......IN A TWINKLE OF AN EYE!!!!!!! JESUS *shocked*

Magnify the Lord with me!!!!!!!!!!!'
I give God all the glory for He is God all by himself. I am here to testify of his faithfulness. I am rounding up my masters at the University of Melbourne, to the glory of my God, Jehovah El Roi- the one who sees me. In 2009 I lost my father in a motor accident. I felt all my hope was gone but I remember a reassurance I felt after the burial that God will take care of me. He has indeed taken care of me and given me more than enough so I can take care of people. In 2013 I was planning to go for my masters degree in law to further my studies. I nervously applied to the University of Melbourne Law School, unsure of whether I will get in because World Law School ranking had just come out and it ranked 5th in the world. My God gave me admission without sweat (my friend who I applied with was rejected) despite my 2.2 undergraduate degree.
The issue of school fees then came, but I had received a word from God already that I will find favour in Australia. God used a person not related to me by blood to pay my FULL tuition and accommodation for the duration of my masters!!! I got the visa with ease and I am now rounding up my masters degree.
I noticed that previously when I apply for a job even though I am evidently qualified for the role sometimes over qualified ( no bragging intended), they just won't take me. I decided to take it into prayer. I stumbled across the status of my former school mother (SWAG Osas-Okpelenge, I bless the day I met you), and saw the swag sisters blog. I opened it and read testimonies of the work God has been using this ministry to do. I was in awe. Then i pinged her to tell me about it and I told her I want to be part of it. She didn't hesitate to give me the Pin of SWAG P, the day before yesterday (11th January 2015). I added her and she received me warmly and I told her briefly about my self. She asked when I will be returning and I said I am currently looking for a job. She replied YOU WILL GET A JOB, I received the prophecy with faith and screamed Amennnn. This was yesterday (12 January 2015).
Earlier same yesterday that swag p declared YOU WILL GET A JOB, hmmm swag sistas I had interviewed for a job with Australia for UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) I wasn't even qualified for it. They were looking for people with unrestricted working rights in Australia, mine is restricted. Not only is it restricted my visa expires in a few months. So technically if I was rejected for the job I would have understood. But purely because I serve a God that uses the foolish things of the world to establish the wise. The One that breaks protocol on behalf of His children.
I received a mail this evening (13th January 2015) that I got the job. swag sistas i just added swag p on the 11th,job that i have been looking for the delay was broken by the uttrances of Gods vessel mama swag am so amused oh haba declared 12th and today 13th i have a job haba this can only be GOD. Olorun to da awon, oke igbani. Eyin ni mofi ope mí fun!!!!! I have come to give him all the glory. This week is indeed the first of the weeks I will dance!!! Barrenness of any form has no place in my life! Career barrenness or otherwise. Join me to thank God. I am so glad to have joined this ministry. God is here, the world will hear of this ministry mama am so happy and may God enlarge your coast wow...this is what an unbeliever can call magic but its a MIRACLE..3days i became a swag i have gotten a UN job on a strange land..thank You Lord..it can ONLY BE GOD...I GIVE GOD ALONE ALL THE GLORY.
my name is Swag Onare.(Australiar)


  1. Father be glorified. this is indeed a shocking miracle. i attach myself to this one oooo. I will be next in Jesus name. congrats dear and welcome to the fold.

  2. To You Lord be all the Glory!!!!! I connect to this in Jesus name!! Congrats

    1. I know. I will soon share my testimony!

  3. JESUS is Lord forever and ever!!! I am so happy for u. Your joy will know no bound in Jesus name. I key into this testimony, there shall be no barreness of any kind in my life any more in Jesus name, Amen.

  4. May his name be praised. God never fails. Congrats swag sis

  5. Chai!! This kain God oh, I never see your type. Blessed be your Holy name Lord. Thank God for your testimony and congrats on your job. I key into your testimony . God will supply my needs and bless me with a Job. How He will do it I don't know but I know how Great and Mighty my God is. And I will dance and testify of my new job on this blog in Jesus name. Amen!!!

  6. Praise the lord! Awesome is his name.it is settled.congrats swag sis.

  7. What a wonderful God! Congrats dear

  8. This is what I call Power of Grace, Indeed we are Saved With Amazing Grace. I celebrate with you. CONGRATS. I am proud to be part of this ministry of signs and wonders.

  9. God of strange acts i worship u. . Thank you God for this testimony. . Am next in line for a miracle tooo Iijn Amen. .Am Iin awe of u Lord. . Shocker testimony. .

