My name is Swag Queen (Abuja P.A) I want to thank God for my brother's life. Wow!! Where do I start from. I have an only brother and honestly he was causing us so much Headache from having result issues in his school, to following bad friends, smoking drinking etc. When I lost my dad things became worse. We kept on trusting God to make Him responsible and all. He refuse to work and kept on telling us that his school issues is affecting him. Infact we went through a lot and at some point I gave up on him. Opened up to swag p one day and she said he's a great man that I should watch, I was like what swag p,after all I told you and she said 'Watch God' One morning when I woke up I heard the holy spirit loud and clear for the first time in my life say "PRAY FOR YOUR BROTHER FOR A JOB" I obeyed and I prayed for him. 1 week later my brother got a job as a supervisor in a rice company in Niger state and I said wow am a swag everything has to happen. No result swags sistas but God that calls the unqualified and qualifies them, qualified him but even after this Job my brother just forgot about us, he wasn't helping with little things In the house but I kept praying because I knew it wasn't ordinary o. Few weeks later On the Ground SwagP said people with an Only Brother should come out which I did.I was so surprise because I had not told her about what's going on and we were about to say the grace and pulsed,  She told us to write their names in a piece of paper and pray at midnight that God is going to take our brother to another level, that God will make them prosper and God will make them remember their family . Ha I said God has seen my heart. That night I praised, cried and prayed to God. The next day I called him and prophesied in his life and he was so happy. Swag Sistas beginning of Nov I sowed a.
Seed and told God,let my brother show up like the prodigal son, that am a Swag and him too must be Swag (Saved With Amazing Grace)  . Cheiii Swag Sistas, My sister's Buffday was Nov 6th few days after I planted hmmm to our surprise he sent my sister a good amount of money on her buffday #fainted# . Ha!! Swagsistas my brother wey no even dey contribute for house oh, even if he has he would rather give his friends.....My mum was overjoyed that at least he remembered my sister as if that was not enough. The next day he called me and told me to tell him all the things we needed in the house which I did #fainted num 2 #. My brother that we haven't seen for months came back oh with foodstuffs etc and even gave us money on top,the food stuffs ehn you go eat am still middle of 2015 hahaha. He was talking about how God has saved him and lifted him up#fainted no3# huh huh omg . My brother wey no like Prayers joined us that night for prayers..and I heard the Holy Spirit say, my vessel told you,hes a great man and that's because I put it in her mouth to tell you, can you not see it now. Swag p said our brothers are the light kie In short my brother own na lightening light.  I want to
thank God because I know this is the start of something good in his life. My brother is Back and he came back Born again haaaaa.  Do you know what it is like to have a brother who doesn't care what is going on in the life of his sisters and mother? Swagsistas my brother who was lost has been found.
Please help me to Thank God *tears of joy* without result God gave him a great job as a manager self and today he's on a level that even masters result no go fit take am there. Swag p you always say it is not by result oooo that God has made every man great only if they can see it o. Thank You SwagP for your prayers may God continue to strengthen you. Amen. My brother buy things for us,God is good oh ,my seed answered more than I gave omg . Over night the pains of a mother has vanished. My brother is Saved With Amazing Grace. .Don't conclude on the destiny of a man oh with he's stubbornness of today, you will miss it because I don see am say you will miss it. Swag P! Indeed God honors your voice and I pray for you, celebration in your life forever. Ha God, this can just be You. Thank You for helping us bring peace back to the Home after years of torment wow. Oh it still happened for my family 2014. Thank You Father. Thank You Lord.


  1. Thank you Jesus for your great and mightt works upon this family and for bringing back that which was lost.......May your name be forever praised..........God bless and continue to strengthen u swag P.

  2. I rejoice with you swag Queen, indeed God is has & is still using His vessel SwagP. I connect to your testimony for peace in my family & that of a friend whose brother inlaw wants to destroy her marrage (Yvonne). Bunmi Jos

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ancient of days never fails...

