JER 32:27.....

PraiseEeeeeeeeee God, Am so happy and blessed to be a swag, so many blessings and benefits attached to it.( calling or pinging SwagP  midnyt inclusive)....hahaahah
My sister that got wedded last year against all odds...after being single for like 35years ooo, being single here no mean say she just single ooo na devil hand dey the mata because she was covered from the kingdom of darkness with a if Men they look her them they see monkey face,its not a joke but God wei de do the impossibility shock the Devil and now am here to testify again for her mata. There's something swag p always say devil no de give up, just keeping firing the arrows back one day he go hands up e gats tiree and yes o I see am tire for this one ....,,Fast forward to yesterday I now got a call oo that she's been in labour for almost 24hours with serious pains and weakness oo still no sign of the baby so fear grip me, and one thing with this Bastard called the devil is that  he will make you weak to the point that you won't have prayer points, no strength and he will make you forget things....i was confused instead of praying I started crying oo see my BlackBerry for my hand I press sote bat3 die....witout remembering God's servant SwagP on my contact.....i only remembered her  when my phone went off imagine....i managed until I got it charged,,,,and started pinging seriously...I pinged to the point that she had to reply...with just"Mother safe and baby safe" ha after swag p read all my pannik chat na just four words she reply hmmm, I wasn't convinced so I had to ping her again o and she said ogini again, I said swag p!  then she said "read psalm 35, make sure you personalise to am in her ear and 'watch God ' proved the four words wei I tell you come to past as una like long things hahaha  but unfortunately I wasn't in the hospital out of that weakness I connected to her through her pic with me, na so I begin shout the psalm 35 inside her ear through her picture which I also inform them for hospital to do.  so after reading I placed her picture  in btw psalm 35....and that did the miracle no other prayers oo just psalm35...I slept saying to my sef since SwagP had declared then it's over,,,,,my people less than 20mins into my sleep ooo, a call that Woke me up was from the Hospital...menhhhh I immediately held my breath cos I almost fainted.....and the next thing I heard from the other End was "it's a boy....come see as I come pose for Bed come think of this wonderful Babe wey God dey use bless us,i started thinking of how God uses her, I tried to figure am out and I nor fit oh ..i just shout loud  I be Swag oooo....swag sistas, for 24hrs my sista de hospital with labour, doctors try try they was no sign of baby coming out oh or weda water don break nothing, it was just blank..but as soon as it was declared first baby safe! Mother safe! Firstly I knew that one was sealed non was going to die, kos the way my sista de talk small small am weak everyone almost fainted, secondly the psalms came it was to push the baby out with or without the doctors help, the word of God went into her belle wake the baby up, strengthen my sista and she pushed like the Hebrew women after 24hours of no sign say baby wan come out.. na when my papa go gist you wetin him eye see you go understand why dis na major testimony for my family. .plzzzzz am begging never take swagPs instructions for Granted it may sound like a joke or  too Short, but work through it with faith and you will get results.....SwagP you the best thing that has happened to me this year,my God will reward and strengthen you from glory to glory....and he will grant that which your heart desireth most.... Amen . He used you to declare over me and you said restoration and that same night I got a call to come pick up my phone wei them thief since 3months ago. Which I testified on the blog now He's used you again and again over my sistas delivery, ha swag p you shall celebrate for the rest of your life o. God it can only be YOU, the one that giveth and not taketh, baba I worship You and say thank You for not making my family cry but celebrate a baby boy. THANK YOU LORD (swag joyce ABJ)check out my sista and baby indeed Mother Safe' Baby Safe' haba devil you be real fool delayed her 35years before marriage, men go de see monkey face,and God disgrace you at the End, now you wan attack mama n pikin mumu, you nor fit don know say I be Swag, no room for attack, devil it's late, I know my right and I know the Word. Am so excited, swag p *hugs* and to GOD' biggest hug'


  1. God is the greatest!!!!!Beautigul baby!!!Baby alive mother alive is my testimony in the mighty name of Jesus.I testify.Amen!!!congrats dear.

  2. God of again and again. May name alone be exulted praised and glorified. I trust and believe in you testimony must be on this blog babies alive Bridget alive in the mighty name of Jesus !!!Amen

  3. This is Amazibg grace. Thank you Jesus for this wonderful testimony. It can only be you, Lord Jesus. I rejoice with you and your family swag Joyce. This is Awesome

  4. God is awesome. God bless you Swag P. I will testify soon IJN. Moda of all nations.

  5. God is wonderful,mervelous,awesome,gloriuos in all His works. His words never fail. Congrats swag Joyce. I conect to this its my turn to testify. Bunmi Jos

  6. God is indeed awesome. Thank God for swag p and making me a swag sis. He has blessed me through her beyond words.

  7. God be praised forever . Thank you Lord for saving mother and child. Lord I want to thank you for your vessel Swag P. Continue to bless her Lord, direct her path, protect her, may her oil never run dry in Jesus name . Amen. Thank you Lord.

