This kind God ooooo, I never see your type oooo, this kind God oooo, Blessed be your Holy Name*music*\=D/..... Praiseeeeeeee The Lordddddd, Halleluyah.... Hmmmmm, God no dey give us counterfeit testimonies ... Na original testimony, original God.....Am Swag Osas Aka Mummy T(port).. How I wan start Õoooº°˚ ˚°º.. Well, make I start from somewhere, den I go land inside d testimony=D... D God of SwagP is indeed Alive. We serve a living God, I call him Talk-N-Do-God. Before we had swag meeting in PH, I had severe pains in d right side of my stomach(iguinal region). It was so severe that I went to see a surgeon. When I met the Doctor, he checked me and said that it was Appendicitis. Hmmm. Immediately I rejected it cos it hasn't Been long I did hernia surgery and now the surgeon said appendix. I refused the report and when I got home I pinged swagP telling her what am experiencing and she said I should partake in a 3days midnyt praise which for 1hr, swag sistas i was in so much pain as i spoke to swag p that she asked me to get a glass of water and add a pinch of salt in the water, declared into it and cursed every pain ,every appendix to melt and said to me drink it and declared 24hrs miracle.The next day, I had severe sharp pains on same side of the stomach, it was so unbearable and my husband was confused at that time oh the next thing I did , I just knelt down and said, "your Glory will u not share with any man neither your praise to graven image" and said you instructed your vessel to ask me to take the salt of water please God honor it haaa the next thing I heard was a twisting in my stomach that landed me in the toilet. My sistas, what I saw was blood on my pant omg thick heavy one ha i was to sure that wasn't menses o. it wasn't time for my menses to come instantly after the blood pain vanish... wow . After the midnyt praise i was happy it ended as she came to PH for the swag meeting which I attended because them no de miss this kine meeting even if you de labour room come born for the ground lol.. After we closed, I met her and told her I wanted the Shiloh sand so I can take for perfection, she said huh na for mother of nation,swagp asked again why i wan take am i said i dont want to undergo surgery for appendix ,if una see how swag shout sharap nor even tink am you don drink mystery of salt and e don melt and she said which side i showed her ,na so she grab the side kan laugh and she put some sand in my mouth and said lick am raw oya as i was doing that as i knelt infront of her she screamed"Appendix is gone oo and dead forever" I responded Amen in my life this was the funniest prayer encounter ever filled with jokes that you will laugh and forget the chanllenge that was exactly what happened to me as she shouted go go go next person because ya own don settle..'NO APPENDIX..NO OPERATION' . somedays later after swag meeting I started feeling crampy so again I went to a different hospital.When I went I called SwagP say i come do check up as blood don comot.swag p said  go and sleep forget  because no operation no appendix and she said before I see the Doctor I should read Psalm35 and after reading I should place that exact Bible page on my stomach again and declared 'no operation no appendix' which i did before i saw the doctor and she cursed every crampiness to stop using the name of JESUS. When I eventually saw the Doctor, she touched, pressed that part of the stomach I complained and she said she couldn't feel anything because where I touched  was the appendix region but yet the doctor said she feels nothing. in confusion to be sure She now asked me to go for the scan abdomen and pelvic scan(abdopel scan) again. I called swagP and told her what the Doctor said. swag p said kie ooo did i not tell you the issue don settle ,don pass..GOD don use mystery of the salt melt am as we don declare no operation no appendix..then she said well waste the money and  said Go do am make you sure well and come bak with the result wei go show negative because i must blogged this testimony,she said shea you drink the water,you deep leg inside water,chew shiloh sand,do midnyte praise, read bible and put am untop the pains ,i replied yes ma and she hiss say 'Appendix don dissapear since'and just cut phone hahaha i weak the way the phone cut after another hiss. well i entered and did the scan chaiiii swag sistas oh inshort the world oooo Lo And behold haaaaa the scan was done,They took their time to run the scan cos  i made sure they did it thoroughly and after the Scan,fireeeeeeee they say nothing was seen. Every parts of what was seen was normal omg i almost scream in shock i said wetin una talk them say nothing dey abnormal inside ya body we nor see anything chineke i just jump carry my bag like something de pusue me i couldnt wait for them to explain further o before them come form anoda name give me i waka fast collect the result run, i can imagine wetin those doctors go de tink as i de display . na so i take the result back to the Doctor wei been see appendix but I met another Doctor, who checked again and Said that am very okk he sees nothing too but i could see shock for him face from the previous report wei the doctor see appendix and the new one de say no appendix,na the shock make am check me with him own eyes chailllllll . See make i stop dance first oh again,i left the hospital a star kie. Swag sistas i swag Osas give God all the thanks wei de inside my belle,on my way i nor fit wait reach house, I call our Mama and said the testimony don show oo\=D/ i say mama'NO OPERATION NO APPENDIX'as you declare o ,i say the tin don waka dissapear go back to who send am and she screamed thats my GOD,and said shea i tell you since 90 kokoro say no appendix neva but its good as i go redo the check up to see another power of God wei go amaze me in less than a week wei i come swag meeting..she declared no more affliction and pain dies..make una join me sing halleluyah oh because as i send this testimony as swag p de road the come back to abuja from benue ,i nor de even feel headache talkless of side pain. its like dream to me all pains vanished via the salt mystery oh as d tin melt by e self and am living life like i neva went to see doctors .I mean since then... Am jumping, laughing,What I couldn't do for more than one week. Baba God, unshakeable God, to you all be the Praise be ascribe to your Holy Name i don de do am.swag ppppp  cheiii wetin dis baba God go use bless you oh hmmm make GOD use all HIM body take bless you because as i obey all instruction you give me , I am freeeeeeeee..swag p,when i think how you the fight devil for our joy to come, I de always imagine say what greater love oh as you gree go message wei God send you..mama you go live until old age see your great grand grand grand children in Jesus Name ...AMEN. Oya make una help me TUALE  for BABA GOD oh ..... To this Great God who never allowed me to undergo another surgery, who used the woman of God to minister to me, to him be praised forever and Ever,Amen...You alone I give all the GLORY AND THANKZ. uwese BABA uwese BABA ooo PRAISEEEEEE GODDDDDDDDDDDDDD. I AM INDEED SETTLED AS I WITNESS HOW MY MYSTERY