  5. Our God is an awesome God!!!!!! Thank you Father!!

  6. Good is gud, may he continue to remember you and your family...your brother will never be blind to your need ever again...Amen

  7. So inspiring thanks for sharing. Thank you lord for coming through for us,charity

  8. Good is gud, may he continue to remember you and your family...your brother will never be blind to your need ever again...Amen

  9. I can only imagine. Thank God for his blessings in ur family. May his name be praised. Swag Sue

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Congrats happy 4 u it will still happen 4 me 2014.i connect to ur testimony nd I declear its my turn now

  12. Thank God! I also have an only brother, i connect to this for him

  13. God is too faithful...cheii...

  14. Amen. May your joy continue to overflow

  15. God is great and nothing is impossible with Him....

  16. Thank you God for your wonderful work.... We give u all the glory.

  17. Congratulation dear.God will forever be exulted and praised.

  18. Wow!!! It can only be the Lords doing happy for u dear....

  19. GOD be praised.Thank you LORD

  20. He is a great God, he never fail

  21. I rejoice with you Queen. I thank God for bringing your brother back home and for the good deeds he has done in the life of your brother. This is just the beginning of great things to come . God in heaven I give you all the glory for this testimony. Thank you Lord.

  22. Hallelujah! ThankGod for saving your brother. As he has done for you he will do for me in Jesus Name. May his name be exalted forever. AMEN

  23. We bless You Father. Your mercies are new every morning, sure everyday. I key into this testimony and pray for the salvation of my brothers and unsaved friends. Amen

  24. Chai this is God I tag into this Testimony 4 my brodas too in jesus name ooooo

  25. It can only be God

  26. God is so great..really happy for your family. I key into this for my elder brother...that he will also be restored to the family as the head in Jesus name. My brother is a great man too

  27. Awesome God u are Papa. Tank u Lord 4 it's my time to say tank u Lord.

  28. God is so faithful,may his name be praised forever

  29. Thank you Lord, for restoration.. All praise to you jesus.

  30. Whoop whoop whoop. . Dats God at work. . Thank God for restoration... Am next in line Ijn Amen. .

  31. Glory be to God ....

  32. Praise God!!!!!!!! (Pinky Egbuna)

  33. Thank God for mercies, . Congrats Sis, . It will still happen for us all this 2014 ,. Amen!

  34. Our God of Miracle,E is not sleeping in our case

  35. Am using it as a point of contact to my sister , it will still happen for her in Jesus Name. Thank you Jesus. Am so happy for you Sis. Taiwo

  36. Oh my God, great and amazing God with even more amazing works in his vessels life for us all. I claim restoration in my family and all. I am Next. Swag Queen so so happy for you.

  37. Thank you Jesus! Their must be a turn around in my brother's life too IJN

  38. Thank you Jesus! Their must be a turn around in my brother's life too IJN

  39. Thank you Jesus...Am so Happy for your family and your brother's life...indeed God is great...

  40. Praise be to God Almighty. i use dis as a point of contact for my only brother too that God will restore him n show him His salvation.

  41. Thank God for this speaks into mine for good. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. I see all that's lost coming back for good, in Jesus name, Amen.

  42. Thank you Jesus! There must be a turn around in my brother's life too IJN

  43. Thank you Jesus! There must be a turn around in my brother's life too IJN

  44. Thank God for this wonderful testimony. To God be all the Glory. Praiseeeeeeeee God

  45. I rejoice with u n use urs as a point of contact for my brothers.

  46. Father thank You for restoring her family. Continue to bless them and bless Swag P.

  47. It can only be GOD

  48. Thank you Jesus! Their must be a turn around in my brother's life too IJN

  49. Swag queen congrats to you, I have an only brother with exactly same story....swag p please join me in prayers for my brother as I tap into this testimony .

  50. Even the heart of a king is in God's hand. I key into this testimony, God change my husband, save him by your grace. Amen

  51. Faithful God I thank you, I rejoice with you swag Queen, I thank God for your brother, I tap into your testimony for my mother's first son in Jesus name Amen

  52. Praise God!!!! Am happy 4u,swag queen...God is awesome....i key into dis testimony 4 my elder bro n his family....thank u jesus!!!

  53. Praise Jesus I pray this testimony remains permanent in your lives. I tap into this and pray for my brothers too esp the last one for God's direction and for God to disassociate him from bad friends and mk him his vessel. Amen.