  8. Dis can only be God at work I tap in dis blessing for Sista she testify oooooo

  9. Awww cute baby. ..Thank you lord 4 dis boundle of will still happen 4 me 2014

  10. Faithful God....I am NEXT to TESTIFY!!!

  11. Baby safe, mother safe, forever. Amen! Thank God for this wonderful gift. Beautiful baby. I love. *Swag Jey*

  12. My God of special effect chei..... I tap into this testimony believing that it is settled Amen. Congrats dear

  13. Wow! God is Great, I tap Frm this testimony and decree that I shall deliver my baby and also be alive to care for them in Jesus name. It can only be baba God

  14. God of wonders has done it again glory to his name,yes it can only be God; my testimony is close too

  15. Praise d God of again and again,mother alive, baby alive wit just 4 words ,dis really can only b God,I keep saying Swag P wen God send u dis message HE give u transport follow,chai dia ris God ooo!!!

  16. And the baby is so cute :) thank you Jesus. I curse delay and i receive speed.

  17. The baby is so cuteeeeeeeee. Thank u Lord. I celebrate with u dear. Swag Sue

  18. God of miracles. . I acknowledge ur presence in this testimony. . Thank you Father :-*..Am next in line for a miracle. . Ijn Amen

  19. God is not a man that He should lie. Has He not said it? Thank You precious Father. I key into this testimony. Your name is worthy to be praised. I will testify

  20. Thank you Lord! Dancing come and see oooooooo. God bless baby and mother. And continue to grant us all a miracle to behold. Story don change and mine will change soon Aaaaaamen. Am watching God ooooo.

  21. Thank you wonderful God for dis family. It can only be God.

  22. he is a super amazing God...glory glory glory lord

  23. He is a miracle working God. Glory to his name for safe delivery, He will surely finish what he has started in our lives and there shall be no death among us and our family and loved ones IJN. Amen.

  24. Ancient of days, you never fail.

  25. ,. Ancient of days, as old as you are, you will never fail, . Thank God for safe delivery, .Congrats Sis, we give God all the Glory

  26. Thank you God for this miracle, it can only be you. I key into this testimony for my own womb to be open in Jesus Name Amen

  27. Congratulations. Swag Joyce. Praise God for safety in his word. I receive manifestation of my declarations from Swag P in Jesus name. Amen

  28. Gracious Father, I thank you for this testimony. Continue to do good for us and be good to us. We love you Lord. Congrats to mama baby and the new born.

  29. Thank you Baba God. May ur name continue to reign supreme in the lives of ur children. Congrats on the arrival of a baby into ur home.

  30. Thank you Baba God. May ur name continue to reign supreme in the lives of ur children. Congrats on the arrival of a baby into ur home.

  31. See sweet baby Wey devil wan steal, lai lai, e don fail. GOD receive allllllllllllllllllllll the Glory.

  32. thank God.......indeed we serve a miracle working God

  33. See as the baby fresh!!! The devil is a liar and will always be...... Thank God 4 forever being faithful!

  34. Praise be to the Living God!!! Congrats to your sister. Praise God for Swag P!!!

  35. Such a cute baby, thank you faithful Father for your loving kindness over this family, may your name be praised!

  36. Mighty God I praise you, take all the glory baba.

  37. God is awesome. Wow!!! What a beautiful boy...God is our ever present help in time of need. Thank you Lord

  38. Hmmm thank u Jesus take all d glory IJN

  39. Amen O!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Thank you Jesus,charity

  41. Awesome God!God am next in line for ma twins IJN amen

  42. Amen oooooo!!! Fireeeeeeeeeeeee

  43. Oh sweet Jesus thank u

  44. Amennnnnnnnnnnn

  45. To you Lord be all the glory.....

  46. Thank God for safe delivery. We will never be ashamed in Jesus name Amen.

  47. God takes care of his own.And we are his....Congratulations to ur sister and family.

  48. Really He Can Not lie To You N Me

  49. All glory 2 God....i tap to dis testimony 4 my elder sis..looking 4 d fruit of d womb....praise d lord...amen!!!!

  50. Amen oh, baba God, our ever present help in times of trouble. He nor dey fail, he nor dey lie. CONGRATS my sister.
    It must still happen for me in dis year 2014 IJN

  51. ALMIGHTY GOD we say thank you for mother alive baby alive. Who can do this except you Jehovah the everyday faithfully God. We return all Glory to Baba God because it must surely happen for us 2014. Testimony all the way.

  52. He is always on time thank u Jesus for d mother and child

  53. I tap in2 d Blessings.Congrats Dear,God is faithful.

  54. Haleluya oooooo, thank You Jesus God of isreal, devil na back back we shall always be ahead in Jesus name, I tap o I shall bring forth like the hebrew women & mother & baby safe & alife. God bless u swagp

  55. It has happened, and is still happening 2014! Thank you Jesus for this amazing testimony.*Swag Jey*

  56. Its trhe Lords doing and we are marvelled at it. Glory to God.

  57. Thank You Lord!! What a wonderful testimony. To God be the glory. Congratulations to ur sis dear....I rejoice with you and I key into your testimony and blessing. It will still happen for me in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!!

  58. If God be for us who can stand against us? Bless d Lord oh my soul

  59. This is indeed God working... Swagp I don't know why I can't reach you ma on my bbm... I have deleted and added you more than 5times.... My bbm name is CHEMDA.... If you can get this ma please I need to speak to you. Thank you


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