Sistas praise God, there is indeed God in this place (SWAG), my name is Jessica (Benue swag) i am very new to Swag and got invited to the meeting/love feast by Swag Erdoo . When the meeting started I had my reservations as I am not on the group and don't even know of the blog, however I remembered that it is baba God that I came for and his word says in 2 chronicles 20:20b ...believe in the lord your God so shall ye be established, believe in his prophets so shall ye prosper. Then Swag P started teaching with so much authority, power and I felt the fire, I catch the fire sef, from beginning to the end of the meeting.
I had serious concern over my marital situation and a depression set in as I was feeling i would not be able to give birth again when I finally married. As soon as swag P collected the Mic, she mentioned the depression, and the mystery bag delivered Genesis 30:2(and she conceived and bore a son) that settled the issue for me, secondly, my problem was house rent which has been over due for 3 months, agent writes demand letters, called and I had no way of raising the money, my salary untouched for several months will still not be enough, it was so disturbing. As the meeting was coming to an end, Swag P started declaring and shouting prophecies, decrees, and utterances and she said for someone here your rent is settled, i instantly fell to my knees as it hit me, ah, 3 months overdue and I have primary school-age children living with me, it's been troubling, and to face the agents, wahala. All efforts to raise house rent in vain, all the sources I expected help from I got nothing, so here I was on holy blessed ground with Swag P declaring about my case, wow, it was overwhelming, I received instantly.n Monday after Sunday meeting I woke up again with my usual worry on house rent, but this time I remembered it was declared by Swag P as settled and I confessed that. So I smiled, relaxed peacefully, na so my phone peep Abi na ring? I picked and the person on the other end spoke with a sense of urgency as though they were being rushed or pushed, that they've been trying my number since, and that's how I was led to collect some serious money and my rent issue is history. Praaaaaaaaaaaise Praaaaaaaaise praaaise the lord with me. I quickly started trying to reach Swag P about the testimony but had phone issues and Swag P was still in Benue when my testimony manifested. Ma, you are God sent to me, your fire that I felt will never run out, your oil always fresh. That's how God settled my house rent issue in this 2014. Now my prayer is to own my house next year and forget rent issues and become a landlady and as a Swag sista, I know it is just a very little thing for God to do through his vessel Swag P. Proudly a Swag sista. Thank God I showed up at the Swag meeting, thank you ma for answering God's call. It still happened in 2014 for me in hours after meeting with God's anointed Swag P. All glory to God. THANK YOU JESUS......


  1. Thank God for how He leads or orders our steps to the right places, at the right time. I celebrate with you, cos truly next year, na landlady we be. It shall still happen for me, 2014.

  2. Praise the Lord almighty.....i cant wait for Abuja meeting my first meeting with swag p and I believe after that meeting all will be settled for me in Jesus name...amen

  3. May his name be glorified! Congrats dear. I'll be next to testify in Jesus name Amen!!

  4. Praise God for speed. Thank God for settling your house rent and He will grant your desire of owning your own house in Jesus name. Amen. God will make it happen for me in 2014 because He made yours happen Swag Jessica. Amen.

  5. Wow!thank u Jesus indeed u are faithfull

  6. I celebrate and key to your testimony upon my life. Morris

  7. Yes ooooh, praise God who settles us all and supplies our needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus. indeed i'm happy for you my senior colleague and madam at the office. Thank God you showed up for your appointment with God through his vessel the Ark, Swag P. God bless you ma for visiting Benue. It is still happening for us this 2014. So many graces and testimonies faa.

  8. Congratulations my dear. I key into this speedy testimony o. I'm next in line for a turnaround via His word from the mouth of my mama!

  9. God is ever faithfull and Just. Congrats swag sister, God bless and uplift swag P. Bunmi Jos

  10. Thank you Jesus! I connect to dis testimony ijn(Amen)it is also settled 4me IJN (amen)

  11. Wow dis can Onli B God wen is d next swag meeting abj pls I want to attend pls urgently tanx

  12. My Father, My Father. It is a great thing to serve You oooh. You never fail. I key into this testimony. My rent is settled this week IJN. Amen

  13. Hahahahahha...... God there is non like You....

  14. Bless the Lord O'my soul, congrats ooo I tap into ds rent testimony in Jesus name all debt settled. It can only be You Lord. God bless u swagp.

