Good Morning my Swagalious P,God will increase u on every side o,Where u dey all this while?If to say I know u since God for don settle me tei tei!i don forget to say my name self kie. My name na Swag Efomo(Benin).  I wrote an application to uniben for a job since last year august,nothing was happening,I just decided to forget it bcos I was tired of expecting d job. Den august dis year,I got home one day wen my sister told me dat somebody came to drop d application dat I wrote since last year,that I should change the date on d letter to august dis year,I was so reluctant about it and did not want even want to do anything about it,my mum kept disturbing me to reapply,I eventually did it,I did not even put my mind on it. One day my Boss in d office insulted me like a small child,I cried for hours,I started reading testimonies on d blog and keyed into them (when you feel down instead of sharing your issue with friends just open the blog with your sober heart and read testimonies and thank God for them even though you have read them all,begin to read again)  that's what I did that faithful day ,especially the one dat you asked everybody to come to to the prayer ground with their Job materials dat God was going to release Jobs,dat day I cried and said that even if I was not in Abuja,I just said with faith,dat as long as I am a swag,I will not be left out, I wear my own de connect. I just thanked God said I claim all the prayers. The day my Boss insulted me,I was so moody,even my mum was afraid to look at my eyes,everybody stayed clear and was wondering wat the matter was. Then I remembered you my darling Swag p ,but I said to myself that I don't know how to start the talk with you bcos I did not know how u will react,,den I summoned courage and decided to talk to you and you told me, you cried today for work wei them no de pay you but I decree and declare for your tears I shall see Glory. Swag p told me clean your eyes but mark my words today, your days are numbered in that office, that your boss, he's children go beg you for job and even him go need your help, you told me until I am abused and mocked change no go happen so I Bera dance say my boss make me cry because the change has come .swag sistas after swag p talked to me, my happiness was even more than when my boss abuse me oh, I felt nothing even happened,i was so happy like Jesus this woman of God, go encourage sote you will forget your sorrow and that was what happened to me. Swag p  If you remember,dat was d day I told u I was tired of life,(Sept 22nd to be precise) then I told u that in as much as I would want to get married,dat I need a job desperately,u just said I will get a Job,in my mind,I was like how will I get it? Den u said I should praise God. I just started praising God from dat day,every minute I will praise God,even our secretary in d office was forced to ask me on tuesday last week,dat she noticed my mood swings were over,I just said my Swag Pastor said I should praise God always and stop being sad. Then swag p I was in my office on 2nd of October ,just as I read the morning testimony of Job I started dancing o, see staffs de look me I didn't care, I was so happy for the testifier when I received a call that should go and collect my appointment letter from the registrar's office in uniben. I thot I was dreaming. Because  I have never been given an appointment letter in my life before ,when I got there I was dumbfounded,I could not even jump,I just kept saying,thank u Jesus and shouting Cheiii cheii so loud that I attracted people hahaha I was screaming I be swag, God talk am ooo, He talk telling you if the person that typed the letter saw me,he fit run go tell them say the person for that letter hmmm she's manifesting in a strange way oh because I was just displaying in happiness for what Jesus has Done . I have always wanted a Federal Job,and now I have gotten it,I have started my medical test. U know when Sir Donald brought me to Randeki Gold to see you a day before the programme in June , you asked me my age and I told you and you scream wow you so young and that God was in my case, I replied young and you said yes off course you didn't speak french. You asked what I wanted I said Govt job and my application was in uni Ben but I never hear from them since last year august. you washed my feet and said I will testify before you come to benin in October and asked me to come for the meeting I said I was going to work you say how much dem de pay me, when I told you, you say this kine job if you are sacked, you no suppose cry and said you Bera forget going and come sit in the hall, I laughed out my life through out that night and the next morning I dressed to go to work and found myself in the hall because that kind job truly you won't vess if you loose am so I choose to be in that hall for my story to change and to drop my mystery seed ,Swagp you said before the next meeting that govt job I desire the letter go de my hand. I kept telling God that I want my testimony to be on d blog before Swag P comes again o,cos I have been reading people's own,I also want my own to be dere too, and to God be be glory he has done it since 2009 I have been searching for Job and today my first appointment letter ever after 6years of waiting. Am a victim of IT STILL HAPPENED FOR ME 2014.  Swag P, I will not leave u again o,God has sent you to me.I will tie my cloth to your own o. I don see light and na so I go dey follow u dey go as God vessel. Thanks so much for your prophetic declarations,they have really helped me and a lot of Swag sistas. God bless the man wei live him family past 10pm  come meet Swag p. When I even saw Swag p I was wondering oh say I tink say na old person oh na young girl with long Brazilian hair with swag, I was just looking and she said my name is SWAG P in my mind I said huh . Swag p had to ask excuse me why are you looking at me with surprise, oh okay you tot you will see me with thread hahaha,na wetin una de like and una go deceive una self, and she said am a pastor with Swag (saved with amazing grace) and Holy spirit like me like dis so talk your issue and stop starring into my eyes, I busted out
laugh.  Kie May the Lord continue to strengthen and establish u. I am looking forward to more testimonies and looking forward to hug you when you come. God na my baba, satan shame unto U. Were friends neva carry me go for story to change nothing change until I become SWAG. All to the Glory of God and shame to the devil, my GOD has done what no man can ever do. Thank You OGENE.