  1. Thank you our greatest doctor,faithful lord.

  2. Amen ooooo. Praised be God forever. Swag sue

  3. Amennnnn......thank u Jesus it must happen 4 me 2014 in Jesus name

  4. Halelluia congrats swag Osas it can only be the Hand work of God,indeed swag P is His vessel. It is also settled for me 2014 I connect its my turn. Bunmi Jod

  5. This is indeed God in action. Congrats swag osas.God's healing is permanent in your life. God will turn my prayers to Testimony. AMEN.

  6. Praise God for your testimony. No operation needed. He is our healer.

  7. Yes ooo! Dis kind God I never see your type o! Congratulations dear, it is settled for ever.

  8. To the Greatest Physician, I praise You,. Indeed, He honours His word through Swag P, blessed be your name O Lord. It shall still happen in Jesus name, Amen.

  9. God is Faithful,Congrats. God bless you Swag P.I believe and know God has done mine IJN

  10. Your testimony shall remain permanent in Jesus name.....swag p Tnks for being a vessel unto honour.

  11. yes ooooo that is the God we serve , to him be all the praises, i tap into this testimony for my self and all the swag sis that God will honor his wod in our lifes

  12. Thank you Father for this Testimony, Be thou exalted O Lord!!!

  13. To you Lord be all the Glory , I will praise you forever. Thank You Lord for Swag Osa's testimony. There is none like you Lord. I key into her testimony. Every affliction , everything not planted by you Oh God in my body is uprooted out now in Jesus name. Amen. God bless you Swag P.

  14. Baba God we bless your name, Swag Osas thank God for you. And you are right to say even if you wan born, come born for ground, that's how I feel about our grounds and meeting with the vessel. Miracle working God do my own too.