  10. All Glory and Honour to urn Holy Name Lord. Tnks you Jesus!!!!!!

  11. Hallelujah!!! Thank you lord!!! I tap into this testimony. Mine is next amen.

  12. All glory be ascribed on to you. I key into this testimony. Proudly SWAG

  13. Thank u God. It is really a shocking miracle. Am next in Jesus name.

  14. Father, be glorified. I key into this. I will get that call for the role I'm unqualified for IJN. Amen

  15. It can only be God, thank you Lord for this testimony.

  16. Talkinado God...as God talk am na so e go be. Gbam...Our God is Awesome.

  17. Ekpemiii, i'm so happy for you. Glad to know you are a SWAG Too. I over key into this your testimony, I have a job that that favours me beyond human intellect, in Jesus name, Amen! God be praised.

  18. Hmmmm! Just 3 days? Baba God u amaze me o. Congrats swag sis. God abeg I dey wait for my own. I need to Blog my Testimony. I want make people know say u no dey fail.

  19. Baba u re too much, to you be all d Glory. Our God dat qualifies d unqualified. Jehova Super do, Agbunure God. Thank you baba.

  20. May his name be praise. I connect to this testimony in jesus name

  21. D God of swag p is instantaneous..... Lord we luv u n yet tnk u 4 anoda testimony

  22. OMG!!! I tap into this anointing..congrats dear

  23. Indeed a thousand years in our eyes is just a day in God's eyes! My own testimony will shock others the way dis one shock me, Amen!! Congrats SwagSista!! More anointing to you Swag P!!

  24. Congratulations Swag Onare, strange land, same God yesterday today and forever, he qualifies the called, not calls the qualified. Father we praise your name. I key in for speedy testimonies.

  25. Wow father I give you all the glory. And I key into this testimony. It will happen for me too. Amen. Swag ify

  26. Waiting this is truly God at work ,bless his name forever. Am so happy for you sister. Continue to shine . Am next to be announced in Jesus name.

  27. God of miracles.... Na my papa oooo

  28. Hmmmm! Just 3 days? Baba God u amaze me o. Congrats swag sis. God abeg I dey wait for my own. I need to Blog my Testimony. I want make people know say u no dey fail.

  29. swag Osas a.ka.a Okpelenge13 January 2015 at 16:55

    Hallelujah my pickin don enter blog! May the lord's name be praised, I tap into this and receive that job which I am neither intellectually or otherwise qualified in Jesus name! Amen! Iyannu must shelle concerning my life in Jesus name! Amen!

  30. Awesome baba God..May thou reign forever and ever. I key into this blessing in Jesus name. swagp mama may you continue to revieve God's divine favours and blessings all the days of your life in Jesus name amen

  31. WOW!!! This can only be God.... He broke protocols for you Swag, and I believe in the same God! I key into this, I will dance and celebrate of His goodness in the land of the living... Congratulations Swag Onare

  32. Impossibility specailst,protocol breaker,it can only be u Oh Lord. This testimony made me cry. Thank U Lord for blessing one of our own in a stange land.I dive into this testimony beliving may own job is settled. Am nxt on line to hit d blog. Amen.

  33. Our God has done ur agaiiiiiiiiiin chooiii. May his name be praised. More grace anointing favour love provision protection for swag p. The uncontrollable moment of dancing is here. Thanking God for u dear.

  34. Congratulations dear. Our God is a faithful God. I connect to dis testimony claiming I n my sisters beta job to cum into manifestation IJN.

  35. Wow! I'm amazed!!! Thank You Lord

  36. Congrate swag sis... God of no delay, God of sharp sharp, God of talk na do.... God of now... I key into this testimony.... I know I must testify on dis blog.... No devil can stop it... Tnk u Lord for doing it for ur children

  37. May His name be forever praised our year of uncontrollable dance has began for us swag sistas congrats I connect to your testimony of favour and Jehova jump protocolo will do it for me IJN, may God contiune to Honour you Swag P.

  38. Father to u ooo b all d glory to U ooo b all d honour forevermore thank u Jesus I key into dis testimony

  39. Glorious and Mighty things are happening in our midst....Glory to God! God bless Swag P. I key into this testimony _ it's settled for me in Jesus Name..Amen!-Swag

  40. Praise our living God! Wow!! Congrats!

  41. Heavenly Father, you are just so so good,Thank you for doing it for us again.I will testify in Jesus Mighty Name.

  42. Jahovah .....over do I tap into this ohhhh thank u jesus.

  43. Indeed this is your year of uncontrollable dancing, I key into dis testimony that every job i apply for,be dat I qualify or not, God may u pick the best for me in JESUS NAME

  44. To GOD be allll the glory. Happy for.u sis.

  45. Praise The Lord, he is good and worthy to be praised. I rejoice with you and I'm believing God for a 24hour miracle concerning my daughter IJN. Amen.