  15. Bless God forever. Am next to be announced in Jesus name. I connect to this testimony in Jesus name

  16. Abba Father, u've done it again, May your name be praised. I connect and tap into the fruitfulness part of this testimony and can't wait to be my own landlady. Amen

  17. Praise the master Jesus, May his Name be praised

  18. Praise God, for providing in the time of need. Swag veno

  19. Congrats Swag Jessica , indeed it is the handwork of God , we praise His Holy Name , Father ! I'm still here , not worrying but waiting on you Lord , it will still happen for me this 2014 , In The Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!

  20. Praise be to the most high, na so oooo baba God in dis 2014 I decree that every form of debt in my life is SETTLED IJN. It will still happen in 2014.

  21. I bless God for he did for u ,did can only be God at work

  22. God at work! I connect to this testimony. It is settled for me this month I shall rejoice with my testimony. God will visit my home

  23. I celebrate wit u dear, I receive d same speed 4my accommodation issues IJN Amen. It will stil happen 4me in 2014. Praise God

  24. I celebrate wit u dear, I receive d same speed 4my accommodation issues IJN Amen. It will stil happen 4me in 2014. Praise God

  25. He Can Not Lie To Me(2x)The Lion Of Judah He Can Not Lie To Me.This Is De Same Grace I'm Tapping Into My Father House Rent Is Settle By Speed According To De Swag P Said.

  26. May God almighty be praised forever.

  27. Thank you Jesus! It will still happen for me in 2014 in Jesus name. Amen.

  28. Prised the Lord.it will happen in 2014.

  29. Amen to d declaration very settled, Amen to 30th Nov I key into them

  30. God is good all the time, he makes a way where there seems to be no way. Make a way for me Lord Jesus. It will still happen for swag sistas in 2014. My case is very settled IJN. Amen

  31. Praise be to God Almighty...I tap into this testimony..it would still happen for me in 2014....amen

  32. Praise be to God Almighty...I tap into this testimony..it would still happen for me in 2014....amen

  33. Thank you jesus. I celebrate with you swag sis. It will still happen for me in 2014 in jesus name Amen.swag iye

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Gods name be praised. It is settled for me in Jesus name Amen.

  36. Our great is our God! What a great testimony. I shall testify

  37. Alfa and Omega. You never change. Swag Sista God is awesome. I celebrate with you ooo. Awesome God! You reign in majesty.

  38. It can only be God. . I join you in thanking God.. It will still happen in 2014 ijn Amen

  39. Thank u jesus! i key into dis testimony IJN

  40. Blessed be God!!

  41. Thank God.It will still happen for me in 2014. Amen

  42. God is forever faithful. I key into d speed of this testimony. As a SWAG, I knw God will provide rent to get my own place. It is happening 2014....Thank you Father!

  43. Gods faithful. D God dat answereth wen all hope is lost

  44. Forever faithful and just,my God of kia kia i bless urn name. I key into dis testimony for i knw it is settled for me 2014 In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!!!!!

  45. Our God is 2 much oooo am happy for u

  46. It can only be God ooo he will fulfill our heart desires IJN. It will still happen for me regarding my daughters papers so I can testify to the glory of God. Amen

  47. Haleluyahhhhhhhh. Thank you father, may ur name be forever praised!

  48. that is our GOD doing, he is not rubber , this is just the begining

  49. Wow!! This can only be God ooo....thank You Lord for this wonderful testimony. Swag P, I can't wait for November 30th....my very first meeting.....it will still happen for me 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!!

  50. Our God is a faithful God. May his name be praised.

  51. Wonderful Jehova!! His wonders and magic everyday is Amazing!! It will still happen for in in 2014. Amen!!

  52. Praise be to our Omnipotent God. It will still happen for me this year 2014 IJN.

  53. Praise be to our Omnipotent God. It will still happen for me this year 2014 IJN.

  54. I celebrate with u swag sis. What the Lord has done for u shall be permanent in Jesus name.

  55. Sharp sharp God!!!! I praise ur holy name...

  56. Instanta God!!! I connect to this for speed. It will still happen 2014

  57. Thank You father for speed! I'm next in line!!!!

  58. Jehovah sharp sharp May Ur Name b Praised...I declare n decree divine speed in evry aspect of ma life.it is settled 2014 in Jesus Name. Amen


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