  1. Amen Amen Amen. Thank You Lord for this testimony. I shall testify before Nov 2nd IJN. Amen. I key into this testimony

  2. Thank God for your testimony Swag Efomo. Thank God for the new job and I key into your testimony , God in heaven will open the door of a new job for me , as I have celebrated with you, same way I will be celebrated on this blog in Jesus name. Amen . Swag Shirley

  3. Amen oooooooooooooh.Amen!!!!

  4. God of strange acts na my papa ooo... Congratulations my dear Swag. . Am coming up next. .

  5. Praise God, my testimony is on the way. Amen

  6. Thank God for your Miracle (Pinky Egbuna)

  7. God be praised foreva.he is an awesome God.congrats dear.i am next oooooooooohAmen!!!!

  8. Hahahaha. This testimony swt me die! Jesus oooo...... Chei! Unless I no be swag, I must to celebrate for this very blog, make una dey watch out for me. It has alredy happened in Jesus Name. I ask for Twins and I knw it is "done" (swag P's language) Amen!

  9. U r worthy Lord, u r worthy Lord Elshadai. I worship u Lord for this testimony. Daddy am waitin to testify on dis blog too. I know it wil stil happen for me in 2014.

  10. Wow!!! This ur testimony really put me in a joyous mood now! Congratulations dear and na so so laughter go fill ur mouth from now in Jesus name! I rejoice with u well well, in fact, I follow u dey dance self. God is ever faithful and gracious. I key into your testimony and blessing, it will still happen for me in 2014, in Jesus name, Amen! Thank You JESUS.

  11. U r worthy Lord, u r worthy Lord Elshadai. I worship u Lord for this testimony. Daddy am waitin to testify on dis blog too. I know it wil stil happen for me in 2014.

  12. Indeed, God is a Living God and He has chosen an exceptional vessel (swag p) to bless and encourage us. I celebrate with you my sister and I tap into your testimony. God of Swag will surely open miraculous doors for every Swag sister in JESUS NAME, AMEN!!! Congratulations dear.

  13. Amen ooooo I tag to dis connection of miracle God is Good

  14. I rejoice with you and I pray that the Lord will continue his good work in your life

  15. Congratulations Swag Efoma. Our God who is an extraordinary God will also meet me at my point of need! I have also bin searching for a Job for almost 8y,,ears now. I also tap into dis grace and testimony dat my miracle job locate me in the Name of Jesus! Amen.

  16. Happy 4 u my Swag sista. Am a Swag x3. Hahahaha it will still happen 4 me dis year 2014. Amen

  17. Congratulations my swag sister. I rejoice with you for that open door. He said for your shame he will give you double and He makes all things beautiful in His time. I join you to return all the Glory to Baba God because there is no one like Jehovah the miracle working God. This is your beginning of testimonies and it will never end. I equally tap to this testimony for open doors. I am indeed happy to be a swag because it will still happen for me 2014. Praise Praise Jehovah

  18. Hahahahahahha, I love this testimony oooo..... God is ever faithful. Even as idey middle of sea, I'm tapping all my blessings, smiling and rejoicing with you ooo swag Efomo. Congrats.

  19. This testimony sweet me well I key in for my job too ooo. Thank u baba God

  20. Congratulations!! Thank God for the new job, I pray also the lord bless me with a job in Jesus name Amen.

  21. Congratulations!! Thank God for the new job, I pray also the lord bless me with a job in Jesus name Amen.

  22. Faithful are you Lord! Dis testimony sure can only be God honoring the words. Of His servant o! I tap into this order of instant settlement from God

  23. Such an inspiring testimony...our God is indeed faithful

  24. Such an inspiring testimony...our God is indeed faithful

  25. Praising the Lord always praising the Lord with all my heart always. Congrats dear may joy never depart from you, will testify more.i key into your testimony

  26. Praising the Lord always praising the Lord with all my heart always. Congrats dear may joy never depart from you, will testify more.i key into your testimony

  27. We bless God for your testimony. All the swag sistas seeking employment we tap into this testimony.

  28. Thank you Jesus. U are worthy to be praise holy holy to ur Name, iam next to testify IJN

  29. Me and my unborn children will worship ur holy name forever thank you my way maker ur worthy

  30. Congratulations dear so so happy 4 u. May d God that gives jobs to swag sistas also ans me with a Job in jesus name Amen.