  46. God is indeed great! Congratulations!!! I Pray your testimonies never seize. I am also doing my Masters, but lately things haven't been going according to plan to the point of which I have been considering to put it aside due to financial constraints. But right now I key into your testimony that every barrenness causing a hold in my life is no more!!! I am still waiting for the day my testimony will be featured on the blog, and I know it will be great. I am very positive that God will meet me at every point of my need. God bless Swag P!!

  47. Thank You lord. Congrats dear

  48. Congrats sis,ur miracle is permanent in Jesus name

  49. He is God. He has done it again Kabiosi ooooo. Lord receive all the glory. Congrats girl.

  50. This. Can only be God. God bless u swag P. I will blog my testimony soon IJN. Congrats sis. Ur testimony has made u an overcomer

  51. Hes the GOD,That open a door that no man can close,and close a door that no man can close.thank you HEAVENLY FATHER.

  52. Thank you Jesus for this.. I key into this. As from today no barreness in any form in my life.. my testimony is next.

  53. Glorious God Beautiful King Excellent God I Bow b4 ur throne to u be all d glory in jesus Name I tag from dis testimony in Jesus Name Amen

  54. Glorious God Beautiful King Excellent God I Bow b4 ur throne to u be all d glory in jesus Name I tag from dis testimony in Jesus Name Amen

  55. Indeed you are faithful my God, thank you Baba God. Congrats sis. I key and connect to this miracle job in Jesus name Amen

  56. Jehovah overdo and speed has done it. I key and connect for speedy answers to my praise in Jesus name. Your testimony is permanent. Congratulations

  57. Jehovah overdo and speed has done it. I key and connect for speedy answers to my praise in Jesus name. Your testimony is permanent. Congratulations

  58. Na real God that breaks protocol... This is awesome news. We bless God for this amazing testimony. I tap into this testimony I believe I recieve my job too in Jesus name amen.

  59. Congrats my dear. I key into this testimony for my sister. She will get a job in Jesus name! A good job.

  60. Glory to Jesus! Congrats dear! God,s vessel utterances should be taken seriously. Thank God for u dear. More of God blessings to come for all swags

  61. Wow wow wow wowo wow awesome God!!!!Am happy sis nd I key into ur testimony,Amen

  62. Wow, this can only be God... Thank you Lord!!!!!!!!!!! congrats sis and he will perfect every other things IJN. I key into this testimony

  63. Jesus, OH Lord be glorified. By this I know like the widow of zarephath I say Swag P of a truth the Lord honours the words of your mouth. May God's glory forever be revealed in your life. In Jesus name Amen.

  64. Indeed nothing is too difficult for you oh lord.

  65. Father to you oh be all the glory, indeed there is nothing that is difficult for our God, swag p God bless you for us oooo

  66. God is to be praised! Testimonies like this makes me to be sure that God is sure a caring father

  67. Wow!!!kai!! This kain God oh! I never see your type oh! This kain God oh, blessed be your holy name! My Jehova over do! As i tap into this testimony, let all dead bones in my life arise and all yoke be broken!! As you have qualified the unqulified,so shall it be for me as a Swag Sista. AMEN!!! I love you mu SWAG pastor with a very Sharp sword. Chaiii!!! This testimony swept me off my feet.

  68. God is so good.. even when she was not qualified He broke rules for her sake.. my God given me a testimony that am not qualified for i want to blog my own testimony. amen

  69. God is ever faithful.

  70. God's Name be praised o ! Congrats Dear sis,. I key into this testimony with all of my being , Father !!! I am SWAG o ! Come and qualify me for things people will ordinarily think me unqualified for , AMEN!!!

  71. Indeed God is wonderful..it can b delayed but can never be denied..i tap into this testimony..it is well for me and my Family in Jesus name..Amen..

  72. Ma God dat fetches water wit a basket 2 disgrace d bucket b thou Exalted. I connect 2 dis testimony break rules 4 ma sake dis 2015 in Jesus Name.

  73. Amen ooooooooooooo protocols will be broken for my sake ooo. Dis 2015 is my year ooooooooooooo

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. The God of speedy miracles....I call upon You today


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