Swap P help me to thank God o, my own mystery seed too has began to speak for me,two weeks ago my house got burnt ,when I got back from work I was in shock instantly I buzzed swag p and she busted out in laughter and said huh joy your house burn this is too funny, I even had to laugh because  I didn't understand why it was funny, but her laughter made me scatter laugher then she goes omg am so shocked kiee sorry, swag sistas instantly self I was no more bothered because I knew the laughter will bring joy. Everything got burnt and I have been sleeping inside the burnt apartment..swag sistas  yesterday  when i got to work a colleague of mine just gave me his phone to speak to someone, the man  came to our office on wednesday that's yesterday  saw me and he told my colleague he's led to speak to me .Now the shocking thing ,this guy  dropped me at home after close of work. This is the testimony oo, after the  fire outbreak in my house I  have been contacting friends and sending them my account number to please assist me in getting those things burnt back,depending on their promises  but up till now those that promised to do something has not done anything. On sunday I packed my bags all the way from Abeokuta to Lagos for the meeting and on my request was God send a helper to replace all my burnt items because the whole house was empty so I got there and  during the swag meeting swag p made mention of us not putting our hope on men,and we should stop, if we try it God turns He's back against us, we should repent and watch God send helpers we don't even know. Ha fast  i caught the word, begged for forgiveness from God and i now told God am putting my trust on you from now on send helpers your self and honor your servant swag p's who declared helpers we do not know will come .As soon as he dropped me,i looked back he was following me ,entered my house and saw what had happened and he said eeyah he's sorry o, dat infact am a man o to go through  all these and not looking depressed in my mind I said am a swag if it made swag p laugh then I should do the same , not quite long the  guy said he was going and hey will  see me later, I was still wondering who this guy is and why he said he was led to me in my mind,again the devil  said the guy don run go because  he don see responsibility, i quickly rebuked such thought and  i said GOD told us helpers we do not know. Swag Sistas, swag p sent a bc 'Dance' I keyed into it and  2hours later the unknown guy just called me if am home and i said yes, he said he was coming to my place and he walked in with 24inch samsung LED Tv and gave me the  receipt huh and said thats for you. Swag P i was amazed and like so this God de work. Am just so happy and grateful to God o, believing God will  do more for me. As I speak renovation has began, haba someone I don't ven know am still looking. I keep asking He said he was led to me and that's when I understood how God sends people to you to help you o. Kie if you depend on man nothing will ever be possible. It still happened for me 2014 and indeed I didn't live OGUN state to LAGOS in vain o ,with that feet was over night God is restoring all I lost by Himself haaaa am to happy. And all thanks to you too ma for opening my eyes to the light of d word, may God continue to use u ma. Really Phil 4:19 has happened for me am so glad swag p. I sent my mystery seed to repair my house and its has happened. Thank You Father, indeed my trouble night has Ended, God has done this for me and I say 'THANK YOU FATHER'


  1. Hey hey! Praise Jehovah God, thank God for you Swag sis. I claim my Swag helpers speedily. In Jesus Amen. Amen.

  2. Not at all, my God doesn't fail, neither is he late. I tap into this testimony and declare that it shall happen for me. Amen

  3. God be praised. Divine helpers from above ijn.i key into your testimony.

  4. it will still happen in 2014. oh praise God for my car

  5. Thank u father.... I tap from dis testimony o, God u are awesome! *dancing*

  6. Praise God. He will continue to send you helpers in Jesus name Amen. I am next to testify.

  7. Thank you LORD for this wonderful good news,and i know you would perfect it for her,by sending more helpers her way.

  8. Indeed our God is great..i tap into dis testimony...i must restore all that is lost in Jesus Name Amen.. it must still happen for me in 2014..

  9. I tap into dis blessing oooo our God is I bless ur name

  10. Blessed be the name of the Lord... They that trust in the ll not be put to shame

  11. Restore all I have lost Lord Jesus, Amen

  12. I key into this testimony! Praise God!

  13. Thank You Lord for this testimony. I key into this testimony for my trust is in you oh Lord. You are my helper Lord, your name be praised forever . Amen.

  14. God you are faithfull, You are just tOo much.I tap in to this testimony ohhh, God thank You for sending helpers that I know nothing about to change my story. Alleuia. Bunmi Jos

  15. Hallelujah...Thank You Jesus for this testimony, indeed You will Never Never share Your glory with any man. Father I believe I will testify in Jesus Name....Amen

  16. Praise God! God is awesome, I never see this kain God before ooo, woder wonder!!! Congrats sis, God will always bless His vessel. I key into this for total restoration in Jesus name, amen. Betty

  17. Indeed he is faithful .able to do great and mighty things to the glory of his name.thank you Jesus .My dear sister God will blow ur mind watch.congrats in advance.

