 2014 IJN. Amen. It's my turn for a testimony. Thank you Jesus.

  62. Thank u jesus...i rejoice wit y sister n also tap 2 dis testimony on behalf of my elder sis aving dsame problem..it must surely happen 4 us 2014...Amen!!!!!

  63. Congratulations sis. Thank God for dis wonderful testimony. I key into it ooo. I shall be pregnant this year 2014 in Jesus name amen

  64. God can not lie 2 anyone dat trust in him

  65. Thank you Lord for your loving kindness n mercy. eshe baba. Am next in line for a testimony.

  66. Faithful God I give you all the glory.

  67. Hahahahahaha! God sure knows how to shame the devil for us, Baba all glory to you dear Lord for the marvelous things you are doing. Congrats sweetie mother of nations, your womb will bring forth sote na you go tire come dey beg God say Baba abeg give others. Swag P you are blessed of the Lord, more fresh oil and unction.

  68. Thank you jesus. To you be all glory and honour forever more. Amen

  69. Awesome God. You have done well. You are the same miracle worker! I bow and give you praise!

  70. God is indeed wonderful....i tap into this testimony...it would still happen to for me and my family in 2014.

  71. Prrrrraaaaiissssseee yaweh he never fails.


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