  31. It will happen for me before d end of 2014. Praise God

  32. Congratulation. I tap into your testimony for my shift to happen in 2014. Amen

  33. May d Lord preserve your joy and also do mine in His perfect will,Amen!

  34. Praise the Lord!!! Father in heaven, change my story and give me a testimony in 2014. My turn on this blog must come soonest this Oct in Jesus name.

  35. Praise the Lord!!! Father in heaven, change my story and give me a testimony in 2014. My turn on this blog must come soonest this Oct in Jesus name.

  36. Agbunure God. Jehovah overdo. You will be praised forever. I don key into this one again oh. Chai!

  37. Onyinye, Canada.).. hmm to say I love this your testimony is an understatement.. I over love it.. the God of the Swags is not a time waster!! he's a sharp sharp God ooooooo. I tap into it, my nine months of joblessness must bless me with a job they say is not for international students in this country oooo. Choiii.. Thank you God ooooooo

  38. Kia this kin God I never see ur type, u too much baba God uwese.

  39. Kia this kin God I never see ur type, u too much baba God uwese.

  40. Am happy for u, my God of it will still happen my own dey road like sharp sharp

  41. When I read this testimony I noticed that this God we serve doesn't miss out on any prayer point you have ever prayed. Now the mistake we do is trying to figure out why prayers has not been answered and this leads to depression and Fear. The moment she began to dance and praise God showed up. Learn from what they did apply and see God do it for You. But guess what God is saying to you all, WATCH ME ANSWER YOU IN 2014.

    1. Yes oh, God will answer me in 2014 in Jesus Mighty name. Amen. Shirley

    2. Yes ohhhhh he will answer for me IJN.AMEN

    3. Amen oo...... Am waiting on you Lord

  42. That is God Working. I will share in your testimony in Jesus Name. AMEN

  43. I tap into dis blessing oooo my God it wil til happen for in 2014 , congrats my sista.

  44. Wow. I rejoice with u. Lord I need to put my testimony on dis blog ooooooo. My head no dey forbid good thingssss

  45. I celebrate. With this swagsister and I know. God will surly make mine happen this 2014 all praise and glory be unto his holy name

  46. Our God 1000 much...............................baba tank u so much 4 all u hve don 4 us.

  47. May this testimony bring changes to me and my household IJN. ... Morris

  48. Yea o God will answer me in 2014 ooooooo

  49. Jehovah over do hmmmmm I tap into dis testimony I will testify on dis blog my marriage is done d lord dat did it for u will do mine thank u jesus I rejoice wit my dear swag sista

  50. Wowww... Congrats dear, I rejoice with you. God is too much for us all. He that has done this for efomo, will surely do for me.

  51. Tank You Jehovah overdo, I rejoice with u, receive all glory Baba as i await my own testimonies Amen! God bless u swagp

  52. Congrats girl! He cannot lie to you! Thank you Jesus May you do more for SWAG Sista that your name will continue to be praised. Aaaamen!

  53. Amen oo!!! I celebrate with u swag sista, . God's Name be Praised. . I key into your testimony, . It is well

  54. Congratulations God is good. Miracle working God. Praise be to your holy name.

  55. Amen Lord God! Thank u 4 all dis wondafl testimonies and ur mighty wondrous hand.

  56. Amen Lord God! Thank u 4 all dis wondafl testimonies and ur mighty wondrous hand.

  57. Baba I praise ur Name..It can only b u Awesome God. @ swag p Amen ooooo

  58. congratulations sis. God be praised. God dat gave u a job after years of searching also answer me in Jesus name. I connect to this testimony in dancing

  59. Praise beo to our God in Heaven

  60. Praise God. Wonderful testimony. My family & I too shall be victims of 'IT SHALL STILL HAPPEN IN 2014!

  61. Amen oooooooooo. God knows how to give u miracles that will even shock u urself. kie,.i have been der severally and i know how awesome it feels.

  62. Thank you Jesus!U re Worthy of all our praise!

  63. Thank you lord Jesus for that nice testimony, may you name forever be praised Amen. Congrats sis


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