  15. Its still happening as SWAG P said.. I celebrate with you and your family. Morris

  16. Baba God is great.... There is no one like You oh Lord....it will still happen for me in 2014

  17. Tuale Baba God, you are indeed God, may ur name be praised forever

  18. Wow! Congrats dear.... He is an awesome God, indeed he is. Thank u Jesus!

  19. Tuale Baba God, you are indeed God, may ur name be praised forever

  20. God be praise this is indeed the hand work of God. I pray for excellent result for myself dis week

  21. Tank u Baba God 4 all u hve don.

  22. Thank you everlasting doctor my God wey dey Tlk n do,i adore u. It will still happpen for all of us in 2014 n i know it is settled for me despite all dissapoinment i still feel dis unimaginable peace in my life. Thank u Lord cos it can only be u.

  23. Baba it can only be you haaaaaa. You too much! I thank you for you dan do my own too! Praise be to your name.

  24. Tank u Lord he is always on time

  25. Waohh, this is indeed my God of miracles, can't thank him enough. Bless his name forever in Jesus name. I key into this testimony that evry dead thing in my body be uprooted in Jesus name. Congrats sis Osas for ur testimony is final. I love you Lord.

  26. Thank You Lord for this testimony.. Indescribable God!!!

  27. Thank God for this awesome testimony.. I thank you lord for always showing up for us. O God bless swag p, her oil will never dry up. Amen.

  28. May your name be praised ancient of days...

  29. Congrats Swag sista,D God of miracle is our God.

  30. God of miracle, I nid ur touch in my life. Thank u got did miracle

  31. I am so happy for you. indeed God is a miraculous Father! I tap into this blessing and I know mine is on the way. Amen

  32. Baba God we bless your name, Swag Osas thank God for you. And you are right to say even if you wan born, come born for ground, that's how I feel about our grounds and meeting with the vessel. Miracle working God do my own too.

  33. God is faithful.Thank you lord God almighty.Amen

  34. Thank God ooo. Congrats sis. I connect perfect healing for my mother in Jesus name.

  35. He is a great God....congrats ur healing is permanent

  36. Awesome God I give you all the glory, thank U Baba God

  37. Thank You Lord for this testimony. May our joy be complete. I will testify also IJN. Amen

  38. To God be the glory. I celebrate with you for your testimony. Praiseeeeee God!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. This man Jesus is more than every president is more than every scholar he neva went to skool bt he is a teacher by profession,he neva study medicine bt He is d greatest physician thank u Jesus I tap into dis testimony my marital destiny must cum tru IJN amennnn

  40. God of miracle na our baba papa ooooo God of miracle na our papa oooooo.Swag P God will continue to guide & keep you safe & sound,prosperous & healthy with more of his grace upon you in Jesus mighty Name.

  41. Chei!!! Jehovah over do.. congrats

  42. Amen o we bless the name of The Lord. Amen; this healing is permanent and no Egyptian disease shall come near us or out family and loved ones IJN. Amen.

  43. May God b magnified 4 ever....am so happy 4u swag osas...

  44. To God be the Glory great things he has done, I celebrate with u my dear it is gone forever

  45. To God be the Glory great things he has done, I celebrate with u my dear it is gone forever

  46. Hmmm! Jehovah Rapha that's his name, all glory to you Lord. Wonder working God. Thank God my dear for your perfected healing, Swag P oooooooo may you be wrapped with Gods blessings, may the Lord continually honor U.

  47. God's Name be Praised , I join you in the Tuale o ! Congrats my sister , sickness and affliction shall run very far from us In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!

  48. Jehovah d mighty healer...To u b all d glory. I connect 2 dis testimony 4 ma mum.

  49. The miracle working God I thank you. I tap and receive the anoiting of healing from this testimony in jesus name Amen

  50. Praise God!!!!! What a Mighty God we serve.....I rejoice with u sister and I key into your testimony oo. It will still happen for me 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!!! May Almighty God bless you big Swag P!!!!

  51. Am sooo happy for you Swag. . God is indeed faithful to his word. . Am next in line for a testimony. . It will still happen in 2014. .

  52. Praise master Jesus

  53. I celebrate with you. Thank you jesus

  54. Praise Master jesus Hallelujah

  55. Thank you FATHER for the healing.Dancing

  56. Thank you Father, Jehova our healer.

  57. Fireeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Glory to God!

  58. Ogene Doh!!!thank You Jesus

  59. MAGNIFICENT GOD! Affliction shall not rise a second time. Praise God for your testimony!!!

  60. MAGNIFICENT GOD! Affliction shall not rise a second time. Praise God for your testimony!!!


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