  54. Our God is gud ooooo I bless for family

  55. I Celebrate you lord, u are always wonderful receive all our praise, you that did hers will do mine amen.

  56. Ma God is too faithful 2 fail...... Thank u Lord.

  57. Thank you Jesus for salvation and restoration.

  58. I connect to this testimony concerning my brother and decree that may smoking, drinking and drugs begin to taste and smell like shit (poo). May he begin to feel disgusted in the company of bad friends. Amen.

  59. Father Almighty thank you for setting the captive free and liberated. Who is like you Jehovah. You are the God of restoration. We return all Glory to you Almighty. I tap into this testimony for my family because it must still happen for me 2014.

  60. Wow! Thank u lord may ur name b praised I tap into dis testimony God dat has done it for u will do it for me IJN

  61. God be praised!!! Thank you father for deliverance! May God make my brother be a man after His heart in Jesus name!

  62. God be praised!!! Thank you father for deliverance! May God make my brother be a man after His heart in Jesus name!

  63. Amen,Tank u Lord.

  64. Thank You Jesus thank You Jesus. Our brothers are the light, I celebrate with u dear ds is the begining of things to come. Amen! God bless u swagp

  65. God is Good. I tap this testimony for my younger brother, God will deliver him in Jesus name. Amen

  66. I join you in thanksgiving my sista, may his name alone be glorified.

  67. My FATHER has said as you have asked so would i do,so he has jus surprise Us.praise the LORD

  68. I can't really believe that i am with my Ex-Husband after when he broke up with me with 4 kids i thank Dr EDOSA of ( for helping me getting back my man back, My Name is Jazmin Perez i am from England and my man name is Mr Perez Cole, my happiness turn to bitterness,my joy turn to sorrow,my love turn to hate when my husband broke up with me last week,i was so frustrated and i could not know what next to do again, i was so unthinkable and i could not concentrate any more, i love my husband so much but he was cheating on me with another woman and this makes him broke up with me so that he can be able to get marry to the other lady and this lady i think cast a spell on my husband to make him hate me and my kids and this was so critical and uncalled-for,I cry all day and night for God to send me a helped to get back my man until i went to Westmoreland to see a friend and who was having the same problem with me but she latter got her Husband back and i asked her how she was able to get her husband back and she told me that their was a powerful spell caster in Africa name DR EDOSA that her help with love spell in getting back lost lover's back and i decided to contacted the same Dr EDOSA and he told me what is needed to be done for me to have my man back and i did it although i doubted it but i did it and the Dr told me that i will get the result after 24hours, and he told me that my husband was going to call me by 9pm in my time and i still doubted his word, to my surprise my husband really called me and told me that he miss me so much Oh My God i was so happy, and today i am happily with my man again and we are joyfully living together as one good family and i thank the powerful spell caster Dr EDOSA of (, he is so powerful and i decided to share my story on the internet that good spell casters still exist and Dr EDOSA is one of the good spell caster who i will always pray to live long to help his children in the time of trouble, if you are there and your lover is turning you down, or you have your husband moved to another woman, do not cry anymore contact the powerful spell caster Dr EDOSA on his email: ( and he will answer you, i am a living testimony and i will continue to testify of his goodness in my family,he turn my family to paradise and today we are all happy together Dr EDOSA i say thank you in one million times thanks Dr..

  69. Woww the lord is good all the time.i connect to ur testimony for God to also restore my kidbroda back to his senses.the lord dat did dis 4 u will do it 4my only broda too IJN amen if not 4 anything buh 4 my mum.swag Anne

  70. Woww the lord is good all the time.i connect to ur testimony for God to also restore my kidbroda back to his senses.the lord dat did dis 4 u will do it 4my only broda too IJN amen if not 4 anything buh 4 my mum.swag Anne

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Wow! To God be the glory. Thank You Lord!!! It will still happen for me in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen!!

  73. I connect with this testimony. It must happen for my brother 2014.

  74. As God does not call d qualified so will he call my brother as I tap into this testimony

  75. God is good!!! I tap Into this testimony..... Swag p please ping me... cHEMDA


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