  18. Tnk u Lord for restoration. I Honour n adore u Lord.

  19. To u lord be all the glory and adoration u are in deed faithful ur name be praised it will still happen in 2014

  20. Thank you Lord, miracle working God

  21. Jehovah sharp sharp. Thank you Jesus. I tap from your testimony my dear Swag SIs

  22. Praise God for your breakthrough! I too will testify on this blog...in Jesus name, Amen!

  23. God u're so wonderful! U work in a miraculous way, receive all glory. Swagsis. I key in2 d annointing.

  24. Thank You Jesus,Charity

  25. Oh my God all this testimonies are so awesome....lord Jesus remember and send me divine help cos it is my season to dance

  26. Thank You Jesus!!! Lord my eyes re on u

  27. Waohhhh, my God is awesome. It will still happen for me in Jesus Name. Thank you Lord for helpers shall locate me in Jesus Name. Taiwo

  28. Thank you Jesus for restoration, because I danced too am up for a miracle.

  29. Waohhhh, my God is awesome. It will still happen for me in Jesus Name. Thank you Lord for helpers shall locate me in Jesus Name. Taiwo

  30. Jahovah over do ohhhhhh

  31. My God is awesome. God have mercy on me and forgive for even thinking of depending on any man...You are God alone.

  32. Praise The Lord, his mercies endureth forever. God will continue to send helpers your way IJN. I tap into your testimony and I believe that God will perform wonders in our lives IJN. Amen

  33. Praise God. I receive helpers speedily.it will stilll happen for me in 2014.

  34. I thank God for this testimony and from saving you and others from the fire. To God be the glory. I key into this testimony for helpers I don't know to help me in 2014. Amen

  35. Thank u Jesus.....I connect to ur testimony I receive helpers 2day 4 everydebt I oowe

  36. I connect 2 dis testimony 4 my frnd gettn married on d 22nd nd has lost hope of help 2 complete preparation...it will happen 4 him in Jesus name.amen

  37. Thank you Jesus, it will still happen 2014

  38. Amen ooooo. FATHER from this moment i take my hope off men and rely solely on u. U have done it for me and i believe. Amen. Swag Sue

  39. I am happy 4 u ooo Congrat God will connect me to a new helpers and my mystery seed will speak 4 me Also in jesus Name Amen

  40. Thank you Jesus..........I shall be located by my helpers IJN, amen.

  41. God of provision. U are indeed God. Bless ur holy name

  42. Our God is an awesome God...i claim dis kinda help ijn...amen!!! Cos my help comes 4rm d lord who made heaven n earth...praise God...

  43. glory to God for all his mercy and gracec'may only hisname be praised

  44. I celebrate God in your life, your joy shall be permanent in Jesus name and I key into this testimony God shall send helpers I don't know to me in Jesus mighty name. Amen

  45. As LONG As YOU witnessed this testimony, I Bless you from my calling and decree and declare 'BEFORE THE NEED WILL ARISE... THE AVAILABILITY WILL BE PRESENT.

  46. As LONG As YOU witnessed this testimony, I Bless you from my calling and decree and declare 'BEFORE THE NEED WILL ARISE... THE AVAILABILITY WILL BE PRESENT.

  47. Amennnnnnn!!!!! Settled.......

  48. Amennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  49. Amen. .. Thank you God for this testimony..

  50. Ameeeeennnnn!!!

  51. Amennnnnnnnnnnnn i tap into it in Jesus Precious Name

  52. Ameeeeeen! !! Swag P, congrats Sis , thank God for you ,. He that has started restoration , shall perfect it IJN , Amen

  53. Divine helpers from God Himself... Thank You Lord... You never fail... Always there for us.

  54. I especially tap nd key into this divine testimony, Lord send my own helpers IJN nd Restore all. Thank you father!

  55. Awesome God I praise you, thank you for your faithfulness. I tap into this testimony for my helper to come in Jesus name Amen

  56. Hmmmmm to God alone b all d glory I key into dis testimony divine helper for me in d nxt 12 hours in jesus name Amennn

  57. He deserve the glory and the honour.His worthy to be praised.Indeed nothing is impossible when we call unto him and put our trust totally on him to help us instead of trusting men.I depend & trust him completely to send me my helper jst like he did for you .Congrats dear

  58. AMEN...... I receive it in JESUS NAME.

  59. Amen oh, God never fails, he is the father of all possibilities. I tap into this testimony IJN

  60. Amen,i tap in2 d blessings.

  61. Thank You Father for this testimony, God bless u swagp. O'God of restoration smile on me also Amen!

  62. I join in thanksgiving my sista, our God is faithful blessed be his name. Amen. Swag P may God continually increase you.

  63. This kind God oo I never see ur type oo!dis kind God oo Blessed be ur holy name.thank you Jesus. I key to ur testimony for God to send helpers to me urgently ijn(amen)swag Anne

  64. Wow!! What a Mighty God we serve!! Thank You JESUS!! Thank You Lord!!! I rejoice with you sister and I key into your testimony and blessing. It will still happen for me in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!!


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